I have a very vivid memory from my childhood about cooking this fudge. I don't know how young I was at the time, although I was short enough that I had to stand on a kitchen chair in order to use the stove, so clearly I was still a Little Guy. Anyway, I'm standing there on a chair in the kitchen, stirring a saucepan of fudge, while watching the wonderful world of Disney on the kitchen TV, which was on a high shelf in the corner. The lights are off, and the room is lit only by the TV, and the blue flame of the stove under the fudge. The show is a cartoon about life on other planets.
Whenever I cook this fudge, the smell of it always takes me
back to that moment.
I have many other fond memories associated with this fudge. It's the family favorite fudge. My brother Rash cooked it before me and we both got the recipe from our mom. There have been phases in my life in which I'd cook a batch of this fudge every week or so, and eat it all over the course of a day or two. Ah, for the metabolism of youth!
This is the recipe used by the Imperial Chocolate company to make their famous "Units" chocolate fudge candy bars.
Stuff you need:
Combine sugar, chocolate, milk, salt and butter and bring to a boil. Boil hard for 4 minutes after it comes to a boil. Start counting as soon as the whole surface of the fudge is boiling furiously. Beat all the time. Remove from fire, add vanilla and continue beating until smooth and heavy. Pour into buttered pan to cool.
Wow, the actual recipe (which I copied out of my mom's recipe box decades ago) is really short! Here are some extra bits of advice, drawn from my 25+ years in the amateur fudge-making business:
See also