Display your musical nature with one of these earthy, magical stands! Made from recycled trimmed or storm-downed tree branches, Merlin's Music Stands are a natural wood art that is also sturdy enough to hold your music, instruments, or even framed pictures and other interior decorations. Each piece is signed and numbered, and is a one-of-a-kind discovery from the natural contours of a found hard wood. Styles range from the practical (these are the same music stands seen at the Maryland Renaissance Festival and the Washington Christmas Revels) to the fanciful. You can use these stands outdoors, or keep them on permanent display in your living room with your instruments and favorite sheet music.
The table below shows the stands I have currently for sale and their prices. If you are interested in buying a particular stand, or making an appointment to see them in person, there is an e-mail link below each picture which should launch an e-mail window from your web browser prepared with my e-mail address and the particular stand indicated in the subject line. If that doesn't work, please e-mail me at: number12@wunderland.com, or send me a letter at:
9130 Bryant Avenue Laurel, Maryland, 20723
Sales are currently made only at shows or person-to-person, this avoids having to pay shipping and makes it possible for you to be sure you like what you are buying. Each stand is signed and numbered. Many are fixed height, not adjustable, although it may be possible to cut some to a shorter length on request.
I can also make a custom stand to your specifications, for a price starting at $60. This commissioned work is frequently requested by folks who will be using the stands for performance and require a particular stand height, want a particular wood, or have a particular design idea.
NewsHi all! After a long adjustment to my new address in Laurel, Md, I am finally making music stands again. I have several available at this time, see the pictures and prices below! The music stands come in two flavors, "regular" and "pro". The "pro" stands have extra hardware which allow them to be disassembled and reassembled for easy transport, but cost a little more to cover the extra hardware and design. The pictures below show how it works:
Previously sold stands can be retrofitted with this feature on request.