December 20, 2007 |

Another bittersweet last-day-of-class party. Except
for the creepy guy at the far left there, hiding
behind Fernando, a really great group -- I will miss
them. Home countries represented here (excluding
me) are Thailand, Mexico x3, Indonesia, Bangladesh,
Russia, Peru, Spain, Japan x7, Korea x4, and
China x4.
- Just finished The Way of the Traitor, the
third of the Inspector Sano mysteries by
LJ Rowland...searching
on both her and James Melville led me to
East authors; worth a read if you're into
such things. (James Melville's
series is better, IMO -- Laura Joh
gets a little over-the-top at times, and there's never
any laughs. Both very interesting tho, to be sure.)
December 13, 2007 |
- In the news,
Koreans clone cats that glow in the dark. Actually,
not --like the
these new genetically-modified felines
under ultraviolet light. So unlike the hands of your
watch, or fireflies, they're not phosphorescent or
luminescent -- instead, a black light is required.
Without this special light, no glow.
- NASA's
satellites have discovered the energy source of the Northern
Lights, gigantic
ropes linking the Earth's atmosphere to
the Sun, which channel solar energy into the spectacular
illuminations. Plus, at DamnInteresting, the
Sound of
the Aurora.
- Journey
into Night, Business-class Emotions -- David Sedaris in
the New Yorker on grief and humor -- excellent!
(except for that superfluous, jarring "there's" in
the second line, which I'm hoping's just a typo, so
especially rare in that magazine).
December 10, 2007 |
When I was in Jr.High school my older brother was trying to effect a new
placeholder name, "Joe Face". A student asked me about these so naturally
I turned to the internets and maybe you're wondering what name they use
for Joe Blow, in other languages? You'll find an exhaustive listing under
Doe in the Wikipedia. No Face but look, under
Malta: Joe Borg! And how about New Zealand,
where Joe Bloggs?
December 6, 2007 |
I clicked "Ok" today, finally completing negotiations on
my RTW tickets, $3325. Am I quite mad? Committed now to
spending weeks in India, during the monsoon next
July. Also, over a week in Turkey, as well as in Japan (finally,
getting there the long way) ending in early August in time for the
November 27, 2007 |
Ho ho ho! The season has begun -- this we know since
the Muzak at the gym and in the stores began Christmas
Caroling promptly, the day after Thanksgiving. Not the
sappy, traditional tunes -- they come later, closer to
the day. No, the initial holiday music barrage is the
most obnoxious, contemporary treatments of the old favorites,
or (more commonly) new songs with holiday lyrics. Are
you feeling joyful?
November 22, 2007 |
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 18, 2007 |
The American absinthe prohibition has been lifted, after nearly a century:
...and check la
Fée Verte's Absinthe House for more
about the drink.
November 13, 2007 |
- Too Much Coffee Man on YouTube -- his (very
brief) animated
for Converse shoes.
- Also, a
of your humble narrator at the MeFi
meetup Sunday night, snapped by the skilled
photographer everybody loves 'cause everyone
looks great in his pictures, even in (or because
of) the dim illumination of the trendy bars where
these events invariably take place.
November 12, 2007 |
Heard Paul Krugman on the radio the other night giving a
at the Commonwealth Club which reminded me how the
NY Times seems to have abandoned their
policy of keeping his columns behind their paid firewall,
so you'll be seeing links to his commentary here once again.
For example, from the recent
Fear Itself --
There isn't actually any such thing as Islamofascism - it's
not an ideology; it's a figment of the neocon imagination.
The term came into vogue only because it was a way for
Iraq hawks to gloss over the awkward transition from
pursuing Osama bin Laden, who attacked America, to
Saddam Hussein, who didn't.
November 8, 2007 |
- I moved to California twenty years ago, and at the
time, this was big. Now that everything's available,
you too can enjoy the late-80s fun of Concrete Blonde's
in Hollywood video (which I think I first saw as
filler on
with the Poorman).
- The
Future of the American Idea - David Foster Wallace
asks the questions most find unthinkable but I've always
thought obvious about Freedom, Security, terrorism and
Benjamin Franklin said (but then, as a child
of the bomb growing up in Washington DC, I've never
thought true safety possible).
- Installing a PlayStation's blue laser diode in a
Star Trek (TOS) phaser
November 6, 2007 |
- In the New Yorker,
on Fumes is a review of two new books about the
Car of the Future.
- And in The Economist,
God's name is the introductory article in a hefty
multi-part report about religion in our time. One of
my students recently asked me why so many Koreans are
Christian. I didn't know, but the
about mega-churches says they're only 20% or
30% of the population there (depending on whether
Catholics are included in the tally) and yet among
my Korean students, it seems non-Christians are very
rare -- don't know why.
November 2, 2007 |
Relief in my Japanese class -- our harsh, indifferent
teacher went into the hospital two weeks ago, possibly
never to be seen again. Meanwhile, a semi-permanent
substitute has taken her place and not only are her
tests not so difficult, she also places a higher
emphasis on how to draw kanji, which really
interests me. In other news, I've decided to exercise
my teacher's prerogative and take off next summer:
plans being finalized for my long-delayed RTW trip.
Been receiving the tempting email-newsletters from the
specialists at Air
Treks for years now; they're old hands at arranging
the sets of plane tickets required for Round The World
journeys. True, summer's not the optimum time to visit
India, but I'd really like to be in Japan for the early
August o-Bon festivities so why not? Most of my time
on the ground will be spent in Turkey and the
sub-continent, which should both be quite inexpensive.
The quoted ticket price (also including departures
from Frankfurt and Singapore) is $3000, complete
('cept I hafta get to JFK on my own... another $20
Chinatown bus-ride?)
October 30, 21:04 PDT |
Moderate earthquake in NE San Jose an hour ago, no
doubt it'll be in tomorrow's news but alas, I felt
nothing. Epicenter maybe 15 miles away from my location, eating
in a restaurant, earplugs in, reading. Afterwards I
became aware of nearby patrons discussing seismic
activity but I didn't even notice vibrations in my
ice water, the best detector available for mild
October 26, 2007 |
Urgh -- illness which began to manifest earlier this
week has evolved into influenza! Was I too late,
happening into that free Flu Shot situation at school,
Tuesday? The nurse rejected me as I was already running
a temperature. I've had to postpone the inevitable
bed-rest since today was the last day of that class
pictured previously, where along with necessary paperwork
I couldn't possibly miss this final session, when
certificates are awarded as well as students showering
me with gratitude and in this case, very generous gifts.
So now, finally, to bed. But first,
- Floating
Utopias delves into the fantasy of 'seasteading'
a new & improved country, most recently manifest in
the vaporware Freedom Ship.
- Excellent guest
post about Christianity "jumping the shark."
- Interesting
Yorker essay on how color's been bleached
out of 'indie' rock. (Mentions the Minutemen, an early-80s
group I missed then but learned about in a documentary
viewing at Cheryl's last February.) But I disagree
with the author's assumption that rather than the
crucial black ingredients Elvis and others used in
early rock'n'roll, the mixture's now lacking without
some of the "urban" ethnic's contemporary product,
hip-hop. No thanks, anything but that -- with rare
exceptions, its rhythmic chanting is a formula not for
music, but monotonous, irritating noise. Related, from
Slate, last year:
you hate rap, are you a racist?
- A
Minor History of Giant Spheres.
October 21, 2007 |

My morning conversation class; this will be our last
week together. A great group except for that big doof
standing next to me, an annoying, even creepy Israeli
gym teacher, originally from Chile.
October 20, 2007 |
- Here's a mouthful: jidouhanbaiki. Perhaps
you're aware of the multitude of vending machines
in Japan, as well as the variety of merchandise available
therefrom. Japanese
Skirt Fear of Crime describes some innovative ideas
they're developing to combat a perceived increase in street
violence, including a garment designed by Aya Tsukioka
which the wearer can swiftly convert into a simulated,
concealing Coca-Cola jidouhanbaiki.
In their latest post, Damn Interesting tackles the
Incident of September 22, 1979. I've always
wondered (and remember reading about it at the time,
in Aviation Week) but still, no good
explanation. Maybe a neutron bomb? Good grief. Note
that at 70,000 miles (three times more distant than
geosynchronous orbit) Earth's size in the picture's
much too large. The bomb-test-sensing
satellite, in Wikipedia. Related: an
photo of the 1968 French nuclear test Canopus;
picture details
- In local news,
Jose teens detained in homemade bomb attacks.
Interesting -- first I've heard of a
bomb. Sounds like fun, actually.
October 18, 2007 |
- Aww, man -- KQED killed
Time (but there's still lots of never-heard
programs in their archive to peruse, at my
- Sparky
from St. Paul is John Updike's review of the
new Charles Schulz biography.
review in the Wall Street Journal, by Calvin
and Hobbes' Bill Waterson. Not everyone's happy, Schulz'
family says
- A feature at Dark Roast Blend,
fascinating Worlds of Jacek Yerka of the "New Weird"
movement among surreal artists, which includes some
Stanislav Plutenko pictures, as well.
- Dreamy
concept cars at 2007 Tokyo Motor Show plus
Weird, Wild & Wonderful Japanese Cars we never got to buy.
- The Top
50 Dystopian Movies of All Time -- all the old favorites,
plus some newer films to catch up on. Also,
Whatchamacallits and their Real Names.
- Amazing
Photos of Castles, Palaces, and Chateaux. Also amazing, in
a different way, a single photo --
Gore at work.
October 15, 2007 |
Back from a quick trip East for my niece's wedding;
everything was swell including the new non-stop
SFO-IAD Virgin America flights. If you go with them,
wear red -- you may be welcomed into the first boarding
group despite what's printed on your boarding pass, a
refreshing change from my usual last-in-queue position
due to SOP of ticket purchase far in advance, to acquire
the cheapest fare and optimal flying times. Also note
that Virgin's special techno theme-music plays while
boarding; after landing, en route to the terminal;
and throughout the flight in the toilet compartments.
October 7, 2007 |
I remember coming away from the
tour (when my family visited the factory in the mid-1960s)
with some company literature, interesting then for the
colorful chocolate history and production info and also
about the brand-new factories in Ontario and
California...which are closing soon, a new production
facility in Mexico to be doing their job. The California
Report had a story Friday about the impact of this closure
on Oakdale, including some
Some personal notes:
- Just got my car "smogged" -- kinda unnerving,
gives one pause, sitting just outside (in a
plastic monobloc) while through
the window my car's front end, on metal rollers, is
cranked up to 25mph, and then revved even higher.
But I got a passing emissions certificate, thankfully.
- Finally got control over my apartment's heater, which
is, incredibly, free as I only pay for electricity on my
PG&E bill. Unfortunately, the little natural-gas unit
responds somewhat sporadically to the wall-thermostat, especially
late at night, and this season, not at all. True, I could
bug the landlord and maybe get some action (or could just
deploy my electric radiator, his preferred solution) but
I just discovered shorting out the thermostat is the trick.
Hurray! And this "manual mode" seems to have loosened up the
automatic; it finally came on all by itself, this morning.
- The new Japanese class is taught by a strict
dragon-lady. I squeaked through Beginning3, the previous,
with a C+ and I'd like to retake that class but it's unavailable
so onto this one, which I may fail -- have to keep reminding
myself the grade doesn't matter, I'm there for the educational
structure, the optimum available here&now. This time, I'm not
the only non-Asian, there's some white nerds also; but the two
girls from that previous class both dropped this one after only
one session.
- About the phone-cards I use for long distance. Of
course the main reason is thrift, 1¢ a minute with
the Telespeed, acquired through the vital
which allows for easy comparison of them all. No need
to buy the (more expensive) physical cards at the convenience
store, all you need is the PIN and phone number, which
bounces back after you enter your credit card info. The
secondary reason, anonymity, has just been
withdrawn -- previously, some weird number in South Dakota would
show up on your Caller ID, but now y'all can see the number
I'm calling from!
October 4, 2007 |

Remarkable news today from Pyongyang, where
the leaders of the two Koreas got together and made nice. Coincidentally
I just read the graphic novel with the same name by French-Canadian
his story of a two-month stay in the DPRK capital while supervising
an animation project. He reports on a city with no lights at night,
except for occasional headlights, and monument illumination... fascinating.
October 1, 2007 |
- A
at AskMe about certain ethnic groups'
preferences for grape, or orange soda
('stead o' those colas you white folks
are drinkin'). I wasn't consciously
aware of this stereotype, until now.
September 26, 2007 |
No time for blogging, since
The War
is getting all my spare time's attention, PBS so no
(or any) commercial interuptions, on one of the
two channels I can actually receive. Upgraded
sound and "new" footage is making this
incredible. |
September 23 - Equinox |
Noticed this today, driving by, in Palo Alto -- a
tree fashioned from metal rods, bent and welded,
and decorated with blue glass bottles.
- Been getting into
Nomi, who I pretty much missed, at the time. How
weird that he's still on the air because Rush Limbaugh
plays a snippet of his version of Lesley Gore's
"You Don't Own Me." More at
Za Bakdaz.
- It's been almost a year since I stopped working at
the base; last week it was in the local news. Seems
Google owns a 767 they call GForce One -- this was
revealed Monday when their wide-body airliner was
spotted and the Mercury News said
jet to use Moffett Field (No photo -- check
for that.) I saw Air Force One there once, on the
big runway; and all sorts of military
planes, but never anything like that.