June 15, 2009 |
- One of the characters in this week's Straight Dope,
made money in the 1929 stock market crash, was one
Lauriston Livermore also known as the
Boy Plunger. Both of those mention his marriage to
Harriet Metz Noble, whose previous four husbands had all committed
suicide... and then, just after Thanksgiving
1940, Livermore joined the club. Found some
(how could she get a date even after #2?) but not much else
about this woman Cecil called the Black Widow.
- A new gadget many will find
useful -- a
- If that image previous is unfamiliar, perhaps you've never seen
Totoro? Could
always check
in the wikipedia for more information
but it has
no illustration. Remember, adults can't see it.
June 12, 2009 |

Asako took
picture and a few others when I had
a little pancake luncheon the other day, the
Japanese girls getting the full WaffleMeister
experience with the old family sourdough recipe.
June 8, 2009 |
Spent many hours recently maintaining this site,
including long-overdue updates to the top-level
Miscellaneous and
Prose/Stories pages (which should
maybe be combined at some point, but not yet, and maybe never).
A major task, now completed, was the addition of a
local archive file of my big
trip last summer, copied over from blogspot and augemnted
with more photos, also implementing my father's suggestion of
making it chronological rather than the customary web-log
style of last post on top.
Standing around in Borders yesteray reading a report on
"The Soul of Japan" in the current issue of
Adbusters, #83.
Unfortunately that article isn't available online but issue #81
had something else in the same vein, also by Roland Nozomu Kelts:
In Japan, which concerns a newly-popular 1929 novel by Takaji
Kobayashi called Kanikosen (or The Crab-Canning Ship.)
Also reading The Limits of Power by Andrew Bacevich
after hearing him
on "Forum"
last week. No real info at that link except an MP3 of the
entire interview, if you're so inclined. He clarifies ideas
of my own, about how Reagan screwed up everything (although the
mess we're in is really of our own making). We had a chance 30
years ago, but the masses had no interest in President Carter's
suggestion that we tighten our belts and live within our means.
May 29, 2009 |

My afternoon class, our last day yesterday. The school year now
over, and unlike last year, the financial crisis (especially bad
in California) means my position in the Fall semester is currently
unknown. I'll be offered something, to be sure, but it's not yet
clear exactly what, or if the schedule will be acceptable to me. I
could have taught a summer school class, but it was at night
(which I dislike) and just one isn't enough to pay the rent, so
instead I'm retreating Back East for the duration, repeating the
same procedure as last summer -- abandoning the apartment, putting
my stuff into storage, and finding a new place upon my NorCal
return in late August. Anyway, this class would've been bigger
but unfortunately we lost some colorful characters along the way: a
French au pair, a gruff but very amusing Chinese guy, and two sweet
women who said they'd be back in the Fall, one from Korea and the
other from Malaysia. We had a remarkable language connection in this
class -- the Chinese girl in black spent eleven years in Sweden
because her husband worked there, and she became fairly fluent in
that language -- and the woman standing right next to me is Swedish!
The musical frenzy of the past ten weeks is finally winding
down -- I've been scouring the local libraries as well as
ripping my own CDs, loading the resulting MP3s onto my iPod.
According to Andy I'm courting disaster, my primary storage
should instead be iTunes on the hard drive of my computer
(backed up regularly), but unfortunately my trusty Win98
machine's too old, and much too small for that -- anyway,
I've always resisted convergence of my music library with a
computer. Instead, I'm using the iTunes on various handy machines
at my schools as the intermediaries, culling my CD collection in
the process, so it's now down to a manageable few
hundred 160 discs. True, this makes the RashPod an
incrediably valuable (yes, precious) little unit, which must
be guarded very carefully -- reluctant even to take it
on to the treadmill, even though
the Nano fits perfectly inside the little key pocket of the swim
trunks I wear at the gym.
May 25, 2009 |
Very pleasant weekend, the calm before my storm. No classes this
summer so I'm retreating to my parents' compound back east, repeating
last year's procedure of closing out the apartment and saving rent
by stashing my stuff in a storage unit. Sounds simple enough, but a
lot of legwork's involved. And nothing's arranged yet.
May 16, 2009 |

MWF mornings, my conversation class; this is the tenth
group I've taught. Some reluctant speakers, some with a
lot to say, a different percentage each quarter. My job,
to make them all speak.
May 14, 2009 |
Weird -- concerning something new at the multiplex,
IMAX Digital,
cinemas much smaller than the gigantic original, a fact
they're leaving out of the advertising. Sounds more like
IMAX Jr (or maybe iMAX).
- Searching
for value in ludicrous ideas -- a survey of Steven M.
Johnson illustrations. (Kinda reminds me of Philip Garner's
Living Catalog, but in B&W.) I've seen scans from
Johnson's earlier What the World Needs Now. Already
have his Public Therapy Buses, which was mentioned
in these pages back in August 2004, when I scanned in his
Pedal Train (also seen
in the link above). In theory, that vehicle might be a lot of
fun, though the reality could be hellish.
- Jon Carroll: A
toast, to Toast!
- Excellent -- Jim Hightower,
not a Style, it's a People's Rebellion against Corporate Power.
- Shannon Wheeler's
New Yorker cartoon (he does
Too Much Coffee Man).
May 10, 2009 |
- Although I've been real close to the equator, I have never
crossed it into the South, so I have never seen
stars (from a recent
May 7, 2009 - Odd Day |
In the American way of date ordering (mm-dd-yy), today
is a very special sequence -- 5 / 7 / 9
which some are celebrating as
Odd Day.
May 6, 2009 |
- At Low Tech Magazine,
of Travel: the Kalakala -- streamlined mid-century
ferry which once served Seattle, but is now rusting away.
- In the San Jose Mercury,
explores link between 'Peanuts' and Beethoven. Although he wasn't a musician, Schulz knew his
stuff -- he couldn't read music, but he could write
it, and the notes he drew above Shroeder when ha was playing was actual
Beethoven. At the incredible main San Jose library (biggest west of the
Mississippi!) a new exhibit about this music just opened, with
identifications of the pieces Shroeder was playing.
- Pictures
from Iran in the 1970s, before the Islamic revolution.
- In Life, the
Ten Most Photographed Cities. I've taken pictures in all of them
except for #9, Barcelona.
- Irresistable headline:
unveil chocolate-fueled race car. Inside, we learn it's actually a
bio-diesel car running on the waste from a chocolate factory.
- Van Gogh ear revisionism -- a
new study claims Gauguin did it.
May 3, 2009 |
Mallards in the swimming pool. I couldn't believe it last fall, when they
closed the swimming pool -- it was so East Coast, a swimming season.
An interesting benefit of the area's fencing off is how a pair of
mallards hang out there, now. Sometimes at night, one of them goes
away or something and the fuss the alone one makes is quite loud and
irritating. These critters mate for life, right?
Things learned recently:
- Vinegar as deoderant -- from
can I do about my strong body odor?
White or apple cider vinegar can be applied to your underarms
which changes the pH of the skin so the smelly bacteria can't grow there
- Later this year Yahoo! will be closing all GeoCities accounts and
web sites, wiping out many of the earliest home pages.
- Amidst all the talk of Pontiac's demise and Chrysler's bankruptcy I
didn't realize
Amazon bought
abebooks.com late last year. Not that I do that much business with
abebooks, but this is annoying because they're a way to by-pass Amazon.
Also, at the Walrus, don't miss
- Chop
Chop Square -- waiting around in Saudi Arabia in order to witness a beheading.
April 19, 2009 |
- The
Dark Side of Dubai. The World is empty. It has been
abandoned, its continents unfinshed. You remember this development
so extravagant, man-made islands shaped like a world map... just one of
many stories in this lengthy article.
- Everything
Heinz -- all 57 varities in a single can, commisioned
by the Design Museum London.
- Guy
Walks Into a Bar Car. Riding the rails with David Sedaris.
- Finally -- Muji
online store for the US market.
April 15, 2009 |
On a bit of a holiday here, a "staycation" during Spring Break (at
least for the school which pays my bills -- my college Japanese
class at night is ongoing, as they're on a slightly different schedule.)
I'd like to drive somewhere but alas, my car's in the shop, awaiting
a specially-ordered spring, or coil, for the rear suspension. Note the
mighty Tercel just passed its 250K milestone. Relying on friends, public
transport and one's bicycle to get around is a drag, even for a few days,
but a good reminder of what a blessing it is, and what can be
accomplished without your personal motorcar.
Very windy yesterday, and into the evening. Today, the
streets are strewn with branches, twigs and large pine cones.
March 22, 2009 |
Pronounced ' ai ', the character for "love" is so
basic, it's the same in Japanese and Chinese.
There's a place on the big boulevard dividing Cupertino and west
San Jose called i Restaurant. I've never been inside but a former student
was a waitress there, and she explained why this character's on their
sign -- until then, hadn't given it any consideration, thought the
name merely a bit of Silicon Valley foolishness; but unlike Europeans,
who always pronouce the vowel "i" like 'ee', we say the long "i" sound
'ai' (making it a two-syllable dipthong). Maybe this is a reason
certain Apple products are so popular? As for me, after a week of
utilizing my Nano, I can certainly relate to that old Mekka Blue cartoon,
My Precious!. (Ironically,
myPod is also pink.)
- At the Big Picture,
from the Recession. About #30, most-read blogger Kottke wrote
the cluster of unused newspaper racks is the
best metaphor for the current state of the print media industry
I've seen. I wouldn't go that far, although it's obvious
the subscription newspaper segment of the publishing industry is
becoming extinct. #32 shows a scene in the big Sacramento homeless
one of dozens in an ailing America, which
[now promise to] close down -- it's giving Sacto a bad
- The
Seven "Nations" of Political Talk -- really just three, the
middle and the two extremes of red and blue, but an interesting
set of bar graphs.
- In the Washington Monthly,
Return to Normal -- Why the economic crisis, and its solution,
are bigger than you think. By James K.
Galbraith -- long, but worthwhile.
March 15, 2009 |
- A slide-show at Time magazine,
Beautiful, Horrible Decline. More at the
Ruins thereof, including their take on the first
Time photo's location, the
Central Station. In his near-future
Trilogy, William Gibson suggests that this once-mighty city
will be abandoned, an easy extrapolation to make after reviewing
these images.
- Jorge Colombo's
Art created with the Brushes application.
- On today's "Le Show" Harry Shearer reported on how the Turkish
manufacturer of the shoes hurled at the shrub is now swamped with
orders -- more info here.
March 14, 2009 |

My morning conversation class; this will be our last week
together -- as usual, sorry to see them go.
Speaking of teaching, I had to take a CPR class today, a
requirement for my credential. I've been Red Cross certified
previously, in the Boy Scouts, but that was at the beginning
of the Nixon administration, and of course many new First Aid
techniques have been developed since that long-ago time, when
Cardio Pulmanary as a Resuscitation method wasn't taught. And
as a special bonus, I won the raffle grand prize -- an iPod
Nano! (Curiously, I had a premonition that I'd be the winner,
immediately this contest was announced, at the beginning of
the class; so I wasn't much surprised when my name was called.)
One more personal note -- I aborted my search for a new flat
yesterday, retracting my notice of moving out. Yes, it's too
expensive where I am now, but its central location can't
be beat, and the intolerable humming-buzz which was emanating
from downstairs has vanished -- something temporary, associated
with a repair to the water heater. However, as the place is
far from perfect, I'm just pushing back my move until May or
That final sushi YouTube link from the previous post is now
unavailable, uunfortunately. I located more videos from cameras
placed on restaurant conveyor belts in Japan
but they lack the charm of that first one. For some reason
here in NoCal the proletarian kaiten-zushi experience
is alway tarted up (like some of the older apartments I've been
viewing, which have newly-installed, unnecessary appliances like
dishwashers and ceiling fans) in order to charge a higher price.
Known generically as "sushi boat", here the dishes
by on decorative little rafts.
And speaking of tarted up, what's with the update to Laurie
Juspeczyk's costume in the
movie? I'm a big fan of the original, read it again every
few years, but I'm in no hurry to see the film, due to reviews like
Botched the Watchmen?
Snyder's film is virtually all about grabbing the facile elements of
the book and pretending to be much better than it ultimately is, kind
of like an eight year old dressing up in Dad's clothes. They don't fit
well and the kid can't figure out how to tie a tie, but at least the
shirt's on top and the pants aren't backwards...if Snyder wanted to
translate a few cool scenes from the comic book onto the big screen,
well, he did that. If he wanted to demonstrate why people still read,
analyze and adore the comic book 25 years after its debut, he could
not have failed more completely.
Here, a repost
of a couple panels from the original, seen first in these pages
back in June 2000.
March 11, 2009 |
- 69
Ways You're a Douchebag. Well, not you -- it's
more of a spotter's guide.
- Haven't seen these yet this since I avoid their aisle
in the supermarket, but they're certainly familiar:
General Mills cereal boxes.
- Grown-up
Calvin (and Hobbes).
Some YouTube linkage:
- Two from Joni -- Night
Ride Home, informally performed in Amsterdam on a summer day by the
Amstel, and Urge
for Going on Canadian TV, 'way back when.
- Always & really dig the early Stones and if you do too
you'll appreciate
Red Rooster on Ed Sullivan May 2nd, 1965; and
Jane, possibly from the same source (although a year
later, and in color). Too bad about the distortion in the
former; it's superior compared to the original recording.
- And non-musical, but serindipitously, the most innovative:
view from the
conveyor belt in a Japanese kaiten-zushi restaurant.
March 7, 2009 |

Let's meet some of my favorite people. This is Asako and Chie, pictured
in the Whole Foods café, where we meet for coffee once a week.
The tradition began over a year ago, after Chie graduated from my
Conversation class, and gradually the circle has expanded. Although
she attends English classes at my school, Asako has never actually been
my student; yet we call each other sensei (teacher). They
both have blogs, as well -- links to
Chie (who's
also lived in Tokyo, Yokohama, and Thailand), and
Asako -- she's from
Osaka, and also runs a
blog. Below, another member of our group, Rieko with her
adorable infant girl Yui.

Rieko's going back to Japan real soon, so we had a
goodbye dinner last night at a restaurant called Rokko, where Chie
had reserved a tatami room. So much good food, dishes
new to me -- and most of the photographing was of the cuisine.

Here we see Asako and Mine (her name pronounced with two syllables,
"Me-nay") documenting a dessert (wow -- black sesame ice cream! So
tasty!) And since I love her soulful gaze, we'll close with a portrait
of Yui.

As usual, pics on these pages are thumbnails -- click for bigger.
March 3, 2009 |
Do you ever check yelp.com for restaurant reviews? I dislike it
because those I've seen are invariably positive... and now I know why.
and the Business of Extortion 2.0 explains how they charge
an establishment $300 to bury any bad reviews submitted, or if
they don't pony up, the bad reviews are all put at the top.
New Expense in US News and World Report, of interest
to me since I'm a wheezer, when I forget to take my medication. I
have two kinds, and hardly ever use the type now unavailable due
to its CFC propellent, but still, what a ripoff. Speaking of,
much TV linked to higher asthma risk in sedentary kids.
Financial Ideas, Krugman quotes Tim Duy:
For Bernanke and Geithner, there are no bad
assets. Only misunderstood assets.
March 2, 2009 |
The count clock's ticking -- today, I gave notice. By the end
of the month, I'll be in a new apartment. Nothing's lined up yet
but I've had it with the noise and expense of my current place,
so the search is on, once again. Last time, in August, I only had
ten days to find adequate housing, since I wanted to be settled by
the time school started. Now, I have three times that, and the
available selection's much better.
- You've heard of "submerged" or "underwater" mortgages, those
held by real estate buyers whose property's currently worth less
than they owe -- maybe, much less. In Italy, there's something called
sales, not clothing optional but where elderly owners relinquish
their title, but are allowed use of the property, until they die.
- A few weeks ago a pair of British and French
submarines collided in the Atlantic Ocean, but it was just a tap,
apparently. For reference, a
of nuclear sub collisions.
- Peanuts
Meet Marvel
February 8, 2009 |
Lamentations from Tom Tomorrow in
Brief Personal History of Alternative Weekly Comics
in America. Along the way, he mentions a favorite
(among others), Dave Egger's "Smarter Feller" -- the only
sample I could locate, his Talking Handbag character. This
media has been important to me for decades, the stacks of
free newsprint 'rags' which appear on Thursday or Friday,
so important for the weekend movie reviews and much more.
My local, the
which was running "Smarter Feller" when I first moved to
Silicon Valley, is keeping "This Modern World" (placed
prominently on the letters page) but their comic page has
recently been reduced -- "Life in Hell" is now seen every
other week.
February 10, 2009 |
Yesterday's Toast Girl reminded
me of another alt.weekly cartoonist, this panel by Ken Brown -- I only
saw him in the LA Weekly but now have his 1985 compilation
book, Notes from the Nervous Breakdown Lane.
February 9, 2009 |
Fortunately, on the radio, caught this week's special
360 in Japan and there's even more on that page. Love the
embedded Toast Girl video -- speaking of alt.comics, she's kinda
like Too Much Coffee Man except with
a shiny
toaster on her head 'stead of a coffee cup. She has other
videos available on YouTube.
February 3, 2009 |
Marketplace story from last week --
homeless inhabit vacant homes, concerning
Take Back the Land. This group moves homeless people
into people-less homes... in other words, a group
which arranges squatting in foreclosed, vacant housing.
January 23, 2009 |
- The 60s TV show "Lost in Space" had a slightly previous,
unrelated incarnation, which was available at the newstand:
Family Robinson. #3 was one of the first comic books I
ever had. The striking thing about Gold Key comics were their
painted covers, and every issue of the Space Family is in
cover gallery. Also, who knew at the time that the British had
own version in
Lady Penelope, "the comic for girls who love
- JamsBio does the The Ultimate Countdown --
The Beatles Backwards. their entire catalog of original material
ranked, with extensive commentary -- at least a paragraph on each song;
"A Day in the Life" is #1. And if you're into everything Beatle, you
might want to download
Help.txt (176K). Some time ago I compiled
all of the Fab Four's lyrics into a single text file. It's
ordered chronologically, up-to-date (new "Anthology" stuff included),
and even has a transcription of "Revolution #9".
- In the New Yorker, an article about
John, an independent researcher driven to know the
engineering details of the two bombs dropped on Japan.
- Dark Roast Blend --
Amusement Parks in Asia.
January 16, 2009 |
Follow-up to yesterday, a more substantial Patrick McGoohan obit,
of a Bitch.
January 15, 2009 |
Language Lesson

Found Art from 'Tino High School, source location: the boy's room.
The index card's reverse just says
Konnichiwa (noun)
...and to be clear, only nichi is a noun ('day'). Kon
means 'this' and the expression concludes with the inscruitable,
essential 'as-for' wa topic-marking particle.
RIP Patrick
McGoohan. Be Seeing You, Number Six.
Everybody's posting
the new Presidential limo dubbed the Obamamobile, It's
still a Cadillac; heavily armoured, as one can imagine... but
check this concept car from the same outfit, the
(really -- the "TF" is Thorium Fuel).
January 1 - Happy New Year! |
Reviewing the previous twelve months, going through my files,
some unposted, leftover News and Knowledge from the Internets
and beginning with some Jargon:
Shopdropping is
covertly putting merchandise into a store, a form of culture
jamming (also, reverse shoplifting, or droplifting). A Busman's
Holiday refers to leisure time spent doing the same thing one
does during working hours. (Unrelated, but also:
Bus Uncle of Hong Kong. It's not
settled!) A Slumper is somebody passed out
while seated in a car, and Chimping is the practice of checking
your just-taken photos on your camera's LCD screen.
The Rural
Purge began in 1971, a series of cancellations of
still-popular 'country' shows. At the time, Pat Buttram,
who played "Mr. Haney" on Green Acres, said,
It was the year CBS killed everything
with a tree in it.
Locally, became aware of the Wild Parrots of Sunnyvale, whose call is harsh
and unmusical. Found some articles about the small flock dated
1998 and
They're actually mitred conures -- see the wikipedia's
Lories and
Lorikeets. Also, seems you can crab off municipal piers in San Francisco
(more). But only
red crabs -- you have to throw back any dungenous you catch.
In the News we learned that
Hells Angels were so angered by Jagger's treatment of them that
they decided to kill him. Also, a woman was kicked out of (or not let in to)
Zealand for being Too Fat. New Zealand bars overweight people
because of potential burden they pose to the national health care
system. Regarding the bailout, some of the most basic details, including
the $700 billion figure Treasury would use to buy up bad debt, are fuzzy.
It's not based on any particular data point,
a Treasury spokeswoman
told Forbes.com. We just wanted to choose a really
large number.
the latest ban in Malaysia. Some red-state Christian groups don't
like it either. But the best headline came right at the end of the year, those
in the News. Prediction: more flying footwear in the shrub's future.