The Age Of Acquiescence
- Steve Fraser
Age Of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth, And Faith In The New China
- Evan Osnos
The Age Of Radiance
- Craig Nelson
- Kenneth Opppel
American War
- Omar el Pikkad
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Angry Young Spaceman
- Jim Munroe
Anti-Social: Hijacking the American Conversation
- Andrew Marantz
Before Their Time
- Robert Kotlowitz
Berlin: the 20s
- Rainer Metzger / Christiau Burandstaetter
- Nick Drnaso
- Norman Ohler
Blood Red Sunset
- Ma Bo
The Box of Delights and The Midnight Folk
- John Masefield
Boy in the Striped Pajamas
- John Boyne
Bohemian Los Angeles
- Daniel Hurewitz
Brand Guys
- Bill Vernick / Claire Farber
Chartres Cathedral
- Miller and Halliday&Lushington
City of Veils
- Zoe Ferraris
Coming Home Crazy
- Bill Holm
- Sarnath Banarjee
Cruising the Anime City
- Pat Macia/Tomo Machiyama
Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir
- Eddie Muller
The Dark Room
- Rachel Seiffort
Defying Hitler
- Sebastion Haffner
Devil on my Back and The Dreamcatcher
- Monica Hughes
Do What You Love (and other Lies)
- Miya Tekumitsu
Down With The Old Canoe
- Biel
- Michael Flynn
The Embedding
- Tan Watson
The Ends of the Earth
- Robert Kaplan
Engineers of the Soul
- Frank Westerman
- Erich Kästner
The Fall Of Language in the Age of English
- Minae Mizumura
Farewell to the Horse: A Cultural History
- Ulrich Raulff
Flow My Tears, the Policemnan Said
- Philip K. Dick
The Forbidden City
- William Bell
Forgotten Ally
- Rana Mitter
Four Futures: Life After Capitalism
- Peter Frase
Four Hundred Million Customers
- Carl Crow
Free Lunch
- David Cay Johnston
Fugitives and Refugees: A Walk in Portland
- Chuck Palahniuk
Getting Wet
- Eric Talmadge
- Frederick Kohner
God at the Edge
- Niles Elliot Goldstein
Going Home Again
- Howard Waldrop
Going My Way
- Georgia Hess
Golden Dreams
- Kevin Starr
The Gone-Away World
- Nick Harkaway
Gone Girl
- Gillian Flynn
Gourmet Rhapsody
- Muriel Barbery
The Great Disruption
- Paul Gilding
Harm's Way
- Colin Greenwood
Headed into the Abyss
- Brian Watson
Hearts We Broke Long Ago
- Merle Shain
Hedy's Folly
- Richard Rhodes
A Hell of a Woman
- Jim Thompson
High Concept
- Charles Fleming
The History of Luminous Motion
- Scott Bradfield
Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law
- James Q. Whitman
Hitler Laughing: Comedy in the Third Reich
- William Grange
Hitler Youth
- Michael H. Kator
- Jean Fritz
How To Do Nothing
- Jenny Odell
- Mardy Grothe
The Illusion of Immortality
- Carlis Lamont
The Imperial Cruise
- Jim Bradley
In Persuasion Nation
- George Saunders
In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People
- George Simon Jr
Inside the Gas Chambers: Sonderkommando Auschwitz
- Shlomo Venezia
In The Miso Soup
- Ryu Murakami
Intimate Connections
- David Burns
Journey to the High Southwest
- Robert Casey
Just Enough
- Azby Brown
King City
- Brandon Graham
King Leopold's Ghost
- Adam Hochschild
- Hermann Hesse
Koko Be Good
- Jen Wang
Kunstlers in Paradise
- Catleen Schine
Lasers, Death Rays, and the Long, Strange Quest for the Ultimate Weapon
- Jeff Hecht
Last of the Moccasins
- Charles Plymell
Lies My Teacher Told Me
- James Loewen
Light, Air and Openness
- Paul Overy
- Peter Ackroyd
The Long Tomorrow
- Leigh Bracket
Lost Girls
- Robert Kolker
Lost Los Angeles
- Dennis Evanovsky & Eric J. Kos
Lost Scriptures and Lost Christianities
- Bert Ehrman
Marketers are from Mars, Consumers are from Jersey
- Bob Hoffman
Marx Brothers
- Kyle Crichton
- Simon Garfield
The Man From Berlin
- Luke McCallin
The Men in the Jungle
- Norman Spinrad
The Ministry Of Time
- Kaliane Bradley
- Eduardo Galeano
The Moon in the Gutter
- David Goodis
- Andrew Smith
Mr Blue
- Edward Bunker
Mr Penumbra's 24-Hr Bookstore
- Robin Sloane
My Hollywood
- Mona Simpson
Night Train to Turkestan
- Stuart Stevens
- Fred Turner
- Giles MacDonogh
- Victor Sebestyen
No One Is Talking About This
- Patricia Lockwood
The Outline of History
- Huxley & Wells
The Passenger
- Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz, translated by Philip Boeh
- Karl Shroeder
The Phoenix
- Henning Boëtius
The Place that No One Knew
- Eliot Porter
The Portable Radio in American Life
- Michael Brian Schiffler
Queen of the South
- Arturo Perez Reverte
Rag Top and Street Rod
- Henry Gregor Felson
Random Acts of Senseless Violence
- Jack Womack
Raw Deal
- Ken Smith, Mack White
Real Life Adventures 3: Refrigerator Art
- Lance Aldrich Gary Wise
Red Chrysanthemum
- Henry Mazel
Red Memory
- Tania Branigan
Red Night
- William S. Burroughs
Red Sorrow
- Nanchu
Reminiscences of a Refugee Childhood
- Zoe Beloff
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion
- Jonathon Haidt
Ring Rise, Ring Set
- Monica Hughes
Rules For Old Men Waiting
- Peter Pouncey
Running Out Of Time
- Margaret P. Hadoix
Scratch Beginnings
- Adam Shepard
Searching for the Divine (in un-divine places)
- rabbi N. Goldstien
Second-Hand: The New Global Garage Sale
- Adam Minter
- Denis Johnson
Sentimental Education
- Gustave Flaubert
Situation Hopeless But Not Serious
- Paul Watzlawick
Sixties People
- Jane Stern
Skinhead and Suedehead
- James Moffat aka Richard Allen
- Mark Vanhoenacker
- Chris Clark (not Paul Grossman)
The Slide Area
- Gavin Lambert
- Javier Zamora
The Sonic Boom
- Joel Beckerman
Songs Of Chaos (involves marbling)
- S.N. Lewitt
The Sound of his Horn
- John Wall (aka Sarban)
The Spy Who Fired Me
- Esther Kaplan
Stayin' Alive -- The 1970s and The Last Days Of The Working Class
- Jefferson Cowie
The Steal
- Rachel Shteir
- John Williams
Stop Getting Ripped Off
- Bob Sullivan
Sushi & Beyond
- Michael Booth
Swastika Night
- Katherine Burdekin
- Ori and Ron Brafman
Tell the Wolves I'm Home
- Carol Rifka Brun
Ten Nights of Dream
- Natsume Soseki
A Time Of Gifts
- Patrick Leigh Fermor
Tokyo Vice
- Jake Adelstein
- Tom Vanderbilt
Train Dreams
- Denis Johnson
Two Cheers for Anarchism: Six Easy Pieces on Autonomy, Dignity, and Meaningful Work and Play
- James C. Scott
The Undertow
- Jeff Sharlet
Valley of the Shadow
- Erich Anton Heifert
Views of Los Angeles
- Gernot Kuehn
A Village in the Third Reich
- Julia Boyd
Viva Las Vegas
- Alan Hess
- Jeff Noon
Walter Tetley: For Corn's Sake
- Ben Ohmart / Charles Stumpf
- Yevgeny Zamyatin
We Were Sodiers Once... and Young
- Galloway / Moore
We Were The Lucky Ones
- Georgia Hunt
What the Heck are You Up To, Mr President?
- Kevin Mattson
When You Reach Me
- Rebecca Stead
Which Reminds Me
- Tony Randall
The Wilder Life
- Wendy McClure
Wish I Was Here
- M. John Harrison
The Wooden Spaceships
- Bob Shaw
Work Less, Play More
- Stevin Catlin (or Caltin)
The World of Yesterday
- Stefan Zweig
Wrapping Culture
- Joy Henry
- Richard Grossman
Yankee Hobo In The Orient
- John Patric
Years of Rice and Salt
- Kim Stanley Robinson
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