Today I was always hungry! It was weird - although I had a regular,
healthy lunch; by 3:30 I was so famished I had to leave work & get
the usual at Tung Kee Noodle. Just couldn't think about anything else.
Plus I had a headache all day, for which I had to take not one but two
of the super-strength pills the neurologist gave me (Esgic).
Long talk with L about the coming dark times. The rationality of the
Yourdon article mentioned previously has
convinced him. They work him too hard; various projects of home
improvement are stalled (prime among them being the greenhouse). A cistern
wouldn't be that hard to rig; plus a generator & wood stove would
hardly be insurmountable obstacles. Reduction of level of comfort is a
Churchill quote of the day:
"The veils of the future are lifted one by one, and mortals
must act from day to day."