Found two used books today which I've been seeking: Oranges by John
McPhee (which I've read, but wanted my own copy - the specific edition with
the oranges on the cover, rather than the current printing, which has an
orange tree. This was the version I read, borrowed from my brother J - I got
my own copy, which I loaned to David & never saw again) and Step-time
by Frank Conroy, on the recommendation in-text by David Foster Wallace in
his A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, the title essay of
which I'm going to press upon everyone in my family, since it concerns a
cruise, and we've now been on three - not Caribbean like his experience,
but an Alaskan (in 1985), a Nashville - St. Louis (1991), and a Pittsburgh
"circular" (1996) - the last two on Mississippi riverboats. He's a
great & amusing writer, this DFW.
Lunch today at Koo Koo Roo, a place similar to Boston Market but acceptable,
in my opinion. When this chain first surfaced in LA I never went, being
totally turned off by their logo (see it on their
web page). B advised me of their
quality several times, however; so shortly after my California return (which
occurred a year ago today, incidentally) I found myself hungry and in Menlo
Park so I ate at the same branch I visited today, and found it good. Now
they have a promotion going where you get a card punched each visit and
a free meal on the tenth; I'm a sucker for that kind of thing so now carry
their stupid, excretory logo in my wallet (at least until May 31).
Curious about my brother N's statement that he "...was more moved to tears
by 'The Wedding Singer' than by 'Titanic'" I saw the latter movie today.
I was going to give it a miss until he said that - but also I read reviews
claiming Drew Barrymore makes the film, bringing it to life whenever she
appears on-screen, which was true. A lot of it was somewhat unbearable,
especially early on <1>,
but the ending was pleasantly happy. The violence of
the previews made my cringe, however - something implausible with Bruce
Willis called "Mercury Rising"; a remake of "Mighty Joe Young" (which actually
looked interesting). As for crying and "Titanic", unlike the big "T" (which
I've seen thrice) "The Wedding Singer" generated no tears. I may be somewhat
unusual in that I get all emotional with "Titanic" right at the ship's
departure - something about those engine room sequences and the music really
gets me.
As I wrote this I was listening to the live broadcast of Garrison
Keillor's performance of his "Wobegon" radio show up in the city - not
really disappointed I couldn't get a ticket, after all - it's not a
great episode. Plus a San Francisco adventure with these lame feet woulda
been a chore, potentially an ordeal. Suddenly my listening was interrupted
by a phone call - had a very long chat with D; she's just not sure what to
do (her funk persists). G is still in Utah; he may or may not return in a
week or so (but I think he will). I recommended (somewhat callously)
changing the locks and putting all his stuff out on the curb. Easy for me
to say, I know - but his methods of breaking up their twenty-year
relationship have been sloppy and incredibly inconsiderate, in my opinion.
I guess there's no good way to go about such matters, but I get angry
when I take her point of view.