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December 17, 2004
Ursula K. LeGuin
how the Sci-Fi channel ruined her Earthsea books.
Having looked over the script, I realised they had no
understanding of what the two books are about, and no
interest in finding out. All they intended was to use
the name Earthsea, and some of the scenes from the books,
in a generic MacMagic movie with a meaningless plot based
on sex and violence. (And "faith" -- according to
Mr Halmi. Faith in what? Who knows? Who cares?)
years of Disneyland Souvenirs has sections for
each year, all with beautiful scans of ephemera and
information about attraction status.
December 15, 2004
My photo doesn't at all do it justice, but there's
a two-block street in Palo Alto where almost all of
the residents decorate their houses (as well as all
of the little curb-side bushes) with Christmas lights.
During the period leading up to the holiday they tint the
sodium streetlights red, somehow, and get
the city to post temporary 'No Parking' signs. People
cruise through real slow, with their headlights
dimmed -- with something seasonal playing on the
radio, it can be kinda magical.
greed ruined this year's local Dungeness crab
harvest. Arnold is one of the villains in the tragedy.
Also, the 'Paris Syndrome' is a condition
put-upon Japanese expatriates living there. I'm
doubting that they're getting much sympathy.
Concerning the funny papers: I stopped reading
them regularly in the late 1980s, after I moved to
LA and fell out of the daily newspaper habit; but
even before I'd learned to avoid certain soul-sucking
strips like "Wee Pals" and the Family Circus. And
"Cathy" -- but since I did read her in 1970s, I'm
all too familiar. Did you know Guisewite's
her off on February 5? To Irving?!
There was a wonderful article in last month's Harper's:
the Paint Factory -- On the Virtues of Idleness, by
Mark Slouka. I read it at the library, since it wasn't
online, but now it's available at the Remedy site. (It's
a nit, but I must rectify an error in the text: The Invisble
Man was Claude Rains, not Lon Chaney -- he was in fact
the Phantom, in the silent original.) There's lots of good
stuff at Remedy, including an essay by Thomas Paine,
Of the
religion of Deism compared with Christianity. Like
the Founding Fathers, I decided long ago that if I must
declare a religion, put me down as a Deist.
December 13, 2004
Just got out of a sneak preview of "The
Phantom of the Opera" -- they had free passes at
the comic store, a deal for me since I would've
gone anyway (as I saw the show in '93, and
really like some of its music). As for the film?
Pretty good, if you're into that sort of
thing -- it could be a major motion picture.
There's a
Light Identification Page at the
Christmas Lights site. We never had any on our tree,
but relatives did, when I was very young -- they were
fascinating: deluxe lamp assemblies augmented with
little pointed tubes of glass the size of a stubby
pencil, almost full of a tinted liquid, with a
stream of bubbles: boiling from the light bulb's heat.
Sledgehammer, Avery Walker holds forth on the
illiterati, and Evolution, Global Warming, and
Drugs -- excellent!
December 12, 2004
Somewhere in San Francisco, this purple building, decorated
with stars and comets -- I drove past it today, for the
second time. I believe the small sign says it's the
Monkey Bar.
Caught a new Peak Oil documentary called
End of Suburbia in a rather incongruous (or
perhaps apt) setting -- a pizza parlor in a
suburban East Bay strip-mall, arrived at after
an hour of dense Friday night traffic. Inside, a
complement of screaming kids in the adjacent video
game area, and the monthly meeting of Castro Valley
'Peace & Pizza' -- a teeny group watching the
TV set up in the corner. (Naturally I discovered the
particulars of this free neighborhood screening on
the internets.) More about the issue:
Escape from Dependency -- Looming Energy Crisis
Overshadows the shrub's Second Term, by Michael Klare.
We remain trapped in our dependence on imported
oil. In the long run, the only conceivable result
of this will be sustained crisis and deprivation.
"The will not to believe"
In Herman Wouk's War and Remembrance,
this phrase characterizes authorities' denial,
when confronted with photographic evidence
smuggled out of the death camps. A bookstore in
Bethesda addresses this blind spot during the
pre-war period on a page called
Never Knew which is discussed in
post at Making Light. Related, "Gott mit Uns":
Rhetoric and the Lure of "Moral Values" by
Maureen Farrell.
Don't miss the
Fashion Show at the Villa of the Mysteries.
December 10, 2004
to the Guardian, Hollywood's adaptations of His
Dark Materials will not include the religious aspects. Is
this a surprise?
A while back I mentioned David Foster Wallace's
lobster article in Gourmet magazine -- a link
to a PDF version has become available,
Site news: I've finished a long-overdue
renovation of the
links page. Also, after
noticing some recent linkage to R.Crumb's original,
now incomplete version of "A Short History of America"
the Crumb Museum, I added a
new page in the Miscellaneous
section showing the three futures he added in 1988
(which remind me of Kim Stanley Robinson's
Californias trilogy).
December 8, 2004
This cactus grew from a cutting I took off a big one beside the
Wheel, a historically
significant Silicon Valley tavern I never got
around to visiting, which was demolished just after
I acquired the sample. That was a few years ago; it's
grown over a half-meter in the duration. A couple months
back I lopped off its upper node, which was making it
top-heavy, and now the tip's sprouted this pair of buds.
A linguist
forth on "dude"
He found the word taps into nonconformity and a new
American image of leisurely success.
Geller has a little golden egg. He says space
aliens gave it to John Lennon at the Dakota one night.
Later, John told Uri the story, and gave him the egg.
December 7, 2004
Within a block's radius there's a couple houses which
are decorated with galaxies of teeny lights. The closer
is all in white; I prefer this one, in colors -- they've
gone to amazing lengths, winding strings of lights around
their trees.
This is great: Professor Scott Tipton's
101 -- lengthy, illustrated essays on the worlds and
characters of mainstream, super-hero comic books.
December 5, 2004
A handsome example of an art deco building
in San Mateo. I ran a red light near here a couple
weeks back; means I'll be acquiring my fourth redemptitive
dose of traffic school at some point in the near future.
A selection of the impractical creations of
Cycles: the Golden Gate Bridge bike, the Bat Bike,
the urban assault "Chupacabra" with flamethrower,
and more! I found out about this in Tube Times,
the San Francisco cyclists' newsletter.
Map-Makers' Colors -- a Fiction on Kosinski,
by Matthew J. Sullivan.
Electric Swinging Pussycat Lounge is an archive
of fashion images from the 1960s, scanned from
sewing and home-making magazines.
Lois Lane was black, reviewed by Lando da Pimp.
December 3, 2004
View through my windshield, driving down el Camino this evening.
Scalzi returns from his month off in rare form with
Ten Least Successful Holiday Specials of All Time.
Orson Welles' Mercury Theater, Ayn Rand, Star Trek, the
Village People -- who knew? Mention of the Mercury Theater
of the Air triggers the memory of an exchange I heard
years ago, on a broadcast of that show played on some
Olde Time Radio Hour:
Languid, petulant female voice:
New York is so dull...
Orson Welles:
New York is exciting. It's you that is dull.
December 2, 2004
at the Airport by Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).
Ever heard of the
explosion? It happened 60 years ago last Saturday, in
Staffordshire. Says it (at just under 4 kilotons)
was the fourth biggest explosion of the WWII era (after
the three nuclears), but seems to me our own Port Chicago
blast should have that ranking, since according to a
FAQ over 5000 tons of explosives were involved
there. For more info, a
article in memory of the anniversary; and all about
Ed Offley at DefenseWatch reports on
Signs of a Military Unraveling -- details of
the disintegration of the Defense Department. And
Ted Rall
you participate in a war of retribution, are you
"fighting for your country"?
December 1, 2004
Here's a close-up of this cat I've been feeding. See
those deep, scary scratches in his face, just missing
the eyes -- he's a fighter! I'd like to clean him up
and take him to the vet, but he's just too feral -- I'd
wind up bloody. I see him once or twice, or maybe not
at all, each day -- hope he's somewhere warm tonight;
it's unseasonably cold here, with temperatures down
around freezing!
In the current New Yorker,
Up with Charlie Brown, by Jonathan
Franzen -- memories of the funny pages
and everything else in a Texas
fifth-grader's life during May, 1970.
the guy who was killed by an exploding lava
lamp (scroll down to November 29) -- in his
defense, it must be pointed out that it's not
clear whether he was the one who put it on the
November 30, 2004
Photo snapped at work -- view from the base looking
east towards the mountains, which are visible between
Hangar One and the water tower.
News of a couple recent developments, from weblogs:
Laputan Logic reports on the
-- true 3D television, via kinetiscope-style
rotating drum containing a counter-rotating drum
lined with vertical arrays of LEDs. Different
subject: over at the Blue Lemur,
of the sightings of Clear Channel-sponsored billboards
of 'Our Leader' in Florida.
to Write like a Wanker mentions something called
"leet-speak" -- for clarification, check the
in the Wikipedia. Also,
to Drop Out.
November 29, 2004
So yeah, I was Back East for T-Day, and naturally allocated
several hours of my stay to the Mall -- no, not shopping,
but that grassy area of downtown DC between the Washington
Monument and the Capitol which is lined with the various
museums of the Smithsonian as well as the National Gallery
of Art. The latter was my first stop, for lunch in their
pleasant cafeteria, as well as take in the Dan Flavin
-- he creates areas of color with arrays of tinted fluorescent
lights, actually quite wonderful. The East Wing was also
featuring an exhibit of Islamic Art called "Palace and
Mosque" which was fascinating -- I love that stuff, so
intricate. Afterwards, across the Mall for the new one,
the Museum of the American Indian, anticipation of which
I've logged here previously. Didn't see the alleged display
of tokens from some tribe's casino, but it was all very
crowded, difficult for maneuvering; my general reaction was,
it's not that bad -- lots of great stuff. True (as my
nephew pointed out) of the four floors, only the top two
contain exhibits. Another floor is devoted to the Roanoke
Gift shop, and the ground floor offers only the smaller
Chesapeake Gift Shop, and the restaurant, an interesting
counterpoint to where I ate, across the way -- both
are cafeteria-style, both have fountain views, but this
one has more interesting food (and all of the people, at
least for now, while it's new). This was enough culture for one
day; but I must return soon, for the subterranian Arthur
Sackler Gallery's display of the
O. Muller Collection of Japanese prints.
November 28, 2004
This year, they've added carnival rides to "Christmas
in the Park," the attempt to transform downtown San Jose's
Market Square into a winter wonderland... the event's
becoming more like a European holiday fair, especially
when the weather's brisk, like it was today. Trash
cans throughout have been embellished with these clown
Last week on "All Things Considered" they mentioned a
new Russian magazine emulating the New Yorker,
called the Novy Ochevidets, or New Eyewitness.
page on that story has a pair of covers.
November 27, 2004
Los Altos trees all a-twinkle along Main street, this
very evening.
Back from the East, unfortunately returning to discover
the next-door neighbors have acquired a barking dog. At
the airport last night, waiting at the shuttle bus
stop, a group of flight attendants passed by, and
one of them had wheeled luggage with transparent
wheels containing red and blue LEDs, which
illuminated only in motion. Another new moving
LED product -- remember those ancient ratchet-twirly
noise-makers? Imagine mounting a line of LEDs as a
leading edge, and blinking them to form words in
motion, and you have
Skyliner (not to be confused with the
50's Ford, the later model with its retractable
hardtop, or the earlier see-thru
A pair of vintage-exotic comic
books, scanned in completely: the Indian
Ramayana and an anti-commie
endorsed by JEdger.
(Both links from the mighty BoingBoing.net)
"No dark sarcasm in the classroom"
Speaking of Pink Floyd, the singing
are getting some royalties from "The Wall".
November 21, 2004
The pictures are back! I got Geoff's old since
he's bought a snazzy new camera and his previous was
the exact same model as my digicam. This photo shows
beautiful fall foliage, the golden leaves of the
gingko trees along Middlefield Road. Check the zoomed
image to see this digicam's fatal flaw -- note the
pinkish streak, which only appears in some photos.
November 19, 2004
Elvis Costello talked with Joni Mitchell
for 6½ hours and it was edited down to
interview. (Warning -- the transcription still
needs a final proof-reading.)
November 18, 2004
Politics of Victimization proposes the thinking of
Republicans as wife-beater, and Democrats the
abused spouse. Another, shorter blog-essay -- Dave
Winer on life in the bubble, how the internet provides
escape from
Environment, not the natural but rather the
one created by huge corporations and organizations
like the RIAA.
Noticed a pointer to the Rolling Stone cover
gallery... I read this magazine only in the early years,
when it was counter-cultural and printed on newsprint.
The highlight was 33 years ago, when they published
Hunter Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las
Vegas -- it appeared in two parts. These are
the covers, featuring Ralph Steadman art which didn't
make it into the book:
And this was exactly 33 years ago... what was
my world, then? It was Senior Year in high school,
so -- three highlights of November, 1971.
- Out in the woods, beyond the railroad tracks, my
buddies had finished up the Knubby House, a pentagon
walled with 4 x 8 plywood sheets, roofed with
various scraps and floored with slate roofing tiles.
After a memorable late-night party, our shed would be
torn apart by hostile, unseen forces we characterized
as 'the minibikers' -- those were the only other folks
we'd see out there, unfamiliar kids, maybe a little younger,
buzzing around those dirt roads on small motorcycles.
- On the 16th, concert by my favorite band, Pink Floyd,
at Lisner Auditorium -- they played a lot of their
new "Meddle" LP as well as "Atom Heart Mother" but
nothing from "Ummagumma" so I was kinda bummed; but
they also played "Cymbaline" (from "More") which ended
with very interesting spatial audio effects,
utilizing auxilliary speakers which were positioned
around the back and sides of the hall. Their opening
act was a magician.
- Getting out of the house evenings with that
handy excuse of 'Play Practice' -- this time it was
the Dramatics Class play, which we'd be performing the
following month. Rather than a single play, there were
three one-acts: "Adaptation" and "Lovers." The latter
was mine, and it had two parts: "Winners" and
"Losers" -- the "Winners" were a young, hopeful couple
having a picnic (who drowned at the conclusion,
off-stage) and finally, my show, about an older couple,
adjusting to the necessary compromises for courting and
then living in her mother's house. The story ended like
it began, with me out in the backyard, sitting in a lawn
chair, staring off into the distance through a pair of
binoculers. Whew... I had to do a drunk scene, and for
our last performance a couple of the backstage crew
got in trouble for giving me a slug of Manischewitz,
just before I went on.
November 16, 2004
Last Thursday was Armistice Day, now called Veteran's
Day in the USA. In the Commonwealth, it's known as
Remembrance Day, and the historians among us all know
it's in celebration of the eleventh-hour solution, when
the Armistice was signed ending the Great War, or what's
now called World War I. Many consider it all a single
war, that the principles just took a break to reload
between 1918 and 1939... In his memoirs, Winston
Churchill called World War II the Unnecessary War. Aren't
they all? The Canadians minted the
Quarter to commemorate this Remembrance Day -- the
world's first coloured coin in circulation, available
initially only at Tim Horton's, their chain of donut shops.
When I was a lad, my fifth-grade teacher would mock his
students (when he discovered their distraction due to
some plaything) with the expression "Toys for Little Boys."
Much later, after I installed a red neon tube in the vents
under my VW beetle's rear window, as the third brake light,
one reaction I heard (from a recent mother) was that I had
"Too Much Spare Time." Both of these come to mind as I contemplated
the Robodump.
Who would conceive of such a thing? And go to the
trouble of implementing the concept?
The monorail from Truffaut's "Fahrenheit 451" movie has been discovered
a barn, covered with grafitti.
Reports of Resistance in the DPRK:
Dancing is a translation The Agonist posted of a Der
Spiegel piece about opposition in North Korea to
dictator Kim Jong Il.
More information about the medieval fest I encountered
Friday: Naturally, they don't celebrate the Armistice in
the Fatherland, or what's left of the Austro-Hungarian
Empire; there, November 11 is
St. Martin's
November 15, 2004
Urban Archipelago (by the editors of Seattle alternative
weekly The Stranger) encourages the turning of our
backs on the rural, and rededicating ourselves to the
urban core.
Here's a photo of something we've all wondered about: a
at a Fireworks Factory. It's Swedish news, although
the factory was in Denmark.
I am advised by 'Mark + Dane' that my
ever-popular Getty
and Reich Trophies journal entry from 1999 is a
'googlewhack' -- it's the only result when the two
words 'cog noscente' and 'quonset' are Googled.
November 12, 2004
At the nearby private German elementary school, each
year 'round this time they have an evening festival,
where they parade around the block, kinder accompanied by
parents, with the kids all holding sticks from which
hang lanterns like this. The example, which I found
abandoned, temporarily, is about the size of a quart
milk carton, and looks mass-produced; but many were
homemade, from brown paper bags; and others kinda
cheated with those store-bought Oriental pleated tubes
(like Blanche had in "A Streetcar Named Desire"). Lit
usually by candle, the colorful procession passed
through the night, right by my apartment, led by
a man playing an accordian; and many were singing
along, auf Deutsch, a
about St. Martin. Back at the school, they served
up punch, bratwurst and special man-shaped loaves called
Weckmann-Brot, which were decorated with raisins like
After I snapped this photo I DROPPED MY CAMERA,
and killed it! So the ol' weblog won't be as visual as
it's been for awhile, alas. I liked the digicam so much
I may replace it via eBay, pronto -- might be cheaper
than the repair bill.
Jon Carroll begins with a
Warning: This column contains gratuitous references to rain,
Emil Jannings, betrayal, Alexander Hamilton, worthless hussies,
Robin Williams and cats.
Usually when he writes about his cats Archie and Bucket
I lose interest but here he also mentions Pete from
Door Into Summer.
November 11, 2004
This is a near-by tavern's sign, which
can be seen from the 101 -- Fred's Place.
(I've never been inside.)
Uncanny Valley and the new "Polar Express" movie.
The film was made with extensive 'mocap'
technology... essentially Gollum
gone horribly wrong.
WSJ report on
Singles Shopping, a new trend in the
Fatherland. Also, in RU Sirius' blog,
interesting history of a resistance group known as the
Pirates of Köln.
Speaking of Apology -- nowadays, the apologist has the
ability of reaching a much wider audience.
Everybody is an expanding collection of portrait
galleries of sorrowful 49-percenters,
holding up expressive hand-written signs to the camera.
November 10, 2004
In this entry, I'll behave like the All-American Boy
that I am, and discuss a female celebrity's physical
appearance -- and not just her body, but one specific
I first became acquainted with Sarah Vowell from reading
her music columns in Salon. She may have already
been talking on This
American Life at that time (early 1997) but I was still
back East then, on the verge of returning to California,
where I'd finally get to hear this new show the moribund DC
public radio stations hadn't picked up. A remarkable thing
about these columns was the portrait, illustrated by
Dave Eggers while he was still in his cartoonist phase.
(Everybody who misses
Feller stand with me, and be counted!) The thing about
this picture is her nose -- it looks like the knob
off an old radio. (To see it, check for example her column on
music for Sinatra's elegy.) So, I knew what she wrote, and Eggers' idea of how she looked -- and once I started hearing
her on This American Life, I grew to love her speaking style
as well as her words. As of this weekend, Multiplex America is
hearing it, too -- she does the voice of Violet, the skinny
daughter in "The Incredibles" movie. I know she makes public appearances but I'd never had the good fortune to attend one,
so have been ignorant of her real appearance until now: the
IMDb has posted a
of her in the studio, doing the Violet voice-overs. Now
we can all see the nose, and judge Eggers' rendition. Do
you think it's knobby?
November 8, 2004
One of the segments on
week's "This American Life" mentioned the Apology
Line, a phone number in New York one could call to leave
a message, about anything. It ran between 1980 and 1995,
at which time 'host' Allan Bridge (aka "Mr" Apology)
was killed by a jet ski hit-and-run. I'd heard about his
project (from something on NPR, naturally) when it was
new, and would occasionally call the line to pass the
time when I was working the night shift, during the
first phase of space shuttle missions. You could either
record your apology (which I did only once -- it
was generic: I apologized to everyone I'd hurt) or listen
to apologies callers had left previously. A sample of
transcribed apologies and more information can be found at
ApologyProject.com .
Meat, spotted by Noah Spurrier.
(just click it -- not new, but amazing)
One final election map, in which
is weighted to population size. This is actually a
cartogram, a map in which the states' sizes
have been rescaled according to their population.
November 7, 2004
This neon is the Original Joe's in San Jose. It's a restaurnt
chain; each branch makes the 'Original' claim. I've never dined
there, although once I used the restroom but the crowd
was so dense mein host vetoed that choice and we went
elsewhere, although I understand waiting for your table is
a tradition at Joe's, along with old-fashioned waiters
and huge portions.
I've been seeing references to
'Bit Torrent'... what is it? In today's
Yahoo!News' most emailed, the
story has risen to the top -- it's a clever method
for distributing the sources of long video files.
is a film by Lacquer -- a time-lapse camera mounted in
a car traveling cross-country.
November 3, 2004
TBogg captures
day's foul mood:
I look at the big map and all of the red in flyover
country and I feel like I've been locked in a room
with the slow learners. We have become the country
that pulls a dry cleaning bag over its head to play
But why are the red states red and the blue, blue? Who
assigned the colors? ('Cause to me it's so obvious, red
for -neck; but it's more appropriate, politically, that
Democrats get marked with the traditional color of the
extreme Left). Keith Olbermann
into the history of election map coloring.
It's all I seem capable of, at this point --
linking to weblog postings, and
about blogs. Blog, blah, blah.
November 2.

the New Yorker:
Richard Avedon decided that he would try to capture a sense
of the country in the midst of a crucial Presidential election
campaign. He travelled well beyond his studio, visiting the
Conventions in Boston and New York, and, among other places,
Texas, Nevada, and San Francisco. On September 25th in
San Antonio, where he'd been working with Iraq veterans
and was preparing for a sitting at a school, he suffered
a cerebral hemorrhage. Six days later, he died, and
this portfolio,
was left unfinished.
Follow-up on the Ridge Route:
Gold is a half-hour show from KCET, the LA PBS
TV station, sponsored by Wells Fargo and hosted by
an amiable doof named Huell Howser. He's been doing
it for years so now there's hundreds of episodes, and
they have a bunch of the videos at the library. I've
tuned out this election night watching #208, "Traditions."
I've placed a 'hold' on #706, "Yosemite Firefall"
(meaning it'll be shipped over because the Los Altos
branch of our wonderful
library system doesn't have it but there's
a copy down in Morgan Hill) but nobody has
where Huell drives the Ridge Route in a Model T. If
you want to see more pictures of that road, and the
ruins along it, Panamint Charlie has a
where he posted photos from his June 2003 run. And
today's image, from my trip, shows some of the rugged
scrubby plants along the way.
The new Peet's opened today, on el Camino at San Antonio
next to Chef Chu's -- this will change some driving
habits! Even though parking will be troublesome there.
November 1, 2004
A tram in Charlottesville? In the
blog I learn Jen did the cover for
feature story about possible streetcar
construction, between the downtown 'mall' and the
UVA campus. Or maybe it's just their story: some
people from Charlottesville, in Portland, dreaming.
Wonderful photographs at
Global History of Anime
October 31, 2004
I love these new bus stop signs along Wilshire
in LA -- they're for the new Rapid bus, a
system like the busways of South America. Or something.
I've been hitting on
webcam, it's mounted on a Swiss locomotive and
updates every few minutes, when it does (in the night-time,
seems to go dormant).
Guide to Homelessness -- a weblog. Another blogger, author
Gibson, uses the format I first thought I'd do:
just showing the latest entry as the default page,
forcing the user into the archives for anything
other than the current. This makes any visitor except
those daily do too much work; I'm pleased with the
blogish standard of showing at least the past several
days' updates in addition to the latest. Anyway, Gibson's
been holding forth on Osama's latest video dispatch -- that
was something, BTW. So is the
of the Month at the extensive Theremin World.
October 29, 2004
A corrugated wall in the slanting
rays of the afternoon sun, somewhere along my commute.
In some quarters he's known as "Chimpy" --
Two views of his team:
Brownshirting of America by Paul Craig Roberts and
the Campaign Trail: Fear and Loathing in Colorado, by Bud
Out of left field...
Two quotes from Fred Allen, a big radio
personality from the Time before TV:
- Television is a device that permits people who
haven't anything to do to watch people who can't do
- TV is called a medium because anything well
done is rare.
Scariest Halloween costumes. Also,
-- Purveyors
of the Peculiar.
October 27, 2004
Two thumbnail galleries of Golden Age comic book covers.
one has three sections: War & Super-Hero, Good
Girl & Romance, and Crime & Horror; while
one is Crime only. Those were the days.
October 25, 2004
I slipped down to SoCal this weekend, mainly to experience
the Ridge Route,
a 25-mile segment of the old road between Bakersfield and
Los Angeles which, although still passable, has not been
maintained for decades. Early on, traveling north,
one can observe the I-5 traffic passing down below, but
mostly it's the middle of nowhere... I loved it. Here we
see the mighty Tercel, paused on a curve.
of South Carolina police usage of a stun gun on a 75-year-old
visitor at a nursing home. I guess the distinction's hopelessly
muddled to the public, and this story just makes it worse, since
it refers to their weapon as both Taser and stun gun. Everybody
wants to use the former term because the word 'Taser' sounds cool;
but they're not the same -- and to make matters worse, a stun "gun"
doesn't even resemble a gun. A real TASeR (the acronym is Tom
Swift's Electric Rifle) shoots a pair of fine, coiled wires at
the victim, through which current is then passed; whereas the
far-more-common stun gun is just a hand-held with two
electrode-prongs which must be pressed onto the victim.
I've never handled a
Taser (but I did see
one demonstrated on television, when they were new -- a
volunteer from the audience was requested, and the poor
shlub wound up on the floor, twitching) although I have
played with a woman-friend's stun gun, and seen 'em for
sale in venues like surplus stores and gun shows. When
fully charged (they plug into a wall socket), as the switch
is closed, a thick blue spark appears between the electrodes,
and I've heard a victim describe the sensation as being
like a physical blow.
Three short essays on reality:
Haven't linked to a Jon Carroll column in a while,
one from last week tells it like it is.
Elephant is Jim Kunstler's latest rant, mentions the
"outside context problem" (per Sergey Borovik) and especially
the "consensus trance" -- Erik Davis' idea that
the collective
agreement about what reality consists of is so powerful that
it resists, even repels, any challenge to its validity.
And finally,
Doper Vote, by Jules Siegel at AlterNet.
I was nattering on about her comic strip a couple days
before Lynn Johnson did an
October 8th with Washington Post readers.
at Vintage Vegas -- excellent! Today's random word: a
phillumenist is a collector of matchbooks and matchboxes.
October 22, 2004
Hunter Thompson is not an undecided voter. In
and Loathing, Campaign 2004 he discusses when he
first met John Kerry and, among other things, says
Your neighbor's grandchildren will be fighting this
stupid, greed-crazed Bush-family "war" against the
whole Islamic world for the rest of their lives, if
John Kerry is not elected to be the new President of
the United States in November.
Brian Wilson finally released "Smile" -- I haven't heard
it yet, but the track listing's almost identical to a
bootleg I acquired a few years ago, except for something
new called "In Blue Hawaii" (which sounds intriguing). One
could do without the slide whistles but I can't help
wondering about the positive impact "Vega-Tables" would
have had on the cultural landscape, if the Beach Boys'
'67 LP was released as originally planned.
Sleep a lot, Eat a lot,
Brush 'em like crazy
Run a lot, Do a lot,
Never be lazy.
October 21, 2004
Before it gets too far away, a photo
from my Seattle trip, of downtown near the
freeway overhead and the Elliott Bay waterfront.
Against Reason by Jonathan Freedland --
The US
Election has Exposed a Growing Conflict Between Two
World Views.
Would Jefferson Do? by Robert Kuttner, co-editor
of The American Prospect.
Up and Smell the Fascism!
October 19, 2004
BeGone -- gimme! An ingenious
device which will trigger needed discourse
about mandatory television in public spaces.
They interviewed the inventor on
'All Things Considered' today - his
name is Altman. More info at
Wired News.
The CIA's 9-11 Report has been
until after the election, since it names
October 18, 2004
This year's annual
Fan Halloween Parade
started off with more
than a dozen fan-made Beaker costumes.
Glory Hole.
(not the perversion)
'Civil Liberties' has become code to some people --
Oregon teachers were ejected from a
Republican rally for their "Protect Our
Civil Liberties" T-shirts. Their shirts'
message was declared 'obscene' by a campaign
October 15, 2004
Japanese publisher Shueisha has suspended the
"Kuni ga Moeru" manga, since the comic dared to
mention the Rape of Nanking, one of their WWII
atrocities post-war Japan chooses to ignore,
or more often, deny. Details at
Today and (a probably more objective report) in the
Times of Singapore.
The conventional wisdom seems to be that Yusuf Islam
(aka Cat Stevens) is on the No Fly List, despite the
clarifying info in the
article I linked to previously, which stated that
on the contrary, the name on The List is actually
Youssouf Islam and the former singing star's
detainment was due to overzealous (or just ignorant)
TSA behavior. Ironically, his example indicates a
possible method for thwarting false positives at
check-in, according to an MSNBC Travel article,
A Common
Name can be a Curse. In addition to enhanced
security, one might hope all that tax money flowing
into the TSA would be facilitating some
reduction in the harrassment of the traveling
public -- well, those funds are going
somewhere: for the recent news on their lavish
spending, follow one of the links in this Google
for the curious phrase, '$500 for cheese displays'.
I've heard the suggestion that a TSA's mandate
is in fact increased harrassment, to convince the
fearful among the electorate that the gumint's doing
something. Shoes Off For America!
Heard about the
Six? A creative demonstration in Pennsylvania,
deemed too risky for the shrub to see, so the
perpetrators were all arrested by local police. Their
trial's next week.
Derbyshire of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop was
the unsung heroine of British electronic music (and
she was partly responsible for the "Doctor Who" theme).
October 14, 2004
This neon sign is in the "Midtown' neighborhood. They
say Palo Alto has three downtowns -- actually, I'd make
that figure 2½; Midtown being the half. The
other one, on California Ave, is a result of the
1925 annexation of Mayfield. More PA history in
Wikipedia entry.
Scalzi's on a roll, at
Whatever -- don't
post on willfull ignorance -- he says he
...can't remember at what age it was that I discovered
that people are indeed willfully ignorant -- that they
choose not to know things despite the ease with which
knowledge can be acquired -- but I know that even at
that young age I was agog at the idea.
with Haruki Murakami -- he discusses the post-911 world,
intolerance & closed vs. open systems, and The
Catcher in The Rye, which he's translating into
Japanese. I first came upon his work at the late,
lamented word.com, an excerpt from The Wind-Up Bird
Chronicle, the only book of his I've read so far,
but I look forward to more. Another writer, journalist
really, well, columnist at the NY Times, is
Dowd -- heard her on the radio last night, she was
great! Refreshing, even -- not what I expected.
October 12, 2004
According to
a new law says Americans are not only barred from
bringing home Cuban cigars, but now, you're not even
allowed to smoke 'em abroad (as if we'd want to -- and
just how would that regulation be enforced?)
Three recent threads in MetaFilter:
Somebody's six-year-old perceives a frightening 'Skitter
Scatter' which nobody else can see -- in response, people
of their own imaginary playmates, etc;
English doesn't have (but other languages do); and
exactly, are the Masons and Shriners?
Uh-oh -- A
Tiny Revolution posts a Seymour Hersh report
of a senseless civilan massacre. Can anybody offer
a satisfactory explaination of why our dogs of war were
unleashed, how Iraqi farmers became The Enemy? Related:
a February 1999 post I called "Right Wing Fanatics"
has been archived offline, but it compared impeachment
instigator and congressman Bob Barr (R-GA) with the
Reichsführer (using
picture and a 1939
of Time magazine). Now even he's
that he won't be voting for the shrub.
October 11, 2004
The public opening party in the old TWA Terminal at JFK got
of hand, so the Port Authority pulled the plug -- going
overboard, IMO; the exhibit there was scheduled to run until
January but now the whole deal's been cancelled. Fortunately,
there was a preview, where David Gallagher took a
of photos, which he posted on his photo-blog,
Lightning Field.
Know that, 'neath my somewhat conventional demeanor, a
Dude abides... because according to another web-based
test (Which
"Big Lebowski" character are you?) I am... Jeff
One of The Emperors of Chocolate, a new
book by Joël Glenn Brenner.
Battle For Reality is an essay by John Kaminski.
October 10, 2004
Just returned from another of my periodic long weekends
in the Pacific NW -- this time, Seattle. Here's hosts
Jan and Tony holding apples from their trees, out by their
barn. They live up near Everett, on a small farm they acquired
a couple years ago. Downtown Seattle highlights included
hanging out in Elliott Bay Books and the Grand Central
Arcade at Pioneer Square, rides on the waterfront
streetcar, and an unescorted tour of the Soviet Foxtrot-class
moored at Pier 48. South of the city, a too-short
visit to the
of Flight at Boeing Field; and up north, finally got
to experience Jan's home town of Snohomish.
October 7, 2004
There's a test at the top of
All Look Same
where a sequence of Asian faces are presented, with prompts
to specify Chinese, Korean or Japanese. My grade was
"Pretty Good," 12 out of 18 (with 7 being the average);
but in most cases I think my guesses were just lucky.
Speaking of Japanese, I'm in my first-ever class, and
it's going well. (If you're learning too, check
Resources.) One might wonder how it is that I've
made seven trips there
without knowing the lingo (or to be precise, the
nihon-go) but I've picked up a lot of stray
vocab over the years, and have been studying the
kanji on and off for almost three decades
now, so it's not like I'm helpless. Now that it's all
coming together, with formal lessons, I really want to
return; but my next big journey will be to Europe,
a frequent-flyer cash-in non-stop to Frankfurt, with a
loop through Amsterdam, Berlin, Kraków,
Budapest and Vienna. Yeah! Gotta get to Poland and
Hungary, before their currency converts to the euro.
3 of David Niewert's "Rise of Pseudo Fascism" is
excellent. So are the first two, as I assume the
subsequent parts will be, also. I link to his weblog
posts often, and his previous big 'exegesis' on "Rush,
Newspeak and Fascism" was outstanding -- you can find a
pointer to it in my
a year ago today.
The full story on
Mr Burns -- I
mean Cheney's -- FactCheck
in the VP debate.
October 6, 2004
Since the Supreme Court approved the 'Do Not Call
List' (by their
on Monday), I figured it's time to
my phone number... email confirmation's required, but as
with all such requests, preservation of online anonymity's
a snap with the use of
If we're lucky, this ruling means the eventual death of
legitimate telemarketing, sad but too bad for those marginal
folks who can't find any better job than working in a
Days are Here is an Orcinus post which compiles reports
of recent incidents of election-induced vandalism -- why are
the all the perpetrators pro-Republican? One of these acts
was documented in the local Metro rag's "I Saw You"
column: an observation in a parking lot, a Party zealot
removing a Kerry bumper sticker with a key, damaging the
finish underneath. More interesting news-via-weblog from
Tom Tomorrow, in his
posting which concerns Shatner in Iowa, and the
Sensible Liberals.
I've grown rather fond of another political cartoon,
also published in the Metro. "Slowpoke" is a
creation of Jen Sorenson, and her
will probably be getting a daily read. Another blog,
very different, is
Better or Worse Strikes Back -- a sarcastic
analysis of that wholesome
strip, which I'm quite familiar with, a guilty
pleasure. (Hey -- it's Canadian!)
Finally, a followup to yesterday's Peanuts post -- just
learned (in a strip from '53) that Violet's last name is
Gray. This was noted in the
but I'd forgotten.
October 4, 2004
The second volume of The Complete Peanuts
showed up today, so you get to see the mysterious
Charlotte Braun, an experimental character who only
appeared in seven strips in early December, 1954.
(Click to see the last two). Fantagraphics is the
publisher of this definitive collection (and many
other comics, as well) -- they were profiled in a
Weekly article.
The SpaceShipOne crew won their X-Prize today!
$10M... say, they could swap it for a Zeppelin NT! In
other spaceman news, last May 8, in the high desert
near Edwards AFB, a
was unveiled on the spot where pilot Michael
Adams crashed, on one of the final flights of the
X-15... and finally, RIP,
October 3, 2004
This weekend was Los Altos' Art & Wine festival. Usually,
I avoid these things: most California towns seem to have them,
in the summertime; the main street is closed off and filled
with booths selling crafts, plus there's food, and live music;
but the hot sun, dense crowds, and smoke from the grilling usually
combine unpleasantly. But in Los Altos, that typical scene is
augmented with a classic car show -- a few years back, I saw
a Tucker there. This year, the focus was on Buicks, and I
finally got to see a '54 converible, which had these great
chrome tailfins bolted on to the fenders. Like the turn signals,
those three stripes on the top are also red plastic, which
illuminate when the headlights are on -- I got to see this
demonstrated, but wasn't able to get a photo. (The zoom image
concatenates this close-up with a broader view.) Also got to
see a '57, which is one of my favorite fifties automobiles -- for
some reason, examples are rare, unlike its Chevrolet cousin.
Zeppelin NT in the Neiman-Marcus catalog -- only $10M.
A more reasonable gift idea: if you know a love-struck couple
in that early stage we call the Pink Cloud, get 'em a pair of
I'm reminded of that "Cap for Two" in Philip Garner's
Better Living Catalog, from 1982.
On the other hand, if you're looking for love, and in
need of a laugh, check the
Honest Personal Ads in Esquire.
October 1, 2004
Overheard at work a few days ago -- a co-worker,
on the phone with his mother, about another family
"If he'd get off his ass and be a human being,
it wouldn't be an issue!"
Didn't watch the the debate, only caught bits
of it on the radio; so this
of photos was helpful (and amusing). 'Twas
refreshing indeed hearing the shrub's hateful
petulance countered with an articulate voice, although
a Kerry victory will undoubtably have its own flavor of
baggage. Since he's not running,
Soros can speak frankly about the state of things.
September 30, 2004
Acrimonious reaction to the new Smithsonian, on the Mall:
the National
Museum of Ben Nighthorse Campbell -- I'm still curious
about the building, but its displays are sounding increasingly
absurd, and not worth bothering with. I haven't heard anything
about the gift shop yet, so that might be worthwhile.
The Action Squad visits the
of Hamm's Brewery in St. Paul -- fascinating!
interview with Terry Gross.
Terre Vue du Ciel -- thumbnails of aerial photography,
reminds me of "Powaqqatsi." (The Earth Seen from the Sky
is quite simply incredible.)
for the shrub -- oh sure! Related:
Crawford newspaper Endorses Kerry.
Way back when, I mentioned the
Y forum (remember
the opinion that some white people smell like wet dogs,
when they come out of the rain?) A whole lot of interesting
opinions and info gets posted there, but its slow-as-molasses
interface and use of javascript links is infuriating, so
I'm looking forward to reading the new book author Phillip
Milano has distilled from his site:
Can't Believe You Asked That!
September 28, 2004
Required reading:
Media Plagued by 'Coincidence Theorists',
by Michael Hasty.
Status of missile defense:
by Frances FitzGerald, in the New Yorker.
New stuff from Japan:
article about Retro-Reflectum, a material which
projects an image onto itself of what is behind the
wearer -- in other words, an invisibility cloak. (In
Neuromancer, William Gibson had characters
wearing 'chameleon suits' made of a substance which
did the same thing.) Also, the
ringtone is now available, for cell phones (but
results may vary).
September 27, 2004
In the November 2001 Los Angeles Magazine,
an oral history -- station workers reflect upon the
glory days of the late 70s - early 80s, and what's come
after. All the DJs I remember get a word in, except for the
Poorman (although he is spoken of, naturally). I'm
so glad I got to listen, during my ten days in LA in
1981, a life-changing experience. When I finally moved
there in early '87, imagine my surprise at observing
how their studio was right across the street
from our branch office; but nothing came of that since
my job was mostly "on-lab" out at JPL, instead of in
downtown Pasadena.
I've got a cat now, sort-of -- at least I'm feeding
one, out on the patio. I'm pretty sure he's a stray,
probably about a year old. He's become affectionate
with me, but still won't tolerate anything like being
picked up -- the result of any action he considers
threatening is an immediate, instinctive, full-power
attack. After the little f+cker bit me Saturday, I
decided to call him Fang, short for White Fang, or
maybe "Thascist Groove Fang" (a reference to an 80s
band called Heaven 17, who took their name from
a group mentioned in "A Clockwork Orange"). It's hard to
tell in this picture, but his tail's ringed with black
and gray. (Like with all my pictures, it's a thumbnail,
click to zoom.)
And speaking of cats, haven't spoken of the former
pop star's refused US entry last week, figuring you've
heard the details elsewhere. However, until now,
although we've heard conjecture, there's been
no official explanation of why he's on the no-fly
list (which is one of the many troubles with said
list -- nobody can say who compiles it, or how
to appeal mistakes, or even if you're on it -- the
only way to find out is to take a trip. You might
be in for a rude surprise, with no airfare refund.)
On yesterday's "Le Show," Harry Shearer pointed
towards Time magazine -- seemingly unworthy
of their print edition, an online 'exclusive' is
Say Yusuf, I Say Youssouf... Apparently, it was
due to a misspelling, or rather somebody's over-eager
or ignorant assumption that a misspelling was involved.
September 24, 2004
Gallery of
Ornaments has 'em all, including this '36 Ford's,
spotted in a Redwood City parking lot yesterday.
Frank R. Paul
gallery -- science fiction art from the '20s and '30s,
great stuff, some of his 'pulp' covers are familiar from
various 'Yesterday's Tomorrows' collections. For something
similar, more unusual, slightly more contemporary, and
unique on the web, I've been updating my
"Winstons" listing with
links to the great cover art, scanned from my own collection,
or harvested from eBay offerings. At this point I lack only
two of the covers, and those can be seen at a
site. In the 1960s, I'd get these books from the public
library -- in fact, one of them (The Star Seekers)
was the first Sci-Fi I ever read, the only book of its type
in my elementary school's library. That story was where
I learned the word "empathy." In the 1980s I had a manager
nobody liked who I once heard instruct my supervisor to
"Empathize, but never Sympathize," when dealing with
the troubles of his subordinates. This may be an effective
management technique, but my reaction is, what a jerk!
Mark and Evelyn Leeper do lots of traveling, and they make
logs of their journeys available online. Mark is
also a prolific writer of movie reviews, which he posts
to newsgroups, and they're subsequently listed in the
IMDb. I first stumbled across their Japan diaries in
mid-'99, and they were a partial inspiration for my
return to Nihon, a few months later, after a seven-year
hiatus (which seemed much longer, at the time) -- like
me, origami and monster movies were the original
windows into Mark's fascination with things
Japanese. (But my first film was "Mothra" -- decades
would pass before I finally saw "Godzilla.") I didn't
probe into who the authors were, during those first
readings; but something about his writing style made
me incorrectly assume that
was younger than I, and possibly of some more exotic
demographic than East Coast White Male. I'm re-reading
his '96 Japan travelog, as well as others of
their many trips, including India (they went in '93) and
Vietnam, a more recent journey. Among other things he
also maintains a great page of links:
Internet sites for finding radio drama.
went to Burning Man! (and posted many photos). Like a trip
to India, the discomfort and hassle associated with that
journey make me doubt I'll ever go. Sure, I'd love to make
the scene on the playa for a little while, but her report confirms my suspicion that camping in the desert with thousands of
24-hour party people would surely be a misery. Here's
set of Burning Man '04 thumbnails, featuring the
Bowl (aka 'Dog Dish') mutant vehicle.
September 22, 2004
Here's a fun bit of air traffic trivia: we all know
of Air Force One -- technically, it's the flight number
assigned to any plane the President's riding in
(typically, either of a pair of special 747s) and
then there's Marine One, which designates any
helicopter (usually for transfer between the White
House and Andrews AFB). Air Force Two, same for the
Vice President. Today, in a meeting, I learned that
any time the Pope's in the air, he's flying on
Shepherd One.
Some new products:
Toilet Seat, only 250 €. The all-blue version is
amparo blue (that's Spanish for 'shelter'). Also,
an interesting
of LED products is available from Coast Cutlery. On an
entirely different note,
The new Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian
opened yesterday on the Mall, in DC. Can't wait -- or
maybe, I can. According to Marc Fisher in the
Washington Post,
Museum's Appeal Is Sadly, Only Skin-Deep -- the
building's amazing, but in order to be politically
The Smithsonian accepted the trendy faux-selflessness
of today's historians and let the Indians present
themselves as they wish to be seen.
So instead of, for example, exhibits of traditional
culture, a tribe may instead just promote its new
casino. Food may be the real draw (isn't it
always?) in the museum's