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New this week:
"So what's wrong with this?" says Anonymous,
as we're looking at a large HDTV screen. An animated viewpoint
spins us around a cloud. There are bright columns above it, of
various heights and colors (blue, yellow, red). I say, "it's
because this is computer generated I guess." At the same
time, Jim Butler says, "look," and mimes hitting the
side of the HDTV. "You can hit it here!" He smiles.
isobront (eye'-so-bront) n.
a line on a map passing though those points on the surface of
the earth at which the first peal of thunder of a thunderstorm
is heard at the same time
- 2001: A Space Odyssey %}
Great special effects,
without help from computers!
(Except HAL, of course.)
Tomb Raider
I freely admit that in giving this film my highest rating,
I am indulging in a guilty pleasure. As a gamer, a male, and
a long hair fetishist,
I have for years thought that Lara Croft is the greatest action
hero ever imagined, and I was delighted with Angelina Jolie's
realization of her in the film. The whole thing in fact is beautiful
and exciting, much like the game. I think the best way to watch
this movie is to imagine that it's the year 2075 and you are
watching your friend play the newest Tomb Raider adventure on
a PlayStation 9. "Wow, it looks so realistic!" you'd
say. "The plot's still pretty lame, though." (Yeah,
but it involves time travel! So how could I not love this movie?)
Can't Stop Thinking!

Journey To The


Countdown to Origins |
look at all that new stuff! And that doesn't even include the
Chrononauts patent application I've been toiling away at writing
(now nearing completion, at last), nor all the work Kristin and
have been doing towards getting us a business loan, nor even
the work we've all been doing to get ready for Origins (now just
a few days away, yikes!) where we'll be running our second Big
Experiment. It's gonna be a blast! And we'll finally get
to find out if we win anything in the Origins awards. As Kristin
would say, keep your toes crossed for us!
Speaking of finally finding out who wins, we got 86 entries
to our Lost
Identities nanofic contest, and now we begin the task of
deciding which ones we will actually make into cards. And some
of them are pretty darned good, so choosing the winners ain't
gonna be easy. Plus, everyone's been asking if they'd get to
read all the entries... so, we decided to just put them all up
and let everyone give their opinions. I of course will make the
final choices, and my decision will be final... but I'm very
interested in knowing what other people think.
So Dale (our fabulous webmaster) tweaked a great online display
and voting system built for us by Craig Forbes (one of our fabulous
volunteer geek rabbits), and Dave (our fabulous summer intern)
pulled all the data out of the emails we'd been collecting and
entered them into a database (which in retrospect we realize
we should have built at the beginning). So now, you can go read
all the entries and give us your opinions!
The deadline for doing that is August 17th. We plan to announce
the winners in the August 23rd edition of this webzine.

Have a great summer!
PS: Congrats on the new job, Lauren! Good
luck and thanks for all your assistance!

years of loyalty to the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, I have recently
decided that my all-around favorite item from the candy aisle
is: Nestle's Wonka Bar. Not only does it have an unbeatable gobstopper
factor, but I also think it's an ideal candy bar: delicious milk
(with the delightful crunch of graham cracker bits) of the perfect
size and shape, sealed in a purple wrapper. What could be better?
I wish I had one right now! |
We attended the TSI-TelSys annual shareholder's
meeting this week, and although the stock is barely worth a dime, the company
is still going full-steam ahead and may yet become a success.
There were many new faces, morale seems good, they have paying
customers, and they're developing new lines of business. Go TSI! |
- Steve Hauk has started a new story featuring the Emperor
of Da Universe, and will be posting it on his website
as he creates it!
- "And by the way...I am quite impressed with your customer
service. After the day that I have had with my cellular phone
company and their shenanigans, it is quite refreshing!" -- comments received by email from a customer named