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Interfering with History
Suddenly, in mid-warp, John's malfunctioning old time machine
exploded, vaporizing his physical form but depositing his consciousness
in the overlapping person in real time-space. Eventually, long
after Gina's nervous breakdown, the two struggling personalities
became reconciled. United within her, they chose a new name:
Ginohn. And that's when the Time Police stepped in.
New this week:
"The only solution is more
coffee," I say out loud to myself, and squeeze some honey
into my cup.
umbrageous (um-bray'-juss) adj.
1a. shady 1b. filled with shadows 2. inclined to take offense
- Rear Window :-)
- It's like having James
Stewart sitting beside you
in a mystery.
Rear Window
This 1954 Jimmy Stewart classic is Hitchcock's second
or third best film, and it's another great film to half-watch
in the middle of the night. Jimmy plays an injured photographer
who stays up late spying on his neighbors, and thinks he sees
Raymond Burr murdering his wife in the apartment across the courtyard.
Makes an excellent double feature with Vertigo.
The Bunny
Survival Test page


Cool Cat Studio


Not Much To Say |
This week, I don't have much to say. For one thing, since
last week's Saturday night update was itself late, part of my
news from this week was covered last week, in the GAMA
trip report. And then, as soon as we'd caught up from being
out of town, I dug in to work on an all-new, full-scale, digitally-mastered
prototype of the new game I'm inventing, code-named Secret
Project 39-C. I had to pull an All-Dayer (remember, I work
the grave shift) in order to finish it by now, but it's done
and it's beautiful and it's been working great in limited tests
with Kristin and Alison. (As I hammered away through the night
on Monday, I vowed to finish the new prototype before going to
bed; but when I hit the 38th hour, I had to give up on that goal,
and the deck wasn't done until the next day.) Anyway, tonight,
I plan to swear to secrecy my friends in the WTS,
and let them begin the second round of playtesting. For those
of you who aren't going to be seeing the new game soon, I apologize
again for being so annoyingly secretive about it... we just don't
think it wise to announce our plans to the industry until we're
sure we're actually on the verge of printing the game. I probably
shouldn't be talking about it at all, but it's basically the
only thing I've been thinking about this week, and I'm just bursting
with excitement about it. Of course, I also don't like to reveal
too much about a new project until it reaches a certain stage
of completion. But the good news is, the design is now finished
enough that I'm willing to start letting certain people see it,
so henceforth, if you see me in person (and agree to keep the
name and subject matter of the game secret until such time as
I decide how to announce it here on the web) I'll let you play
a game of 39-C with me. As for the rest of you, I appreciate
your patience.
Hail the Internet!

Today is Alison's Birthday. Happy Birthday, Alison! |
We're starting to see images from the upcoming
film adaptation of Battlefield Earth, and I have to say,
I'm mighty disappointed with the humanlike appearance of Terl
and the Psychlos. I suppose that was inevitable, with a big star
driving the production and wanting to look like himself on the
big screen, but man, it's a blow. Klingons look more like Psychlos
than these guys will. So, I'm still excited about it, but I'm
also filled with dread... |
Well, I have one of the new $1 coins, and while
it's certainly an improvement over the Susan B (it's gold in
color and has a smooth edge) it's still a disappointment. The
back is boring compared to the eagle on the moon motif, and it's
still about the same weight as a quarter. So I still think it's
gonna be a hard sell. (The Brits got it right when they made
their coin super-thick, while also discontinuing the paper equivalent.) |