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Guide to Wunderland
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New this week: Chapter
92, in which Pauline falls through a hole in the floor
Phasers on Stun
Kirk, Spock, and McCoy beamed down to the
mysterious planet of sentient broccoli. Regrettably, McCoy scandalized
the Ritual of Introduction by stepping on a sprout, and Kirk
wound up kissing the King's daughter. Spock found it all fascinating.
Then a rampaging mob of broccoli stalks attacked, and Scotty
got the transporter working just in time.
internecine (in'-ter-ness'-een)
adj. 1: mutually destructive 2: involving conflict within
a group
- Austin Powers :-)
The Spy Who Shagged Me
- We really did think
This was a fantastic film.
But we're fanatics.
Tucker: The Man and His Dream
This Hollywoodized version of the true story
of Preston Tucker, who started a car company in 1947 that produced
exactly 50 cars, is at once an inspiration to anyone with the
entrepreneurial spirit and a cautionary tale about the dangers
of yielding power to politicians who are beholden to the interests
of large corporations.

The Dialectizer

Idea Cafe

News Archives
Send email to LooneyLabs
- Thursday
- June 17, 1999
New this week:

This week finds us placing lots of orders. It's now just a
couple of weeks until Origins, which means the deadline for getting
new stuff made by then is upon us. So we've been busily sending
off final artwork for the set of nine Fluxx
Keeper T-shirts we're making, as well as art for a bunch
of new buttons we plan on giving out as promos at the show. (As
with the T-shirts, we'll be making whatever leftovers we come
back with for sale in the Gift Shop when we return.) We've also
been working up the furniture request for our booth at Origins,
plotting out the uniforms our staff will be wearing this year,
and ordering up more of the Contagious
Dreams best sellers, so that we'll have plenty on hand at
the show (a task requiring difficult predictions... we will no
doubt run out of whatever items prove to be the most popular).
Meanwhile, we've
also been preparing a new one page wholesale catalog for inclusion
in the next GAMA mailing, which goes out to their list of 7000
game retailers. As part of that job, we've created a new testimonials page, using
the best of the comments we've gotten in with online orders during
the past year. Thanks for your kind words, everyone! Nothing
is as impressive as quotes from satisfied customers.
And as if all that weren't enough, we have at long last selected
an Icehouse piece manufacturer!
Many moons ago, we issued a request
for bids on the job of making injection-molded plastic Icehouse
pieces. We got back a number of quotes, including some that were
feasible, but then we got busy building Contagious
Dreams instead, leaving this project to simmer on the back
burner. But yesterday, we finally got around to visiting the
top contender, a firm called PlastiCert Inc., just over the border
in Pennsylvania, for a site inspection. And so far, all system
are go!
It was a good meeting. We spent a lot of time going over the
details of the job, and feel very good about PlastiCert's corporate
identity as well as their capabilities. If all goes well, we'll
have engineering diagrams from them to review and show off at
the 10th Icehouse Tournament, next month at Origins.
forget to play!
dead, Jim." I've always figured that Scotty would be the
first member of the original Enterprise crew to beam out for
good, but this week, the Star Trek reunion movie industry suffered
a major setback when Dr. McCoy took the ultimate journey into
the Final Frontier. So long, Bones.
Publishing is developing a Tomb Raider CCG! I don't normally
go in for Collectible Card Games very much, but as a big fan
of Lara Croft, I'm actually looking forward to this one. It's
hard to imagine how the fun of the videogame can be translated
into a CCG, but it'll be interesting to see what they come up
Americans just have too much stuff. We don't know where to put
it all. I can tell because everywhere I look I see a new Self
Storage Center being built. We all seem to need an extra storage
space to stick some of our junk in.