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It Happened When He Played The Tower
Planet Q kept an assortment of tarot decks on hand for use
by customers. To avoid karmic contamination, some were stored
with the Icehouse sets, others with the Ouija boards. But one
evening, a deck from the Ouija Lounge wound up at a Zarcana table.
The game ended prematurely, due to a mysterious power outage.
"He didn't want the gunmetal
gray furniture. Because he thought it was covered in germs..."
- Jim Butler
fugacious (fyoo-gay'-shuss)
adj.1. passing away quickly; evanescent 2. (Botany) withering
or dropping off early
- Eyes Wide Shut :-)
That does it, no more
masquerade orgies for me.
I have been scared straight.
Back to the Future Part 2
Rare indeed is the sequel that's half as good as the
original, but this is a case where Part 2 was actually the best
in the series. (It may even be the best time travel movie ever
made.) The intricate plot features a dazzling trip into the future,
a return to a present day (i.e. 1985) made radically different
by timestream meddling, and a timeline repair mission that takes
place during the events of the first movie. Great stuff! And
it's the only film I've ever seen that included a preview for
its own sequel at the end: a true glimpse of the future.

Arcade Emulations

The Angry Flower
New this week:

The Typesetting is Complete! |
Last week I talked about our
progress in getting the rulebooks for the new Icehouse
sets finalized, noting that we were behind schedule. This week,
I'm happy to say that the final rules are all written, the illustrations
finished, and the typesetting work completed. Next we'll be preparing
a set of Beta release copies of the books, for proofreading by
our team of reviewers, and after we correct any typos they find,
it'll be off to the printers for mass duplication.
Meanwhile, we went to KLON this week to check on the status
of our mold. They're behind schedule too, but like us, only by
a few days. We got to see a block of steel with a 3-pointer carved
into it, plus lots of new drawings, and we even got to take home
some color samples:
So unless Hurricane Floyd flattens Baltimore, we should have
real pieces in just a couple of weeks!
I stupidly forgot to bring my camera, so I have no pictures of
half built molds. Here instead is a cartoon I did for the IceTraders
book, since we wound up with a little space to fill in that volume.
did all the page layout work for the books, and they look fabulous.
It's particularly impressive when you consider that she knew
nothing about Quark before picking up this task. Now she knows
so much that we've started calling her the Typesetting Queen.
She's even considering temp work doing that sort of thing. Anyone
looking to hire a fledging Quark expert?
Several of our friends from Pittsburgh came to see us over
the weekend, and we ended up inviting them to join the WTS.
Andrew Plotkin (aka Zarf) is well
known by those who surf these pages, since there are many links
over to his fascinating network of interconnected web caves;
Dan Efran is also well
known in the Icehouse community, for his work with Zarf on X-Icehouse,
and as a many-time Icehouse finalist (and Cooler Than Ice recipient).
He and his girlfriend 'Becca
also have a cool website of their own, entitled The
Earthling's Handbook, which those who follow Tirade's Choices
will also remember. Anyway, the three of them came down this
weekend to hang out and to inspect our progress on the Icehouse
materials, this second issue being of key importance to Zarf,
who's been doing a bang up job of re-writing the Zarcana rules
for us. We all had a great time, and we decided they really should
be included on our official roster of close friends, so now they
Have you pre-ordered
your Icehouse set yet?
(If not, act soon - the free postage part of the deal expires
at midnight on Monday)
was telling us that in Amherst, she lived within the delivery
radius of a freshly-baked cookie delivery service. Wow.... I
wish we had that. All we can get delivered is Chinese food and
pizza. (Oh yeah, and Kentucky Fried Chicken.)
latest round of tax-dollar-funded anti-drug propaganda includes
messages aimed at those of us with friends who use drugs, encouraging
us to intervene somehow in their vices. I think a better way
to help my pot-smoking friends is to seek the same freedoms for
them that my beer-drinking friends won in 1933, the last time
prohibition was repealed.
Guaranteed or You Are One Picky Bastard" -
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