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Bob Who?
50 years after the invention of time travel, the one eternal
constant was the need for qualified time machine repairmen, like
Bob Fruitbasket. Bob could fix anything (including the '43 Panasonic
Deparadoxer). Unfortunately, a careless tourist's time ripple
changed Bob's destiny before he ever learned time machine repair...
instead, he's a lunar real estate agent.
New this week: The
milk ring that got him a divorce
"All right! Drum solo!"
- Andrew Looney
sialagogue (see-al'-uh-gog)
n. an agent that promotes the flow of saliva
- Shirley Valentine :-)
Shirley talks to walls,
to rocks, and as it happens,
to the rest of us.
Being John Malkovich
This is an outstanding piece of surreal storytelling,
set in exactly the sort of slightly-twisted alter-reality that
I really dig. It's so wonderfully weird that I don't even want
to try summarizing the plot - I couldn't do it justice. I just
wish this brilliant story hadn't been wasted on such an unpleasant
and unlikeable bunch of characters... most everybody in this
film is dishonest, manipulative, mean, or rude. Nevertheless,
this is the most thought-provoking film I've seen in ages; I'm
still reeling from the mental punch it delivered.
The World's
Most Difficult Bible Quiz

Fun with

Dark Hotel
Another Busy Week |
This week I find myself with very little time left to get
this update done, nothing written, and not much to report on
either. It's not for a lack of activity, mind you, in fact quite
the opposite. Our Thanksgiving holiday was packed with socializing,
and we're still frantically getting ready for the now-underway
and still-ramping-up holiday shopping season. But there doesn't
seem to be any particular theme to report on this week, it was
just a very busy week.
For ThanksIndians, we had dinner with Kristin's family, dessert
with mine, and of course, the ceremonial Toast and Popcorn at
home that evening. Kristin's sister Ruth and her family came
up from Texas for the holiday, and it was particularly enjoyable
seeing her kids, Dustan and Jenelle. They've grown quite a bit
since the last time we saw them, and we had a lot of fun playing
games with them during their visit. On the other hand, the holiday
had worrisome undertones this year amongst Kristin's family...
her mom has been undergoing tests and treatments for a recurrence
of the breast cancer she thought she'd beaten a decade ago. But
thankfully, the prognosis is good... on Tuesday she had surgery
and the news is really all good. The doctor was apparently quite
convinced that he was able to remove all of the remaining cancer.
So she's on the mend and will hopefully be with us for many holidays
to come!
In the socialization
category, we also spent another afternoon playing drums and didjeridoos
in the woods with some of our local hippie friends. Dale Newfield
stopped off to do some shopping while passing through on his
way back to Charlottesville, and he ended up tagging along with
us the drum circle... you can read more about it on Ginohn's
On the work side of life, we've been continuing to polish
up things about the site that we'd been meaning to improve for
ages, like putting some hair product placement on the hair
index and updating the way-out-of-date About
Looney Labs page. The response to last week's call for Mad
Lab Rabbits was fabulous, and it motivated us to quickly put
together a roster
page, using a bunch of new rabbit pictures Alison's been
cranking out. Alison also assembled a bunch of Origami Icehouse
sets this week, and in doing so, used up the last of our ancient,
once-vast supply of die-cut cards. This was an amazing moment
for us... we never would have imagined, back in '96 when we closed
down Icehouse Games, that we'd someday use up that pile of origami
pieces that had once seemed so infinite. (Of course it also means
Kristin has a new manufacturing job ahead of her, since we obviously
need to get more origami pieces made.)
Lastly, I've been writing (and doing comprehension testing
of) the rules for Q-turn, and of course, we've been filling orders.
Lots and lots of orders. We're quite happy with the way the season
is going so far, but please... if you're planning to do your
holiday shopping with us, don't
wait until the last minute. We've made our best guesses on how
much to stock up on over at Contagious
Dreams, but you never can tell what we're going to run out
of, and the later it gets, the harder it will be for us to restock
in time.
games make great gifts!

"There was no Blockbuster the first Thanksgiving,
so the pilgrims watched the stone. And at one point, an older
pilgrim said, 'I can't hear it, turn it up' and the young pilgrims
just rolled their eyes and thought 'Geez, old pilgrims are annoying.'" - recent Blockbuster Video commercial |
I finally got to try out the new Heathcoop
Icehouse game, called Zagami, and it's totally cool! If you've
got an Icehouse set, get psyched for a really cool addition to
the e-library,
coming soon! |
"A culture is not healthy when it is built
upon a foundation of lies and when it then preserves itself by
systematically punishing the expression of truths that all can
see but are afraid to acknowledge. All of this comes to mind
when considering the tortured manner in which our own society
attempts to deal with the question of drugs and past drug usage."
- Bradley R. Gitz, from an editorial
appearing in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 11/26/99 |