PenguiCon 6 Report
Two years ago, Looney Labs was the gaming Guest of Honor and Kristin, Alison, and I all attended and had a grand time; you can read more about that trip in my PenguiCon 4 report. At PenguiCon 6, the Gaming GoH was Keith Baker, who is best known as the creator of the Eberron D&D world and the card game Gloom, but who's also been a dear friend of mine for like 20 years. Keith lives in Colorado so we don't get to see each other as often as we'd like, although we do stay in touch pretty well via modern communications technology. Anyway, the timing of this convention was such that Keith's lovely wife Ellen was unable to attend with Keith, so he invited me to tag along on his GoH perks so that we could enjoy both the con and some quality hanging-out time together. Having been a GoH once means we get "Nifty Guest" status at any future PenguiCon, which is cool; however, only GoHs get free airline tickets and hotel rooms, and these factors make a big difference in our ability to attend. Also, being a Nifty myself meant I had plenty of my own things to do when Keith was busy doing GoH stuff, such as running special D&D sessions using the not-yet-released 4th Edition rules. (To digress briefly on that point, it sounds like D&D 4.0 will be pretty radically different from 3rd Edition, in ways that are likely to appeal to some but annoy others. But I sat in on one of Keith's sessions (I was a Goblin Rogue named Smudge) and I like what I'm seeing. And what is Keith's professional opinion of the new ruleset? He loves it. Read his extended postings at his LiveJournal for more details.) Anyway, I ran several events of my own at PenguiCon 6. First, I did a panel with Randall Munroe (author of the webcomix xkcd) on what it was like to work for NASA, which attracted quite a crowd and was a lot of fun. Secondly I did another session of Andy vs. Everybody, which was particularly memorable due to the blackouts (see below). Thirdly, I gave a talk called "What's Next from Andy Looney?" in which I showed off the prototypes for all the new games I'm working on playtested whichever game the group was most interested in trying. Although the official version of this talk was on Sunday morning, I was basically doing an impromptu version of this talk all weekend long, as I hung around in the gaming rooms looking for people to play games with. Setting aside older works-in-progress (like Just Desserts and my planned revisions to Nanofictionary, neither of which I got to playtest at all, unfortunately), I have 4 major new projects in playtesting at this time, all of which got great reactions:
The third way this session was different is that one of the games I was playing was Diplomacy. Normally this isn't a game I would play during AvE, however this was a Diplomacy game that was taking place during the course of the whole convention, with moves being due every two hours and negotiations between different nations taking place at any random time and place during the con. Since actions fell due right in the middle of my Andy vs. Everybody session, I had to make time for diplomatic negotiations in amongst the many turns I was taking. This actually worked fine except for once during one of the blackouts, when I was talking a little too openly with Germany about our plans to gang up on Russia only to be told that the guy playing Russia was standing nearby in the darkness. Oops!
All in all it was a great weekend -- lots of great games, interesting people to talk to, neat things to see and hear, and also a lot of great food, including ice cream made with liquid nitrogen, yummy snacks of various sorts in the con suite at all hours, a ritualistic celebration of chocolate, an awesome grilled steak cookout, and all the caffeine-laced beverages you could ask for. The only bad thing I can say about the weekend is that the flight home was dreadful. A flight that should have taken a little over an hour instead took five hours. We spent so much time flying around in circles, waiting for the thunderstorms over Baltimore to clear up, that we had to land in Pittsburgh to get more gas! It sure was nice to finally get home after that. Anyway, PenguiCon 6 was awesome, so thanks again to both Keith and the con committee for bringing me out for it, and thanks to everyone who helped make it great, including our liaisons Molly and Mike and the gaming coordinator Shaun. I had a great time! |
copyright © 2008 By Andrew Looney. |