weekend I did something crazy: I applied to be on a reality show,
specifically season 2 of the SciFi channel's "Who Wants
To Be A Superhero?" (WWTBASH).
I mentioned after watching the first season last summer,
I really enjoyed this show. Whereas most reality shows challenge
their contestants with tests of abilities such as endurance,
strength, trivia knowledge, and willingness to eat insects, WWTBASH
is quite different: here the winner is determined by measures
of creative writing, costuming, acting, role-playing, and above
all, imaginative thinking. Well, if that's not the kind of challenge
I'm perfectly-suited for, I don't know what is!
To further the feeling that it was my destiny to try out for
this, I happened to notice, with just barely enough time to prepare,
that an open casting call for WWTBASH was being held right here
in my own city! All I had to do was fill out a 9-page application,
film a 10 minute try-out video, and show up at a mall out near
Dulles Airport for the auditions. I just HAD to give it a shot!
Of course, I also had to come up with a detailed superhero
persona to submit, but hey, that's a piece of cake for a Creative
Dynamo like me. And what IS the superhero character I submitted?
Sorry, but for now I'm going to keep my secret identity a secret,
so you'll just have to speculate about that.
However, you do get to watch the
first 2 minutes of my try-out video. Since it happens that
I've already gotten into making little videos about my life lately,
I was able to start out my 10 minute super-hero application video
with a generic introduction to myself, which I happen to have
already been working on when I found out about WWTBASH. It's
my new Ask Andy
video this week.
Now, of course, I'm in that painful "waiting to get your
report card" phase... I'm egotistical enough to think that
I "aced" this "exam," but of course, we shall
see. Fortunately, I don't have very long to wait to find out...
they plan to do the actual filming for the show during the first
few weeks of April, so one way or another, I should know soon.
Check back here in two weeks to find out if I'm packing my bags
or riding on a bummer!
Speaking of trying out to be on game shows, I'm also looking
at the applications for Deal
or No Deal and 1 vs. 100. But now I want to see what happens
with this WWTBASH thing before I decide on what to do next...
I've started participating in the Wednesday night Texas Hold'em
tournaments that are being held nearby at the College
Perk Coffeehouse, and last night, I won 2nd place! This is
the best I've ever done in a Hold'em tournament of this size,
which had over 40 players, and I got to pocket $15! (First prize
is $25, and those are the only financials involved... to avoid
getting into legal trouble for gambling, the buy-in is free.) |
It looks like I'll have to add another section to the Fictional
Andy Looney... apparently a student named Nathaniel in an
Intermediate Playwriting class is writing a play about how I
started the Time Repair Agency. "Basically, it's about how
Andy becomes a Chrononaut and helps the other Chrononauts realize
how much good they can do for the world, when until then they
have been going about their jobs without any compassion at all."
I wonder who they'll get to play me when it becomes a movie someday.
(Speaking of which, the folks on the Chrononauts
mailing list are brainstorming ideas for a Chrononauts movie,
something I myself have long been pondering...) |
After tabulating the first 435 survey
results, the first thing we notice is that 79% of the respondents
are male. (Where are you, Lady Fluxx Fans?) |