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There is gauze in my mouth, where
my top wisdom teeth used to be. I'm lying in bed, sleepy, talking
to Jake on the phone. I say something like, "The orthodontist
offered to take out the one with the cavity but I said might
as well take them both."
brickbat (brik'-bat) n.
1: a piece of broken brick, esp. one used as a missile 2: any
rocklike missile 3: an unkind or unfavorable remark; caustic
- Igby Goes Down :)
Another sad tale
of a rich boy getting sex
from older women.
That Was Then
My pick for most interesting show of the new fall season was
put on hiatus after only 2 episodes! (I'm getting used to seeing
cool new shows canceled before they have a chance, but this sets
a new record.) Fortunately, "Do Over" (another new
show with the same excellent premise) is still on, and getting
good reviews (at least from the likes of #12).
But while both time-travel shows feature a second chance at high
school in the eighties with all the memories of 2002 intact,
only That Was Then provided the intriguing added hook of showing
us how the main character's attempts to change the future actually
pay off. I was supremely disappointed to see ABC yank this promising
new series so quickly, and hope another network picks it up.
In the meantime, watch Do Over on WB.
Eric Myer's



Getting Ready to March |
gonna be a big anti-war
march on DC this weekend, and since we're that
hippie game company and we live within walking distance of
a metro station, we figure it would be remiss of us not to join
in Saturday's march. If you live in the area and feel as we do
about war, please join us!
To help you find us, we're making a few signs to carry, featuring
artwork from a certain Fluxx
card, as shown in this scale-model prototype I threw together
yesterday morning. Unfortunately, we didn't even know about this
march until a couple of days ago, and that just isn't enough
time for most printing places to make signs. We had the idea
of getting a huge pile of signs like this made, and giving them
out to anyone/everyone we meet... but instead, we're only going
to have about a dozen, which Landru
was able to quickly print up for us, and many of them are already
spoken for...
Anyway, if you join the march or watch the coverage, look
for us and our stylish little signs!
Yay! They caught the snipers!
(Now we just need to stop a war...) |


Greykell Dutton, one of the nicest and coolest
people I've met in the past 20 years, has been diagnosed with
Multiple Sclerosis. Read all about it on her
pages... |
I'm getting a patent for my birthday! I got notification
this week that my third patent (for the method of simulating
time travel in a card
game) will be issued on Election day. Now if we can just
get a democratic congress and a "Yes" on Nevada's Question
9, I'll get everything I want for my birthday! |
We got a stereo upgrade this week (thanks toK!),
moving from a single-cd player to a 100-cd jukebox! Needless
to say, it's a huge improvement, and amazingly, I was able to
make the much-larger unit fit on the same shelf as the old one! |
- "I love your new store
display: It's compact and complete. The casual browser is
drawn to the bright colors (you know how people love bright,
twinkly things), and then they examine each item. 'What are these
triangle things?' I hear, and then I start my Icehouse 'tutorial'..." --Wendy Sheridan, of the Moon
& Star, Rahway, NJ