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"John, did you finish your
food?" asks Gina, and I show her the closed tub of pasta
in my hand.
pulvinar (puhl-vine'-ar) adj.
of, relating to, or like a pillow or pad; resembling a cushion
or pillow.
- Punch Drunk Love :)
It puts the manic
in romantic, otherwise
it would just be rot.
Technical Difficulties
for Peace
"A friend showed Fluxx to us and we played it for three
days straight! We love this game!!" -- Jenn
B. of Durham, CT, in comments accompanying an order

Happy New Year! |
holidays are here, and that means there's a tree in our house
again. It's happened so often, I decided to write up a page documenting
the history of our annual
holiday trees. And between researching that and getting ready
for this year's celebrations, I've been too busy to do much else.
Therefore, this week's article is already over.
Don't Forget to Shop!

(PS - There will be no update next Thursday... it's National
Play Week!)

"As a former CEO, Dad was most
comfortable making decisions -- okay, giving orders. As he spiraled
deeper into the miasma of Alzheimer's, the staff let him sit
in on their daily meetings. He was sure he was running them;
they accepted that. There is a special knack to working with
Alzheimer's patients: Treat them with respect and dignity. They
may be confused, but they recognize fear or patronizing behavior." -- Barbara Geehan, on her experiences in a study
of people with relatives who have AD (which Kristin's parents
are also part of), "An
Uncertain Inheritance", The Washington Post, 12/12/2 |
"In a report to be published in the scientific
journal Neuroscience Letters, Dr. Nathaniel Milton, a
biochemist at London's Royal Free and University College London
Medical School, will present research that suggests cannabinoids
may help ward off the onset of Alzheimer's disease and lessen
its effects in those who have it." -- High
Times magazine, Feb 2003, page 13 |
"If you're having trouble figuring
out how to deal with a child in a game, try thinking of him as
a stoned adult. It's not polite to draw attention to his being
stoned, so just explain patiently and expect some weird lapses
of judgment and the occasional flash of surprising insight." --'Becca Stallings,
on the Origins planning mailing list, in a discussion about children
at the Big Experiment |