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I look over to the dish rack to
see if there is a better knife, decide there isn't, and use the
one I have to dig into a tub of margarine. The end instrumental
of the Beatles' And Your Bird Can Sing is playing in the background.
digerati (dij-uh-rah'-tee) pl.
n: persons knowledgeable about computers and technology.
- Frida :)
She who plays Frida
looks like my friend Luisa
(except the eyebrows).
My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About
Goal In Iraq
"I just started college this fall, and one thing that
made its way into my dorm room was my Fluxx game. I introduced
some of my friends to this wacky game, and they love it! We are
now getting ready to start finals week here, and I'm really not
sure how much studying we are actually going to get done...oh,
well. Thanks for making such a great game!"
-- comments received via email


The 3 for 2 Exchange |
Fluxx 3.0 has
arrived! And not a moment too soon... we've been selling Fluxx
decks (and other stuff too, but particularly Fluxx decks) like
crazy lately. We actually came within about 100 decks of being
totally sold out! And now we have the new version, which is EVEN
BETTER than the product which has been selling so very well for
us! We're so excited! Version 3 is a huge improvement, and Carta
Mundi did a great job of printing it. Yay!
However, for those of you who may have stocked up on the Second
Edition (because you sell them or maybe just keep a few on hand
to give away) and now wish you could exchange them for the new
version, guess what? You can! We'll be happy to accept trade-ins
-- assuming they're still in their original, unopened shrink-wrap.
We'll even give you an $11 credit towards the purchase of the
new $12 version, to help cover your postage in sending the deck(s)
back to us. Just surf over to the Bulk
Discount Center and look for "Fluxx
V2.1 Trade-In", which costs $1. Just order as many of
those as you have decks you wish to send back, then ship them
to us at P.O. Box 761 College Park, MD 20740. When we receive
the decks, we'll send you the corresponding number of new version
3.0 decks.
On the other hand, you might just want to stick your sealed
Second Edition deck in the closet and forget about it for awhile.
Oh, sure, right now, it's just the stale old version... but in
a couple of years, when cards like Government Cover-Up, Coffee,
and Doughnuts are all fading memories, there will be Fluxx fans
eager to pay top dollar for a mint condition Second Edition deck.
Anyway, other stuff is going on but that's all I have time
for now. Bye!

Don't Forget to Shop!

I thought we'd fixed all the mistakes
in Chrononauts
in the recent Second Printing, but it turns out there's an error
that's been hiding in every version since the Beta. Thanks to
A Ross, I now realize that the 1918 Linchpin has the wrong month
and year. The card currently has the date of June 28th, which
is the date of the signing of the Treaty of Versaille, which
brought the war to its official end -- in 1919. I had intended
to use Nov 11th, 1918 (Armistice Day), the day when the hostilites
ceased. |
"Judge Enichen again put Murphy on the spot:
'Even if this was your position, why didn't you respond in some
way to the October 10th request for information, which forms
the basis of their case for discovery violations? Warning: sanctions.'
Again, Murphy failed to provide any sort of satisfactory explanation." -- Keith Baker's
account of what will hopefully be Ellen's last appearance in
court, having been outrageously punished for doing absolutely
nothing wrong in a typical day at her difficult, important, and
under-appreciated job |
"When a well-packaged web of
lies has been sold to the masses over generations, the truth
will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."
-- Dresden James (seen quoted at MAPinc.org) |