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Romance Arrives One Day Late
They each spent Valentine's Day alone, each thinking of the
other, each wishing they were together, each knowing the other
didn't seem interested. The next day at work, they talked casually.
"Do anything special last night?" "No. Did you?"
"No." And suddenly, their eyes locked, and in that
gaze, they each confessed their silent longings.
New this week:
Long Wait
I'm whistling Alcohol (by Bare Naked Ladies) while
grabbing my carton of whipping cream from Thom and Kathy's refrigerator.
yclept (ih-klept' or ih-kleept')
called; named -- past participle of clepe (kleep) vt.
call; name (from OE clipian "to speak, call"
related to OFris kleppa "to ring, knock")
- Topsy Turvy :-|
- I am the very
majorly anecdotal
modern musical.
Two Of Us
The impersonations were barely passable, but I was
still a sucker for this "what if" tale produced for
VH-1, depicting what might have happened one day in 1976, when
Paul McCartney unexpectedly dropped by John Lennon's New York
City apartment, and they spent the day hanging out together.
If you're not a Beatles fan, however, you will probably be bored
End Daylight Savings

Free Personal Internet Space

The Parking Lot Is Full

Toy Fair 2000 Report |
we're back from Toy Fair, and boy are we ever tired. Toy Fair
is the largest -- and longest -- trade show we've exhibited at
to date, and it was quite an event. In was held at the gargantuan
Javit's convention center in New York City, and it ran Sunday
morning through Thursday afternoon (hence the lateness of this
We saw a fascinating cross-section of the industry during
the 5 days we spent greeting visitors to our booth. It was interesting
to see how some buyers were drawn only to certain games, and
others only to certain others. Everyone loved the Icehouse pieces
of course, and we were forever explaining what they were to people
who weren't at all interested in carrying games. The vast majority
of the show is devoted to toys (it is called Toy Fair after all)
which meant that only a few of the people who passed by our booth
were actually game buyers. I learned to thin the prospects by
asking people directly, "Looking for games?" In the
cacophony of content engulfing our little booth, it was often
helpful to pull in those actually looking for games with this
question... on many occasions it got interested buyers into our
booth who otherwise would certainly have walked right on by.
Many times over we heard, from retailers who already sell
Fluxx, that it
does very well in their stores. This was a great context to tell
them about our other games in, and we handed out hundreds of
our beautiful new catalogs (which we finally got finished just
before the beginning of the show). Many other retailers reported
being unable to get Fluxx, having heard that the publisher ICE
had gone bankrupt, and were delighted to learn they could buy
it from us. Still others knew of Fluxx,
Aquarius, and
Icehouse through requests
they've been getting from their customers, and eagerly accepted
our sales packets. We also did some very important networking
with others in the industry, particularly among the press corp.
And I even ran into another guy with a purple suit! He was even
more into it than me... his consulting company is called Purple
Suit, Inc.
It was a great show. We made dozens of solid new contacts
each day, some resulting in immediate sales (some quite large),
others in an exchange of data that will (with varying certainty)
translate into sales in the coming weeks and months. A lot will
depend on how well we are able to follow-up on all these leads,
but thanks to the brilliant new system Kristin devised for organizing
the business cards we collected, we will hopefully have a good
success ratio. We call these cards Follow-Up Cards: they're quarter-sized
cardstock pages with a space to tape on a business card and room
below it (with a bunch of checkboxes and blank spaces) to write
notes on the conversation you just had, so that later you'll
actually be able to remember something about the person who's
card you just accepted. The space where the biz card goes even
has blanks for filling in vital locator data, for the case in
which someone run out of (or never had any) business cards. The
Follow-Up Cards worked out really really well, so much so that
we're thinking about making the cards more generic and selling
them in packs of 100.
booth number was 5277, which may give you a sense of just how
big this event really was. There were thousands upon thousands
of really cool toys and games assembled together in that building,
and I could have spent this whole report just talking about neat
stuff I saw at the show during those occasional few moments away
from the booth that we allowed ourselves during the event. But
instead, since this report is late and already I'm writing too
much, I'm only going to mention one of them: InsectaZoid
Battling Robotic Insects. These are in prototype form only at
the moment, and their creators were showing them off in the booth
right across from us, seeking manufacturing and marketing partners.
And boy are they ever cool. Each one is big -- over a foot long
at least -- and with a professional grade remote unit in your
hands, you could make this giant mechanical bug skitter across
the floor, grabbing objects in its pinchers and fighting to dominate
the other giant bugs in the ring. They're just amazingly fun,
and we got to watch them battle each other all week, sometimes
even taking the controls ourselves. When things were quiet, they'd
send their bugs across the aisle at us, in bold frontal assaults
that left us scrambling to defend ourselves. We had great fun
interacting with the dreamers at ZoidCo,
and wish them all the best... with luck, they'll have a production
version of the InsectaZoid on the market in time for Xmas. |
we've taken larger teams to smaller shows, it was just the core
team (myself, Kristin,
and Alison) in the booth
this time, which made it all the more exhausting. But I can't
imagine how dead we'd be now if Kristin and I had been running
the booth without Alison... her assistance was invaluable, and
she makes a great booth babe, too.
But Alison also had an agenda of her own at the show. It was
at Toy Fair last year that we got the idea to open Contagious
Dreams, after meeting so many dreamers assembled together
in one place, and this year's show provided a great opportunity
to meet with yet more dreamers, and to pick up samples of new
games for review. This project has kind of stalled in recent
months, as we've been busy with our own game production efforts,
and as the to-be-reviewed pile has grown increasingly less exciting.
Fortunately, Alison has taken over the job of tracking the Games
Under Review list, trying to get lingering games reviewed and
bringing new ones in for testing. She went to Toy Fair as the
Contagious Dreams buyer (or as she prefers it, the Duchess of
Retail) and she spent a lot of time meeting with dreamers, explaining
our program, and she came back with a huge stack of interesting-looking
new games from small game companies. All of which means you can
expect to see some cool new games showing up soon at Contagious
Unlike other convention centers we've worked, the Javit's
has no attached hotel, but we were lucky enough to find space
in a great hotel just a couple of blocks away, and one with a
garage where we could park Alison's mini-van ("Queenie")
at no extra charge. We were within walking distance of
Times Square as well; one night we bought an assortment of goldware
(gold-colored silverware, something I've never seen before) from
the Going Out Of Business store, and since we were right there
in the heart of the theater district, we even managed to take
in a couple of plays, notably a wonderfully strange production
called Squonk, which
I would best describe as being like Stomp
on LSD (though since I've never tried acid, I'm not sure if that's
really a good analogy). Alison summed it up as "Laurie Anderson
produces Dead Can Dance as a nightmare about eating," and
Kristin compared it to what she's always thought a Residents
concert might have been like. But regardless of how you might
attempt to describe it, it was extremely entertaining -- at least
for those of us who like things that are really very odd.
During the drive to NYC and back, Alison read House of
Stairs (by William Sleator) aloud to us. I remember hearing
book reports on this classic piece of young adult fiction in
the early seventies when it was new, but I'd never actually read
it before. Great book! It's interesting to think about how easy
it would be now to make a movie of this disturbing vision, a
movie-making challenge that would have been vastly more difficult
before the age of computer animation.
I had 73 emails to wade through when I got home (Kristin had
me beat though, with 183) but one message that came in while
we were gone stands out from the others as being of key importance
to us right now: ICE is rapidly running out of Fluxx.
They had expected their supply to last another month, but sales
have apparently been increasing in the wake of our decision to
reclaim the publication rights. This means our reprint schedule
has been accelerated, and we may even be out of stock for awhile.
Yikes. Our frantic pace must continue unabated. Well, at least
Toy Fair is over.
freedom grow,