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I open BBedit, a text editor,
from the 'Recent Applications' part of my Mac's system menu.
The phrase (Jeezy Peezy) is echoing in my mind, accompanied by
imagery from the "Jeepers Creepers" episode of Mr.
bandicoot (ban'-di-koot) n.
1: a name given to Mus giganteus, a very large rat of
India and Sri Lanka; it is as large as a rabbit and very destructive
to growing crops 2: an Australian marsupial of the genus Perameles,
resembling the bandicoot of India. from Indian pandi-kokku
- Kiki's Delivery Service :|
Lots of panty shots...
Japanese animators
really creep me out.
Bedazzled [2000]
Like most remakes, this pales when compared to the original,
but as long as you've seen the Peter
Cook version, this one's also worth seeing. It's fun because
they do different things with most of the wishes, with the last
couple being quite refreshingly different. It's almost more like
a sequel than a remake (either way the work of the devil, I suppose).
to build yourself a One Atmosphere Plasmoid
- "One of my friends came over to play a few of our favorite
games and popped Fluxx out of his pocket. We decided to give
this (what seemed at the time) simple game a try. Draw One, Play
one. What could be simpler? Seven games later I was hooked and
had to have a copy of my own to add to my library of games. Now
I am here to make some of my own cards to add to the set. I am
also giving Chrononauts a try. Keep up the good work and imaginative
concepts." -- Comments accompanying an order
from a Space Monkey


Delays, Displays, and Mayo |
Like I said a couple of weeks ago, we believe in impossible
deadlines, but we also believe in accepting reality. To put
it another way, earlier this week we realized there's just no
way we can meet our goal of submitting the final art for Nanofictionary
by February 1st. This means we won't have copies to hand out
at the GAMA trade show, which is a bummer, but not a major one,
since we'll have plenty of other cool stuff to show off there
(in particular Playing
with Pyramids, the printing of which, we're told, is
nearly complete). But last week
I tweaked the rules of play yet again, and Alison and I are still
working on the art, and anyway Kristin doesn't
have the cash needed to pay for the print run. So, much as
we'd like to see this project finished up and into manufacturing,
we're just going to have to put it off a little while longer.
don't have the time to work on it right now anyway, since Toy
Fair is just around the corner and we have a lot to do to prepare
for that. One of our goals for Toy Fair is to be taking orders
for our pair of new low-cost in-store display units, one for
Icehouse (a mock-up of which is shown here) and one for the rest
of our product line. Kristin has been working on developing these
for quite some time, and as you can see it's really coming along...
hopefully, it won't be long before something like this shows
up in your favorite game store.
Other Toy Fair prep work we've been bogged down with includes
making a new catalog and other propaganda (like maybe a Nanofictionary
poster), and trying to set up appointments (like, in advance!)
with buyers from major retailers we're hoping will start to carry
one or more of our games. Our "Sales Baron" Alvaro
will be helping us out in the booth during most of the show,
and he's working the phones in advance to help insure that the
right people stop by to talk to us during the event.
Plus of course, the website overhaul continues to run late,
and we still haven't mailed out the new Geronimo Inquirer (but
at least it's all printed and ready).
But in the good news category, Kristin has a new accountant!
His name is Jon Mayo and he's actually a dude I went to High
School with. He told me at our 20 year reunion that he's a CPA...
now it looks like he's going to be our CPA! He and Kristin
have had a couple of very productive meetings, and Kristin is
thrilled to be getting his help in keeping track of our company's

Welcome to the World, Leo!
(...and congrats to you, Meg
& Joe!)

Benji the snake and the mouse he didn't want
to eat lived happily together for almost a week. At night, they'd
curl up together under Benji's dishtowel, near the glass cage's
heater. Then one day, the mouse just disappeared... |
It turns out that it was actually Travis Larchuk
who thought of playing the writing phase of Nanofictionary without
turns. It just took five months of Alison telling us to try it
before we realized what a good idea it was. Thanks Travis! |
"When a waiter says 'good choice' after
I order, I feel especially good, even proud. And when he says
it to someone else, but not me, I feel as though I've failed
some sort of restaurant pop quiz." -- Amy
Krouse Rosenthal (whose brother Joe says there are two food groups:
meat, and "no thanks"), in The Book of Eleven
(an itemized collection of brain lint) |