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skepsis (skep'-sis) n.
philosophic doubt as to the objective reality of phenomena; (broadly)
a skeptical outlook or attitude. [from Greek skepsis "examination,
doubt, skeptical philosophy."]

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the
Witch, and the Wardrobe :)
What's up with Aslan?
Even the wardrobe has more
16 Serious
Questions Raised By Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Alison's Gingerbread Pyramid
/ Welcome Josh! |

Christmas now just ten days away, there's a lot going on here
at the Lab. Response to the Holiday
cards we mailed out last week has been awesome, and sales
have been wonderfully brisk. Lots of folks are taking advantage
of our Holiday
Special, too! So we're feeling good, but we're also very
very busy.
But busy as we are, we're still finding time for some holiday
fun. For example, check out this picture of the wonderful gingerbread
pyramid-house Alison
made this week. Isn't it grand?
Also, we have some big news this week! Last
week, we announced that Russell
was stepping down after 2 years as our Rabbit Coordinator. Well,
I'm happy to say we've already found his replacement! His name
is Josh
Drobina and he's been a Rabbit for years... we've been getting
to know him at Origins and other conventions, and a couple of
months ago he came to visit us for a full weekend
of making tie-dyes. So when Russell suggested Josh as his
replacement, we immediately liked the idea. Yesterday he came
out for an official interview, and by the end of the day he was
already working for us!
you see Josh sitting in on his first Looney
Labs staff meeting. (He's the one in the middle, between
& Marlene.)
Josh will be taking over the things Russell had been doing
- like approving rabbit bios and point requests - and helping
us plan and run conventions... plus a whole lot more, since he
will be working full time! Yay! That means he can also be our
Travel and Event Coordinator!
Josh lives in Athens Ohio, so he will be working for us remotely...
but that's fine, since our company is all about telecommuting.
After all, his predecessor lives in Florida!
Anyway, welcome aboard, Josh! We're really looking forward
to the help you'll be able to give us!
for reading, have a great week, and Don't Forget To Shop! |
The Japanese
version of Fluxx has been nominated for Best
Japanese Game of 2005! |
I was pleased to see the American Pavilion from Expo '67
featured this week on the Amazing Race. I've long been wondering
what remained of the structure, after hearing it had been damaged
by a fire; apparently the skin burned off, but the skeleton of
the Biosphere is still standing, and it looked wonderful. I'm
really looking forward to visiting Montreal
someday... |
"The texture was both waxy and filling-looseningly chewy.
This this? ... was the sweetmeat that led Edmund to betray his
siblings and doomed Aslan to death on a stone slab? Watching
the movie last week, I cringed watching Edmund push piece after
squidgy red piece into his drooling mouth, shuddering to think
that children in theaters everywhere were bound to start yammering
for the candy and that on Christmas morning or Hanukkah nights,
their faces would crumple with disappointment as their teeth
sank into the vile jelly they had thought they wanted." -- Liesl Schillinger, "The
Lion, the Witch, and the Really Foul Candy: In pursuit of
Turkish Delight" [I too was terribly disappointed by Turkish
Delight after a decades-long wait to sample it, when I bought
some in England in 1993.] |
"A friend introduced me to Fluxx, which
I instantly fell in love with, and then I found you at Origins
this past summer. My life hasn't been the same since!! You guys
are the GREATEST!!" -- Diane S. of Saint
Louis, comments with order #80430 |