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Reading a department email: 'Due to State Dept.
travel warning, NASA headquarters, Office of External Relations
and Program Offices has recommended that all travel to Israel
be denied until further notice.'
quale (kwayl) n. 1: a
property (redness, for example) considered apart from things
having the property; a universal 2: a property as it is experienced
as distinct from any source it might have in a physical object

- Practical Magic :)
- Can't say anything
negative, because a witch
loaned us the movie.

missed out on the first season of Survivor... I didn't really
become aware of it until it was nearly over, and by then it was
too late to get caught up in the drama. But I was impressed enough
by what I saw and heard to tune in for the start of the second
season, and I'm hooked! But my question is, what kind of rewards
do they give to the cameramen and crew who endure the same harsh
climate in order to film and set up challenges for the survivors?
(Well, I suppose they get to eat...) [Hmm,
maybe I should rename this "Daddy-O's Media Reviews"...]
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- "[Cosmic Coasters] is a very nifty game, and I hope
to play it again soon! One thing in particular I really like
about it is that there's no hidden information, and yet it's
not deterministic like Chess. You can see at a glance what position
you're in, and you feel like you've earned a victory, but it
doesn't 'prove that you're smarter' the way Chess victories do." -- Bob Galloway, on the
Rabbits mailing list


Kristin Goes To Madison |
Although there's a lot of talk these days about the possibility
of a recession, here at Looney Labs, business is booming. It's
gotten to the point where just filling the orders is taking up
a big percentage of our time. We're not too keen on setting up
a warehouse and hiring people to run it when businesses exist
simply to warehouse and ship out other company's products, so
we've been looking into farming this work out.
So earlier this week, Kristin drove down south for a few days
to Madison, North Carolina, to visit one of these order fulfillment
houses. This particular company comes with a very nice sales
guy who has been actively going after our business, and for awhile
now we've been talking seriously with them about how this whole
thing would work. Basically, this is a new division of a well-established
transportation company, who are now setting up a fulfillment
house in the Middle Of Nowhere, NC... conveniently close to a
UPS hub. And they've got some very cool new web-based software
for tracking order processing with real-time inventory control.
Although Kristin had not yet even started looking into what
other options might exist, this all sounded very promising, and
since they also do product assembly work, and we needed someone
to assemble the new run of Cosmic
Coasters, we decided to turn the necessary trip down to visit
the warehouse into a productive test of their assembly, warehousing
and shipping services. And although she left without signing
a long term contract with them yet, it was an excellent visit,
and she thinks there is a very good chance that this first option
may be the one we go with. Even so, such decisions shouldn't
be made too hastily, so she resisted their sales guy's attempts
to close the deal and came home to discuss it with me and Alison.
We need to look around a bit... does anyone have a fulfillment
company to recommend?
So it was an excellent first visit: almost a thousand copies
of Cosmic Coasters have already been shipped out to our major
distributors, so it looks like we're on for our Feb. 15th in-store
product release!
Since I've been craving some quality time in my Fortress of
Solitude, Alison also made herself scarce during Kristin's time
away. She went over to Janet's for a couple of nights, and they
had a great time staying up late, making pasta and doing henna
Then, with the house all to myself for a change, I took the
opportunity to really tidy up, after which, with Order fully
restored, I made a new insurance video. This is something I've
been needing to do for ages, but the recent fire
at toK's made this task feel particularly urgent, and I'm
glad to have it finished. (Here's my advice for making an insurance
video: skip the witty commentary. Don't try to ad-lib additional
information for the footage you are shooting of your stuff; it
doesn't age well and the task detracts from the real point, namely
getting good visuals. So instead of narrating as you film, just
stay silent.)
Freedom Grow,

Kristin slipped on the stairs while she was carrying
her iBook, and it flew out of her hands and tumbled down the
stairs! Amazingly, it seems completely unharmed. Good thing it
was fully closed and shut down (and that we have carpeted stairs...) |
I know two people who I think would do really
well on Survivor:
Chris Welsh and Alison Frane. I wonder which of the two would
be the first voted out? |
"In our society today, much of our drug
policy is based on misleading and even patently false information
about illegal drugs, the physical and psychological effects of
illegal drugs and the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of current
drug policies. Even more disturbing, the advisory group determined
that false information frequently comes from sources that we
expect to be reliable, including our own federal government."
-- Advisory Committee Chair (and retired state
judge) Woody Smith, in a transmittal letter accompanying New
Mexico's Drug Policy Advisory Group's recommendation
to decriminalize marijuana |