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Lying on my bed listening to Kory on the phone.
He says, "What I'm saying is that we can't conclude anything
from Andy asking those questions, because we had played so many
variations and it's confusing."
internuncio (in'-ter-nun'-see-oh)
n. 1: a messenger between two parties; go between 2: a
papal legate of lower rank than a nuncio

- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon %}
- I never thought that
someday, somebody might make
a good kung fu film.

This film is typified by a scene in which
the new National Drug Czar, played by Michael Douglas, asks his
advisors to "think outside the box" about the drug
problem, and to feel free to suggest anything new we might try.
But no one dares say anything. The obvious answer is so unthinkable
that even this film refrains from coming right out and suggesting
it... nowhere in this film are the words "legalization",
"decriminalization", or even "prohibition"
ever uttered. But perhaps that's the best way to get the conversation
started, with a problem statement that begs for discussion. I
think everyone in America should see this film, but I particularly
recommend it to whoever might actually become the next drug czar:
See this before you accept the job.
Great Moon Hoax


Avoiding a Fire / Tending
the Stove |
this mask? Dawn painted
it and gave it to Kristin back in the days of President Bush
(you know, the original version) and ever since then he's been
hanging over a window frame in our house. This week, however,
this little piggy proved he was evil (Kristin had always kind
of suspected it) by falling down onto one of those tall halogen
floor lamps... when no one was around. And he started catching
Luckily, the smoldering pig set off a nearby smoke detector,
which sounded the alarm downstairs, and the fire was quickly
extinguished. (See? He only lost one ear.) Moreover, the smoke
detector sent an alert message to our security agency, who called
us to make sure things were under control, which means that even
if we hadn't been there to catch it, the house would still have
been saved. So... nothing really happened. But after toK's
recent tragedy, the lingering smell of smoke upstairs leaves
us feeling kind of freaked out. (Hey, have you checked the batteries
in your smoke detector lately?)
One thing I didn't mention on my new What's
on the Stove document is the second printing of Aquarius.
Although it's the least exciting of our current projects, it's
also the most urgent... the first print run of the game is about
to sell out, and we don't really want it to go out of print.
But we had some problems
with our card printer on Chrononauts,
and cashflow is tight, so we haven't been sure how and where
we'd be getting Aquarius reprinted until now. But happily, Kristin
worked out a great deal with the Carta Mundi, so a small second
printing of the game will soon be underway. Now we just need
to quickly redesign the tuckbox...
Alison made me a Zornic alphabet, based on all the funny squiggles
and doodles I've been using for their language; you can see the
first examples of it in this week's cartoon.
(She also made me a dozen long-stemmed chocolate chip cookies,
but that's another story.)
Reminder to the locals: We'll be playing our games and eating
at JohnCon on Saturday at
Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Join us!
wife doesn't usually like to play games that much, but lately
she's been bugging me to play Aquarius almost every day! Great
game!" -- Larry Wheeler, via email