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"I'm looking at this, and
first of all I don't see any large grows or large babies,"
says Jake. "Maybe that's the difference."
dorp (dorp) n. a small
village, a hamlet
- Saving Silverman :|
Silverman's friends can't
save him from the sequel to
American Pie.

This new Star Trek series, set 100 years before the adventures
on Kirk's starship Enterprise, is actually looking pretty promising!
In particular, I'm excited about the ongoing "temporal cold
war" plotline they established in the two-hour first episode.
With generations of well documented future history at their disposal,
an on-going time travel adventure could turn this series into
something truly great. We shall see.
WTC Photo Hoax
- "It probably was Looney Labs games that first encouraged
me, after my Magic experiences, to take a kinder, friendlier
approach to games." -- Mark Cipolone, on
the Rabbits mailing list

Jana and the Icehouse Summit |
This is Jana Bradley,
our latest extended house guest and invisible helper. Jana is
intentionally--but only temporarily--displaced from her husband
and two sons in the Seattle area, as they are in the midst of
relocating from Washington state to Washington DC. Jana is here
first, scouting for a new source of bread and hearth somewhere
in this vicinity. She's been seeking refuge with friends during
her quest to establish an enlightened life here in the East;
after lodging for a while with Leah
and Frank, she persuaded us to let her take shelter here at Wunderland.Earth
as she waits for the rest of her family to arrive.
Meanwhile, speaking of people who are moving from one coast
to the other without even having a job lined up first, Mar
is getting ready to uproot and move west. We're gonna miss her
so! If everything goes according to her plan, she'll be on her
way in a matter of days. Look out San Francisco! Here comes Marlene!
We're now well into the final phase of production on our new
book of Icehouse games,
Playing with Pyramids, and it's going really well. We're
trying to have a nearly-final draft ready to give to proof-readers
by the end of the month, and there's still quite a lot to do
before we can be ready. I'm working through a big art list, but
we're also still making some final changes on the design of a
couple of the games.
Over the weekend we held the Icehouse Summit, which is just
a fancy way of saying we invited our game design team over to
playtest and debate rules all weekend. We spent a lot of time
trying out a bunch of variations of Zagami, seeking the ideal
ruleset, and I think we just about nailed it (though as always,
Kory has one more variation he still wants to try). We also played
bunches of Martian Backgammon and Pikemen, but found nothing
with either game we felt we needed to change. We did agree on
making an addition to the rules of Martian Chess (we're adding
an endgame option called Field Promotions) but when it came to
the most well established of all Icehouse games, we ran into
some controversy.
While John and I were immensely proud of it at the time, the
original Icehouse game is for us now an early work, and having
learned a lot about game design during the past decade, we've
often talked about the changes we might make to Icehouse if we
had a chance to redesign it. Since Playing with Pyramids
is about to become the definitive book about Icehouse games,
if ever there was a time to officially revise the game, it would
be now.
In the end, we decided not to change anything. While John
and I were tempted by the ideas of the Icehouse Revisionists
(simplifying the meltdown rule was the most appealing proposal,
but we also liked the idea of opening up attack piece placement
to any position on the board), it's the voices of the Icehouse
Fundamentalists that rang the loudest in our ears.
We also had extensive discussions about the book itself, the
formatting and layout of which is being done for us by Lynne
Powell. She's been doing a great job, and the book is already
shaping up nicely. It's going to be arranged in six sections
(not counting the introduction) and each section will begin with
a title plate featuring a large illustration. Three of these
drawings, which I created this week, are shown below. The other
three will be recycled from the covers of the books in the current
edition, which are nicely presented in a WWN
back issue from two years ago, which provides a certain sense
of deja vu at this time.
a great October!
(It's gotta be better than September was, right?) |

Today, my sister-in-law Judy is undergoing surgery,
to remove a brain tumor. Assuming the surgery goes well, everything
should be fine, but they're saying it will be a slow recovery.
This means the weeks ahead will be a tough time for their whole
family (she and Jeff are raising a fine pair of twins) so I hope
everyone will wish them well. |
A new purple metro line, which would run along
the beltway from Rockville to New Carrollton, is actually being
seriously discussed! (The plan even has opponents!) |
"What can we do but eat cookies at a time
like this?" -- sentiment of an article in
the LA Times, "Americans
Fend Off Sorrow With Laden Fork and Spoon" |