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We're looking out the window as
our airplane taxis toward the terminal. John Marketon says, "Oh
yeah, get the fuel tank out of the way, that's a good idea."
decrescent (dee-cress'-unt)
adj. 1. decreasing gradually 2. waning, as the moon (see
also, decrescence)
- Novocaine :|
Steve plays a dentist?
Little Shop of Horrors is
a much better film.
no review this week... <insert lame excuse from Daddy-O here>
The DC
Medical Marijuana Initiative
- "I wanted to let you know that as much as I love the
games you've made, the thing that has impacted me the most are
your achievements and the magical lifestyle you live and promote.
I have found inspiration to aim high and do what I WANT as opposed
to what I should, and I thank you." -- Ben
J., via e-mail


7 Tasks for 7 Printers |
less than two weeks until Origins, getting ready for the convention
is the main thing on our minds these days. For example, even
when friends visiting from out of town drop in while on vacation,
we put them to work. Here we see Dan
Russett helping us build a giant Volcano board for our booth
at Origins. Thanks for the help, Dan!
Other preparations (aside from the ever-soul-crushing work
on our soon-to-be-finished-darnit website upgrade we call SuperFRED)
include the following seven projects we're working with seven
different printers to create:
- Nanofictionary (Carta
Mundi): Already underway is the printing of my long-awaited
fourth card game, and with luck we might have finished cardsheets
at Origins we can cut up and use for the first ever tournament.
The tuckbox (which we still have to design) and the rulebook
(which we still have to finalize) will be printed in mid-July,
and we are assured we'll have finished decks ready to sell at
Gen-con. Whoo-hoo!
- In-Store Display (Oxford
Innovations): We're extremely happy to say that, after
months of haggling and re-design, our colorful in-store game
display is finally at the printers! It's costing us a fortune
(thanks again for the loan, Bob!) but it's going to be worth
it... and although for awhile we feared we'd have to settle for
an inferior version of the printing, instead it is going to look
even finer than the prototype we were showing off at GTS.
Alison put in many extra hours re-working the design for the
third of several printers, but each time it got a little bit
better... on the last revision, she added little fishies! Like
our yard, our new display will
have a water feature!
- Hypothermia #15 (TJ's
Print Shop): If you've been following this site these
last few weeks, you know we've been testing out a bunch of the
latest Icehouse games, trying to decide which to feature in the
next issue of our little newsletter, and at this point, it's
all settled, the final drafts have been gone over by the proofreaders,
and we'll be sending the finished files to TJ's in the next few
days. (John even managed to write a Meltdown while on travel
to the other coast!) Hypo-15 will contain 7 new games, and will
be (I think) the most beautiful issue ever. If you attend Origins,
we'll be giving them away there for free; after that, we'll be
selling them at cost (i.e. $1) via our website.
- Nanofictionary Postcards (Postcard
Power): Another thing we'll be giving away free at Origins
is a new trio of postcards, which will look like this:
Since we didn't succeed in getting Nanofictionary ready in
time for Origins, we decided to find a way to really promote
the game at the con, and thereby encourage our fans to ask for
it later at their local gamestore. We decided to do this with
a set of postcards, each of which features a sampling of cards
from the game along with the story I would tell using them. When
taken together these three stories (entitled "Future Fire",
"The Stolen Machine", and "The Ice Cream Disaster")
do an excellent job of conveying what the game is all about,
and since they feature some of the cards we've seen to be most
popular, they are entertaining in and of themselves. Moreover,
we'll be asking everything who visits our booth to fill out a
little ballot, in which they'll vote for their favorite stories
- awarding one with the 3 point grand prize, and one with the
1 point runner up - thus further showing everyone how the game
works. And since it seems the timetable will permit this, we'll
even be able to make this balloting meaningful: whichever story
gets the most votes will be featured on the (still-to-be-finalized)
tuckbox! If we have any of these postcards left after the summer
trade shows, we'll be making them available in a packet in the
Dollar Store.
- Origins Medallion Art (Tuxedo
Graphics (aka Landru)): As awards for the tournaments
in our Big Experiment, we'll be giving out colorful medallions
as usual. Most of these will be made using the body
of beautiful artwork we've gradually been amassing for a few
years now, but as is traditional, there will be new designs for
the (thirteenth!) annual Icehouse tournament, which were created
this year by Ryan McGuire. Also, since there are a bunch of entirely
new events this year, we've also had to come up with new artwork
for those... Alison did most of these, including this beautiful
new RAMbot of the Year" award, but Petra made this beautiful
new artwork for the first ever Pikemen tournament. Thanks, Ryan,
Alison, and
- Fluxx Promo Cards (Murray
& Heister): As I've mentioned before, we'll also
be giving out new Fluxx promo cards at Origins (a trio of New
Rules); as usual, these are being printed by M&H, the same
local printer who made a 9-up perforated card die for this purpose
when they did the printing on the Chrononauts Beta edition two
years ago. We're also making an IceTowers rules reference card,
which we're pretty excited about. Like the postcards, these might
become available here later on.
- Wooden Nickels (Old
Time Wooden Nickel Co): One last thing that's already
at the printers is the discount nickel we'll be giving out at
the summer trade shows this year. This time around, it will be
blue and worth $2 an in-person purchase of Playing with Pyramids.
for Zig-Zag (the Snake with a Great Personality), he spent the
entire week just hanging out playing videogames.
What about you... have you played any games today?

Kristin spent a lot of time this week suffering
from a really bad migraine. Normally, we would have given her
a shot of DHE for one this bad, but tragically, we haven't been
able to get any! In fact, we're afraid they might be discontinuing
it! This would really suck... D.H.E. 45 (dihydroergotamine mesylate)
is the only legal drug we know of that can really get rid of
one of Kristin's migraines... |
At a sumptuous Father's day dinner this weekend,
my brother Jeff (who taught me everything I know about the joy
of eating steak) came up with a great do-it-yourself alternative
to the fine restaurant choice of Surf-N-Turf. For meat-lovers
like us, steak vs. lobster isn't the difficult choice we need
such a special for... instead it's steak vs. prime rib. Jeff's
solution: dine with someone whose tastes are compatible, each
order one, and share! He calls it Turf-N-Turf. Yum! |
"Bravo! The UK is at last moving out of
the US-led camp of hysterical moralists. Now it can start to
think seriously. Sensible policies would provide treatment and
hope for the drug-dependent, not punishment; they would deprive
gangsters of their income, not try to push prices higher; they
would provide honest information to potential users, not offer
lies; they would reduce threats to public safety, not increase
incentives for crime; and they would limit the spread of disease,
not promote it. The UK debate is improving. In time, policy may
even reduce the costs of drug abuse, not raise them." -- Martin Wolf, "The
Folly of Prohibiting Drugs" |