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Naked Mole Rag
jactation (jack-tay'-shun) n.
boasting; bragging.
Lost in Space :(
The Robinsons find
a CGI space monkey.
I hope they stay lost.
War President

Reach Up
This week's donation goes to:
The Committee to Regulate and Control Marijuana
"If you think it's all luck you aren't trying hard enough.
I just played for the first time today, and the second and third
and I lost count somewhere around ten games. I would still be
playing now if everyone hadn't left hours ago. I'm absolutely
amazed reading all the reviews here that say it's a mechanical
luck-based game. This is about the most cerebral game I've seen
in a long time." -- Greg from Canada's 5-star
review of Fluxx at FunAgain.com

Stoner Fluxx Brochures / Galactus! |
Something we heard several times from our retailers at
the GAMA Trade Show was that they
needed a flyer they could give to their customers if/when someone
voices a concern about Stoner
Fluxx. We were particularly struck by one store manager who
told us she'd printed out some of our webpages on the subject
and had used them quite successfully in easing and changing minds
in her store.
Never being ones to leave good ideas unused, we have this
week sent to the printer a beautiful tri-fold Stoner Fluxx brochure!
Here's a picture of Kristin holding up the final prototype...
you can peek
inside by clicking on the image.
We're really excited that we'll have these great new flyers
just in time to be giving away (along with sample Stoner Fluxx
decks aplenty) at the NORML
conference next week. It's here in DC again this year (after
being in San Francisco for the past two) and if you're an anti-prohibition
activist, this is a don't miss event. Maybe we'll see you there!
If not, you'll have to wait until we get back to get these
spiffy new flyers... but they'll be available (in a few weeks)
in packs of 25, so store owners and anyone else who wants to
help us get the word out will be able to get a nice big stack
of them, either directly from us or from their favorite Looney
games distributor.
other news, I got a giant Galactus this week! It's actually my
second Galactus action figure, meaning I now have a collection
of them (which is complete, as far as I know). We've had a lot
of fun noting the differences between the new Galactus (made
by WizKids,
for use with their HeroClix miniatures system) and the first
one I got (which we call the "Play-With" Galactus because
it's more of a toy, being poseable and featuring a "Power
Cosmic" sound effect which also makes his eyes light up)
and re-counting the exciting story of the time when Galactus
came to Earth, intending to consume it entirely (that's what
he does, you see, he eats planets... the box he came in was festooned
with warning labels that said "CAUTION: EATER OF WORLDS
INSIDE!") It happened back in the sixties, so some of you
may be too young to remember it, but thanks to the Fantastic
Four (and the Ultimate
Nullifier) Galactus was forced to leave the Earth in search
of another planet to consume. It's such a great story, I hope
the Fantastic Four movie I hear they've started making again
does well, so that in 2008 or so we can see a big screen adaptation
of the Coming of Galactus. Gosh that'd be cool... my brother
Rash and my nephew James are big fans of the Herald of Galactus,
i.e. the Silver Surfer, but the big man himself is my favorite.
I'd go so far as to say he's my favorite character in all of
comic-book history. And now my collection of Galactus action
figures is indeed impressive: I have two! (By the way, those
are 3 point Icehouse pieces these guys are holding up... the
WizKids Galactus is 15 inches tall.)
See You at Origins! |
I'm still searching for the exact date of Woodrow
Wilson's 1916 Executive Order that mandated the playing of the
Star Spangled Banner at military and naval occasions. After mentioning
this quest last week, I got lots
of helpful emails, but none which answered the question. Yes,
I know the song didn't *officially* become the National Anthem
until Congress said so, on March 3, 1931, and yes, I know President
Wilson declared Flag Day on May 30, 1916, but unless that Executive
Order was the same one which first officially designated the
SSB the NA (which seems unlikely to me) then my question remains
unanswered. I've even written to the Woodrow
Wilson Presidential Library (still no response) for help!
I need this answered in 2 weeks! |
"I am angry that so many sons of the powerful and well
placed and many professional athletes (who were probably healthier
than any of us) managed to wrangle slots in Reserve and National
Guard units. Of the many tragedies of Vietnam, this raw class
discrimination strikes me as the most damaging to the ideal that
all Americans are created equal and owe equal allegiance to our
country." -- Colin Powell (seen
quoted in Ginohn's
email .sig) |
We were sad to learn of the deaths this week
of Weird Al Yankovic's
parents, who perished from carbon monoxide poisoning during
their sleep. Our hearts go out to you in this difficult time,
Al. (His request to everyone: get a carbon monoxide detector!) |