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- lubricious ( loob-rish'-us)
adj. 1: having a smooth or slippery quality. 2: marked
by wantonness; salacious.
Fahrenheit 9/11 %}
Moore shows how the Haves
and the Have Mores make a lot
from having more wars.
Peter Thorpe's
Rocket Paintings

Return To Sender
This week's donation goes to:
Interfaith Drug Policy Initiative
"Chrononauts (the game) is amazing fun." -- short quote from a long review at Everything2
which includes a detailed, event by event description of the
TimeLine, complete with comments

Another Big Experiment, Another
Big Success! |
Well, we're back from Origins
and it was the best yet! We ran 130 events, we released our new
card game to rave reviews and excellent sales, we took in
more cash than ever before, we won our fourth Origins award,
our recycling program went great (thanks 'Becca!),
we gave away numerous free Really Fast Time Machines, and most
of all, we played a lot of games with a lot of fun people and
had an absolutely great time doing it. And we couldn't have done
it without our wonderful team of dedicated Mad
Lab Rabbits, seen here in a group photo taken late Saturday
I return with numerous other photos, but I haven't had time
to really sort through them yet, so I'll save the rest for later
and instead just leave you with this Top Ten list I just threw
My 10 Favorite Moments At This Year's Origins:
- 10.) The initial opening of the booth, when everything was
ready and the crowds came bursting into the Exhibit Hall
- 9.) 4 PM on Sunday, when the announcer declares the show
over and a cheer goes up from all the exhausted exhibitors
- 8.) 6:30 PM on Sunday, when our booth was fully torn down
and packed up and we were sharing pizzas with our Rabbits
in the remains of the Lab, talking about how it all went
- 7.) Seeing Eric
Zuckerman win the 15th International Icehouse Tournament
- 6.) Sitting between John
Kovalic and Greg
Costikyan, pigging out on fried chicken at the Guest of Honor
- 5.) Beating Bob
at Binary
Homeworlds in our rematch game Sunday night, thus kicking
the already-extended 3-way-tied tournament into Triple Overtime
(me and Bob and Russell
will be finishing this battle at Gen-Con)
- 4.) Describing plans for future
projects to a group of my biggest fans at the midnight panel
called "Ask Andy
- 3.) Hearing the announcer say "Zendo"
after listing off the nominees for Best Abstract Board Game of
the Year at the Origins
- 2.) Being greeted by cheers and applause upon returning to
the Lab with Zendo designer Kory
Heath, after the tedious two hour Origins Awards ceremony was
- 1.) Judging the Aquarius
Hairdown (OK, I'll go ahead and pull out one more photo):
Anyway, it was an awesome Origins and thanks to everyone who
helped make it happen! See you all next year!
Life! Have a great week!
PS: Please send get-well vibes towards Colleen
(the Nazgul Bunny in the group photo)... she's OK, but she was
in a serious car accident on the way home from Origins...
"The Rev. Cynthia Abrams, director of alcohol,
tobacco and drug programming for the United Methodists' General
Board of Church and Society, said delegates to last month's convention
voted 877 to 19 in favor of an amendment to drug-use guidelines
that supports the drug's medical use in states that allow it." -- The Washington Post, June 26, 2004 , "Support
For Permitting Medical Use Is Growing Among Major Religious Denominations" |
"The most telling moment came during Clinton's second
big initiative, health-care reform. By any objective measure,
the United States had--and still has--a terrible system, which
spent far more per capita on health care than any other country
while leaving a higher percentage of our population uninsured
than in any other advanced industrialized nation. While many
Republicans were skeptical of Clinton's preferred solution to
the problem, they at first accepted a responsibility to pass
some sort of plan. Yet they came to be persuaded by the advice
of conservative operative William Kristol, who urged in a series
of influential memos that the GOP oppose the Clinton plan "sight
unseen," and commit to sinking whatever plan was devised--on
the grounds that successful passage of any plan would keep the
Democratic Party in power. In keeping with this advice, Senate
Minority Leader Bob Dole even abandoned his own health-reform
proposal, the better to create gridlock."
-- Paul Glastris, "Perverse
Polarity" |
"For the White House, the most devastating
segment of Farenheit 9/11 may be the video of a befuddled-looking
President Bush staying put for nearly seven minutes at a Florida
elementary school on the morning of September 11, continuing
to read a copy of My Pet Goat to schoolchildren even after
an aide has told him that a second plane has struck the twin
towers. <...> Mr. Bush's slow, hesitant reaction to the
disastrous news has never been a secret... seeing the actual
footage, with the minutes ticking by, may prove more damaging
to the White House than all the statistics in the world." -- Philip Shenon, seen quoted by Jack Beatty in "Bush's
Monica Moment" |