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- recondite (ree'-kon-dite, ri-kon'-dite)
adj. 1: not easily understood, incomprehensible to one
of ordinary understanding or knowledge; abstruse. 2: concerned
with or treating something abstruse or obscure. 3: concealed;
hidden. [from Latin reconditus, past participle of recondere
"to put away," from re + condere "to
put together, preserve."]
The Duellists %}
Find out how stupid
Duty, Honor, and Country
can really become.
The Amazing
Randi Debunks Uri Geller's Lennon's Egg Story
"My favorite Looney Labs game is Nanofictionary
which when I first heard of it, I thought it was going to suck.
However upon playing it, it is one of the craziest games I've
ever played. I can't wait for Looney Labs to come out with their
next game. However until then, I'll keep waiting and playing
their current ones." -- Tyler
Rueth's Rabbit Bio


If you want something from our
online store before Christmas, we need your order no later
than THIS MONDAY, December 20th!
The Ultimate Icehouse Pyramids |
I can't believe I've never written anything about the amazingly
cool stone pyramids
made by Crystal
Caste until now! Well, I'll atone for this glaring oversight
by making this the main subject of this week's article. (I don't
have much else to talk about anyway, since all we've been doing
is shipping out lots of games and otherwise preparing for the
holidays... thanks for giving our games as gifts!)
The dream of stone Icehouse pieces has been around, quite
literally, from the very beginning. In The
Five Paragraphs That Changed My Life, in which I first described
a then-imaginary game, I talked of luxury models featuring stone
pyramids. But except for the novelty of finding the occasional
malachite pyramid of the correct aspect ratio in a New Age crystal
boutique, the dream was just that until the folks at Crystal
Caste got involved.
It really started happening last year at Origins,
when Eeyore
went over to the Crystal Caste booth to ask them if they could
make stone pyramids. (In case you've never heard of them, Crystal
Caste's original claim to fame is in the creation of really cool
gemstone dice.) He brought Michael back to our booth to talk
to Kristin about it, and was instantly intrigued by the challenge.
Shown above are the Rose Quartz pyramids which were among
the first stone sets ever made. Eeyore has this stash now (we
gave him first pick of the first few stashes we got, by way of
thanking him for making it happen). I myself have a solid obsidian
set, which I carry in the really cool wooden stash case Number
12 built for me back in the earliest of days. It reminds
me of the black onyx set I described Dr Cool as carrying around,
in a similar box, in Chapter
58 of The
Empty City.
These first couple of stone pyramid stashes are just what
I always imagined: solid stone, with a heft that any crash-fearing
fan of the original game would really appreciate. But as amazing
as they are, the Crystal
Caste team wasn't done being amazing. They also made HOLLOW
stone pyramids! They are very similar in size to the plastic
versions and stack and fully nest just as do their injection-molded
counterparts, but of course, they're made from little triangles
of slices of stone, magically bonded together somehow into pyramids.
They truly are remarkable.
beautiful deluxe Icehouse pyramids are officially authorized
by Looney Labs, having
been crafted to our exact specifications, and Crystal Caste pays
us a royalty on every pyramid they sell, so please, surf on over
to their website and check 'em out for yourself!
Of course, they are very expensive. That's to be expected
when discussing luxury gaming equipment. Fortunately, Crystal
Caste sells them both by the stash and by the individual
piece, so if you can't afford to buy that Icehouse fan in your
life a whole set of 15, you could just get them one to get started!
Or even better, start off with a set of 3, one of each size.
That way, you'd have the perfect gift all figured out for the
following four years!
Anyway, that's the story on the ultimate Icehouse set. Thank
you Michael and everyone else at Crystal Caste for making these
beautiful stone pyramids! (And please accept our deepest apologies
for taking so ridiculously long before promoting them on our

Have a Great Week! And Don't Forget to Shop!
"When producing electricity, for example,
it is often possible to switch from coal to natural gas and back
again. But most of our petroleum supplies are used in transportation
-- mainly to power cars, trucks, buses, and planes -- and, for
this purpose, oil has no readily available substitutes. Indeed,
we have so organized our economy and society around the availability
of cheap and abundant petroleum that we are severely ill-equipped
to deal with the sort of shortages and supply disruptions that
are likely to become the norm in the years ahead." -- Michael Klare, "No
Escape from Dependency: Looming Energy Crisis Overshadows
Bush's Second Term" |
"A 2002 TIME/CNN poll found that 59 percent
of Americans believe that the prophecies found in the book of
Revelations are going to come true. Nearly one-quarter think
the Bible predicted the 9/11 attacks. Drive across the country
with your radio tuned to the more than 1,600 Christian radio
stations or in the motel turn some of the 250 Christian TV stations
and you can hear some of this end-time gospel. And you will come
to understand why people under the spell of such potent prophecies
cannot be expected, as Grist puts it, 'to worry about the environment.
Why care about the earth when the droughts, floods, famine and
pestilence brought by ecological collapse are signs of the apocalypse
foretold in the Bible? Why care about global climate change when
you and yours will be rescued in the rapture? And why care about
converting from oil to solar when the same God who performed
the miracle of the loaves and fishes can whip up a few billion
barrels of light crude with a word?'" --
Bill Moyers, "The
Delusional Is No Longer Marginal" |
"I wonder: Exactly how much evidence does
it take for Americans to be convinced that a thing is true? And
how much evidence to the contrary does it take for Americans
to abandon an established belief? When I look at America's widely
held beliefs on subjects like global warming, drug safety, or
even evolution, the only answer I can come up with is, 'An arkload.'" -- Avery Walker, "Democrats:
Get ready to offend the ignorant" |