
river, hedge & tiger tiger

Stewart - Harvey

of the Athanasius Kircher Society

"A friend introduced me to Fluxx, it was loads of fun,
so I ran out to another friend's comic book shop and purchased
the main deck with a Jewish expansion pack for good measure.
Fast forward a year or so, now with the friend that introduced
me to the game, we now have what we dubbed 'Taco Friday's' This
is every Friday night where a bunch of people get together and
each bring one ingredient for tacos! Then we all eat tacos and
play games (including Fluxx, and soon Treehouse when I get my
shipment) So I was going to pass out the anniversary promo packs
to people at Taco Night! Everyone at Taco Night who has Fluxx
will love it, and hopefully those that have not purchased the
game will go out and support our local stores and buy it! P.S.
A lot of us are really excited about Zombie Fluxx, nothing makes
something that is great even greater, like zombies!" --Jarrod W of Tallahassee, FL, comments accompanying
an order for a bunch of our 10th
Anniversary Promo Card Packets

melon man
- Sorry, no new video... too busy going to (and recovering
from) Gen-Con
Back from Gen-Con |
week we drove out to Indianapolis for GenCon, a huge gaming convention
where Looney Labs was
exhibiting. Myself and Kristin were joined by our other two full-time
employees, seen here: Alison and Robin. Since we were working
again with our Trade Show Partner company, Paizo Publishing,
and they were handling all the cashier work, we basically just
spent those four days teaching and playing demo games with lots
and lots people. We were at our booth in the Exhibit Hall all
day, then we'd grab some dinner before settling in for the evening's
games, which would start with a session of Me
vs. Everybody and end with hours of late-night werewolf hunting.
Besides the four of us, we also got help from several of our
devoted fans, most notably including Marissa,
and Sam.
Thanks y'all!
Anyway, it was an excellent convention. Sales were great,
and while it was all a lot of work, it was also a lot of fun.
It was particularly exciting to see people's reactions to Zombie
Fluxx... we were using my final artwork prototype, since
the game is now at the printers (woo-hoo!) and I'm feeling really
good about it. It's obvious from the way people are responding
to it that Zombie Fluxx is going to be a big hit for us, and
the game is so solid that another intense round of playtesting
turned up just a couple of tiny last-minute tweaks.
For other glimpses of the fun we had at GenCon, check out
photos, the PodCast I
was interviewed for (my spot is about 43 minutes in), and
(I've titled my new LiveJournal account "The
Games Andy Looney is Playing" and it's become an accounting
of whatever games I've been playing, so naturally I had a lot
of reporting to do considering how many games I played last week.)
for reading, and have a great fortnight!
PS: Icebreaker
2 has arrived!