
long stacy | exercise club & still
alive | playing games with famous
risible (riz'-uh-bull) n.
1: causing or capable of causing laughter; laughable; comical.
2: having the ability to, or disposition to laugh. 3: of or relating
to laugher or used in laughing (e.g. 'risible muscles'). [From Late Latin risibilis "laughable,
able to laugh," from Latin risus, past participle.
of ridere "to laugh."]
Somewhere in Time :|
Made very little
sense, but at least you find out
why the photo is so cool.
Also: Once

Court Musical
the Stoner
Fluxx deck I sold last
time did so well, Let's Do That Again!

Food Sculptures

"Chrononauts (and EAC) have been runaway favorites for
me. Firstly, time travel is a genre I've always had a strong
fascination with. It's hard for me to have a bad session of Chrono.
If Chrono were just about the timeline, or just about the artifacts,
it would be dull. But it's that combination of all those things
happening at once that really works for me. Chrono is an adventure
in a compact box. I never feel that I am without a productive
move, and I never feel so far behind that winning seems unreachable.
It's chaotic enough to keep things fresh and exciting, and strategic
enough that I feel like I'm earning a victory, that I'm accomplishing
something. It has a pace that lets me sit back and just enjoy
watching the game unfold, yet lets me participate in that unfolding.
(I also play Fluxx and Icehouse games, too!)"
-- Ryan
Hackel's Rabbit Wiki Bio

The Virtual Cliché
Building Stuff with Alison |
week it's all about Alison
and various construction projects which Kristin
and I have been helping her with. Firstly, we've building a fence
in the side yard. Two fences actually. Why? For the theoretical
We've been gradually preparing to become dog owners for quite
some time now. Kristin & I have never lived with a dog and
in truth never much cared for them, being instead cat people;
but since Alison really wants a dog, Kristin and I have been
working at cultivating a pro-dog stance.
A little over a year ago, we spent a few weeks living with
a friend's dog named Nessa, as an
experiment in having a dog in our house, and that test went
well enough that we've been gradually making plans to adopt a
dog of our own ever since. But it's been slow going since a)
we're all just crazy-busy doing Looney
Labs stuff and b) we're being super-picky about dogs we could
consider adopting, since we want to have the best possible odds
of developing a good relationship with the dog.
I cannot say yet when a dog will arrive... we've reached a
stage where it could be very soon, or could still be a long time
yet. It's kind of like we're a couple expecting a baby; we've
been bracing ourselves for the rapidly-approaching day when things
in our household suddenly become different.
Towards this end, we've been putting in a couple of new fences,
to enclose a section of the side yard as an area the dog can
have to itself. We're also planning to install a doggie door
in the kitchen wall through which the theoretical dog can gain
access to this fenced in zone.
The next project we've been helping Alison with is the construction
of a new latrine structure for the land her family owns out in
West Virginia. Although she and her parents and brother went
out to The Land many many times while Alison was growing up,
she hadn't been out there in ages. Moreover, although Kristin
& I have often heard about it The Land during our 9 years
with Alison, we'd never been there before -- until last weekend.
Now, having finally visited the Land, it's hard to figure out
why it's taken us so long to do so. It's great!
Land owned by Alison's family is 68+ acres of wooded mountainside
located about a 2 hour drive from our house. The property includes
a small pond and stretch of riverbank and, oddly enough, a small
graveyard featuring tombstones from the 17-1800s.
What the Land lacks however is much in the way of facilities.
There's a nice little shelter -- a sort of permanent tent if
you will -- which the Franes built themselves when Alison was
a kid. The shelter is still in pretty good shape, and we're talking
about fixing it up. But if we're really going to be going out
there more, the first thing the place needs is a new latrine.
So Alison (with a lot of help from Kristin and a little bit
from me) is designing and building an A-frame style latrine.
We'll be hauling it up the mountainside during our next visit
to the Land, making the place that much more inviting, and we're
planning to start taking camping trips out there this summer.
Lastly, as long as I'm yammering so much about Alison and
the things she's been making, I have to also mention her newest
crafting craze: She's weaving a throw rug out of rags! She's
been cutting up various old clothing of ours, you know the kind,
those beloved old shirts that have too many holes in them to
keep wearing but which you hate to let go of... well, she's been
recycling them into area rugs (well, just this one so far, but
she's got others planned) and it's a great way of giving something
old a new life!
more details on this, check out the page she just posted about
her Rag
Rugs project.
Alison is amazing, isn't she? (BTW, Happy Birthday, Alison!)
Thanks for reading, and have a great fortnight!

has exempted cannabis from their pending ban on public smoking,
thus protecting the future of the Amsterdam
which is currently a $6 billion industry and a major element
of Dutch tourism. |
As I learned from the very enjoyable History Channel show
called History of the Joke, all jokes are a pair of different
stories unfolding at the same time. First there's the story you
think you're following, and then there's the reality of the situation
which is suddenly revealed at the end. The punchline clues you
into what's really going on, and the assumptions you made earlier
become the source of amusement. Twilight Zone stories,
with their shocking twist endings, do the same thing. So Twilight
Zone episodes are basically just extended jokes. |
"Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of
fear, kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor, with
the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some
terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was
going to gobble us up if we did not rally behind it." -- General Douglas MacArthur, in 1957 (heard quotes on 3/31/8 on Countdown with Keith
Olbermann) |