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I'm watching a game of Zagami.
"I don't know," says one of the players (Pat Mitchell),
"I think when the meteor gets to earth there isn't going
to be much left."
delenda (dee-len'-dah) n
pl. things to be blotted out or erased.
- Greenfingers :)
Cute, enjoyable film
about cute, enjoyable
murderer inmates.

Surviving Gilligan's Island
This delightfully informal documentary movie-thing features
the surviving cast members [minus the stuffy Ginger actress]
reminiscing about the show, with recreations of behind-the-scenes
events starring some pretty serviceable modern substitutes (in
particular, the guy playing the guy who played the Skipper got
his voice exactly right). Great fun, at least for anyone who
grew up watching a lot of Gilligan.
Stop John Walters
- "[Cosmic Coasters] is really a game for anyone. I introduced
some friends who rarely play games of any sort to it, and they
fell in love with it instantly, refusing to stop playing until
they had won. The kind of game you could play at a bar with pretzels
and beer nuts, Cosmic
Coasters makes for the perfect coffee-table game. It's a
great little game and worth the small price."
-- Derek Guder, in Games
Unplugged issue #11


John's Birthday / Mar's Departure |
started off our week with a party-party weekend. First, we hosted
a surprise party for John, on the occasion of his Second Annual
39th Birthday. Here are a couple of photos of the event; for
more details, be sure to read John's own account
of the events. (You can even get the recipe for the cake Gina
secretly made.)
it was time to say bon voyage to Mar,
as she begins her Californian adventure. There were several parties
held in her honor, including a dinner arranged by Number
12, and a party at Renee's
apartment. On Monday morning, she drove away, and by now, she's
somewhere in the heartland, driving to San Francisco in a Beetle
filled with her stuff. Her heart is filled with excitement, and
her Mom is riding shotgun, so I think she's off to a good start.
Back in the 80s, Rash
moved away to California in a similar fashion. At the time, I
was working at the Goddard Space Flight Center, and one chilly
morning I left my office to meet him at the back gate as he began
his journey across the country. I took his picture, and he gave
me the keys to the apartment he was turning over to me (now long
since taken over by Number 12). Then he drove away, in his Beetle
filled with stuff.
So, on the morning Mar drove away, we went out to that same
spot behind GSFC, to take a matching photo:
...and then she was gone. And just as Rash's departure left
a hole in my life way back when, we're all really going to miss
having Mar around. But at least now we have the internet to help
us stay in touch. Anyway, good luck, Mar! Send us a photo when
you arrive!
still hard at work on pictures of various types for Playing
with Pyramids. I've temporarily turned the Zarcana lounge
into a photo studio, and the new camera I got for this task is
working out wonderfully. However, various illnesses have been
slowing us down, and there's still a great deal to be done. But
it's gonna be great! Check out this new title
plate illustration I just finished for the introduction section...
then compare it to the original
piece I based it on, which I did two
years ago.
Have a great fall!

I got a Notice of Allowability yesterday! My
IceTowers patent
application has been approved, as submitted! I'm getting
my second patent! (Odd fact: the same examiner handled my case
a decade ago, when John and I were granted patent #4,936,585,
for that other real-time pyramid game.) I don't know yet what
number this patent will get; hopefully, we'll have the number
in time to make mention of it in Playing with Pyramids. |
Chrononauts made this year's Games
100! That bring my total such listings to six: Icehouse,
Icebreaker, Fluxx, Aquarius, Icehouse:TMCS, and now Chrononauts. |
In my experience, standard helium balloons have
a life expectancy of 12-18 hours. But some of the balloons Alison
got for John lasted nearly a week! This dramatic increase in
balloon lifespan was apparently achieved with some sort of sealant
they glop inside the balloon before inflation. |