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As I tend to some oyster mushrooms
frying in a pan, I sing a line from an eighties tune: "That's
why you'll always find him in the kitchen at parties." Then
I add an enthusiastic "Yeah!"
asperse (ass-purse') v.t.
to spread false rumors concerning, or damaging charges against;
besmirch the reputation of; to slander or calumniate; traduce;
malign; deame; slander; vilify (also used as
a plural noun: to cast aspersions)
- Monsoon Wedding :)
A pan-cultural
curry of languages, love,
music, and dancing.
instead of seeing a film this week, Daddy-O spent all his time
helping with the filming and editing of Andy & Alison's Amazing
Race application video.
Budget Traveller's Guide to Sleeping in Airports

- "I'm a huge fan of Looney games. Games in general, but
Looney in particular. It's gotten to the point where I just buy
stuff on faith, as long as it has the Looney Logo on it. Keep
up the good work!" -- Peter T. of Morris
Plains, NJ, via email


This Summer's Intern: Lillian
/ Secret Project AR-3 |
a picture of Lillian Lee Butler, our new summer intern. Lillian
is about to graduate from Georgetown Day School (coincidentally
the same high school Alison went to) and in the fall, she'll
be starting at Oberlin College in Ohio. But during the summer,
she'll be working for us part-time, and although this is only
her second day, already she's gotten started on a range of helpful
tasks. Here you see her sticking Icehouse labels on empty stash
tubes (which means empty tubes are available again, yay!) but
she's also good with computers and she's helping us edge Nanofictionary
closer to publication by taking on the job of formatting up the
She also likes making phone calls, so we're also planning to
get her help in making sales calls, once Kristin finishes up
the massive overhaul of our database system she and Dale have
been working on for months (which I'm happy to say is finally
nearing completion). Lillian is enthusiastic and multi-talented,
and we're very pleased to have her help this summer. Welcome
aboard, Lillian! |
you ever seen the show on CBS called The
Amazing Race? It's one of those "reality shows"
like Survivor;
in this one, 11 pairs of people race around the world, with the
winning team getting a million dollars. The second season ends
next week (sadly, our favorite team was eliminated last night)
and they are currently in the process of reviewing candidates
for the 3rd season. And guess what? Alison and I applied!
It was not an easy process: we had to make a 3-minute video
of ourselves, and we each had to fill out a huge, detailed questionnaire
filled with all sorts of probing questions. Plus of course, getting
chosen means being able to drop everything and disappear for
6 weeks (to say nothing of the repeated casting calls beforehand).
So although millions of people might want to go on this adventure,
we're hoping the number of people who actually get through the
process of applying will be small enough to give us a fighting
Will they pick us? Will Alison and I get to race around the
world on National TV while Kristin runs the business without
us? Check back here in the coming weeks for updates as they happen!
a Great Week! |

The question on the Amazing Race application
that I was most pleased with my answer to was this one: "List
three adjectives that best describe you." My answer:
1. Artistic
2. Enthusiastic
3. Comical
4. Non-Conformist |
"Upon the Producers' request, all applicants
and/or contestants agree to sign and abide by the terms of any
additional releases or authorizations that the Producers, in
their sole discretion, deem necessary."
-- in other words, you have to agree to anything else we say
(just one of the things we had to agree to in order to apply
for the Amazing Race) |
"I want my old dad back, the one who was
yelling all the time, and... you know, I'm not really sure what
I want." -- Lisa Simpson, in the recent,
generally-lame medical marijuana episode of "The Simpsons,"
when the family confronted Homer about being a stoner |