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I walk past an old stump of a
tree, remembering how last week I saw a lizard poking its head
out of the hole in the stump's center.
agnail (agg'nail) n.
1. a whitlow; an inflammation around a fingernail or toenail
2. a hangnail; a piece of half-severed skin beside, or at the
base of a nail
- Spiderman :)
Is he strong? Listen,
bud, he's got genetically
re-engineered blood...
Overall, I really enjoyed the new big-budget, big-screen Spiderman
movie... but I do have a few questions. For example, I loved
seeing his first home-made costume, featuring a red sweatshirt
with black stenciling... but how did he get from that to the
incredibly fancy and detailed Spidey-suit he has in the very
next scene? It's not like he had the money to pay for it....
The Practical Hippie

- "I enjoyed that game so much it's not even funny. It's
probably my favorite game on the 3DO console. I picked it up
the day it came out and was totally crazy about it the moment
I first played it. It's a shame the system and the game didn't
sell well because both the console and the game we're great.
will always be in my top 10 favorite games that I've ever played
and I thought I'd take a moment to write you and tell you that." -- A fan named Joe, via e-mail


The Nanofictionary Cardsheets
Are Done! |
It's been well over a
year since I first came up with the concepts for Nanofictionary,
so I'm very pleased to finally say that it's ready to go the
printers! I've been putting the finishing touches on the final
cardsheets all week; we'll be giving our team one last chance
to look everything over tonight, and tomorrow we'll be sending
the finished files to Carta Mundi. Yay! Here's what the final
cardsheet will look like: |
Now here's the bad news: We're running so late with this project
(we still need to design the tuckbox) that we aren't going to
be able to have finished decks for sale until Gen-Con. We're
still hoping that by committing to the printing of the cardsheets
now, we'll at least have the first batch of sample cards at Origins
(so we can use them to run the first ever tournament) but even
that is not guaranteed.
In other news, we're getting ready to host another Pop
Tart Cafe at Balticon
this weekend, and it should be great fun. For one thing, it will
provide me with the opportunity to play through the long list
of new Icehouse games we're thinking of putting in the next issue
of Hypothermia. (Far from making much progress on the
list I posted last week, it instead has grown longer, with
several more games, such as Edges,
Breakthrough, and Roll the Ball having been brought to my attention.)
Furthermore, we have something special planned for those who'd
like to try Hailstorm
with the new Casino rules: chocolate poker chips! I'm sure there'll
be other surprises in store as well: For one thing, there's that
rumor about something new codenamed Secret Project 641-CD...
(Plus, we're planning to hold an Origins planning meeting!) Anyway,
it's all happening Saturday and Sunday nights at the Wyndham
Baltimore Inner Harbor Hotel. Join us if you can!

Have you voted
for Cosmic
Coasters yet? |

There's been a big
shake-up and power shift at Kristin's old company, TSI-TelSys,
and our old Fearless Leader Jim
Chesney is back on the board of directors! Since we're still
hanging onto a heap of devalued TSI stock, we're hopeful Jim
can help get his old company back on the right track. |
I really enjoy the Target TV ads. They're like
little music videos. (Have you seen the new one, featuring "Orange
You Glad It's Summer?" by the B-52s?) I think Target should
collect them all together on a DVD and give 'em out free with
a $25 purchase... |
"I'm pretty frazzled -- lately I have these
awful daydreams that he's secretly building a glider in the attic." -- John Cooper, describing
his efforts to keep their dog Booda from continually escaping
from their new yard |