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- katzenjammer
(katz'-en-jam'-ur) n. 1: hangover. 2: distress;
depression. 3: a discordant clamor. [from German katzen
"cats" + jammer "distress".]
Lost In Translation :)
Subtle, humorous,
captivating and poignant,
with all the right words.

Angels 2200
"When I got the Zendo
boxed set, I was impressed. The box and everything inside is
beautiful. I knew what to expect out of the Icehouse pyramids
themselves. They are the coolest playing pieces devised for strategy
games since chessmen and checkers were invented. Everything in
this new Icehouse set has a quality that screams "professionally-made
game." Little Looney Labs has come a long way from the flimsy
plastic tower-box that housed the original Icehouse game." -- Will McDermott, reviewing Zendo in Issue #2 of
Undefeated magazine

Russell and Isabel |
is Russell
Grieshop, our new Rabbit Coordinator! He lives in Florida,
but this last weekend he was living at Wunderland.Earth, starting
to dig in with Kristin to figure out how he can help us get our
Mad Lab
Rabbit program moving forward again.
Hurricane Isabel left us without power for much of his visit,
so we didn't get as much concrete work done as we did the
week before, when Ali was visiting,... but we still had a
wonderful weekend. It was great to have Russell keeping us company
throughout the storm, and the power outage gave us a chance to
just hang out and talk about life and philosophy and the big
picture vision for the rabbit program.
Our Mad Lab Rabbit demo program has existed for many years,
and we have an enthusiastic base of fabulous rabbits... but the
software that runs the program has had more false starts than
I care to think about. Even now, although the most recent incarnation
of the software does work, our most devoted fans rarely bother
to ask for points for all the great demo work they do. This is
understandable, since there hasn't been anything new in the Dangling
Carrot for a really long time. But now that we finally have
someone dedicated to managing the program and giving away points,
we're started creating cool stuff exclusively for our rabbits!
Sorry it's been so long in coming.
You can't actually order it yet, but you can see the pages
describing the new Werewolf
T-Shirt and the Demo
Kit that Kristin and Russell have been working on. This cool
new T-Shirt will be available in the Dangling Carrot within the
next few weeks, i.e. just in time for all those Halloween Werewolf
parties! Russell will be working with the rabbits to make sure
they get their rabbit accounts set up (which earns you 10 points!)
and asking long standing rabbits to submit a project report describing
what they have done over the years so we can grandfather in some
extra points.
If the shirt proves to be as popular as we think it will be,
we will likely start selling it next summer, when the con season
starts up again. But until then, the only way you can get one
is for us to give you one for free as a way of saying thank you
for helping us promote our games.
For those newer Rabbits, who probably can't come up with more
than 10 points quickly (you get 10 points just for setting up
a rabbit account with a picture of yourself and a bio), you can
get the shirt by paying half in points, and half with cash. (So
the 20 point demo kit can be purchased with 10 points and $10.)
But like I said... the shirt won't be available or a couple of
weeks. Thanks for helping us promote our games!
far as the storm was concerned, we were quite lucky. Yes, we
had to get by without power for a couple of days, but it's always
fun to get the candles out... and many of our friends and neighbors
had to do without for much longer than us. And our basement didn't
There are other details of the week I could write about, but
frankly, I used up all my writing energies on my big new essay,
Seven Reasons
to Change Your Mind, and on the Official
Guide to Looney Labs Promo Cards. So I'm gonna leave you
with this lovely photo I took of the 33 candles I set up to work
by on the second night of our power outage.

Happy Today!