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pawky (paw'-kee) adj.
artfully shrewd; canny.
Matchstick Men :)
Interesting twist --
character analysis
through con-artistry.
American Elf: James
Kochalka's Sketchbook Diaries

Electric Sheep Comics
"Chrononauts is a winner. I am going to play Chrononauts
with every man, woman, and teenager I meet. The play is so clean
and elegant, the very few questions that arose were answered
on the cards themselves in words AND easy-to-distinguish icons,
and you get to kill Hitler, stop the Hindenburg from exploding,
and save JFK along the way." -- Todd Derscheid's
of Chrononauts at BoardGameGeek.com

Renee and Craig |
you see an advertisement I threw together this week for the Lollagazebo
program book. Since they've invited us to be their Guests of
Honor, they're also giving us a full-page ad in their program
book; but since we don't typically do a lot of advertising, we
didn't really have anything ready-made to give them. We thought
about various pieces we could re-use, but instead I brainstormed
up a few new things and this is the result.
In other news, our house has lately been crawling with employees.
There are now 8 distinct desks in various nooks around our house,
where different people could all be working at the same time.
Because of the way the different shifts overlap, or rather fail
to, they have yet to all be occupied at the same time, but even
so, it's getting pretty crowded around here at times.
I mention yet that we hired Renee?
Because we've been going crazy trying to stay on top of our growing
business, we've gone crazy with part-time
hiring. We still don't have enough income to afford more
full-time help, but we can (at least we think we can) afford
to hire half a dozen people if we only give them 10 hours a week
each. Anyway, the latest is Renee Camus, who's been a friend
for many years and now is on our sales team, calling up stores
and encouraging them to carry (or carry more) of our products.
I've been saying we need someone whose only duties are to call
up stores and pitch our games, and I'm really happy to have someone
perky and fun like Renee finally doing exactly that, even if
only for a few hours each week.
Meanwhile, we're
also bringing in Craig
Forbes, to help with the never-ending saga that is the programming
of SuperFRED. Craig is also someone whose been around for years,
though not as close as Renee... we're looking forward to getting
to know him better as he starts working with Liam to continue
the implementation of Kristin's vision for our all-encompassing
(and sometimes all-consuming) corporate software.
Welcome aboard, Renee and Craig!

Don't Forget to Play!
A few weeks ago, I lamented the news
I'd read, about the prospect of losing our bananas. Well, Snopes
says the problem has been greatly exaggerated! Yay! Banana Splits
for everyone! |
And the Free
State is (or will be)... New Hampshire! Cool, that's within
driving distance! It'll be fascinating to watch this project
unfold... |
"2003 was not the first time
that dissent -- *the* American virtue, *the* unique right of
us Americans -- suddenly became an ugly word. It happens every
few decades, like when they passed the Alien and Sedition Acts,
around 1800. Hell, in a way, the Civil War was about stifling
dissent; the laws said slavery was just fine The people who changed
that were dissenters. And you had your Palmer raids in the twenties,
and your communist blacklists in the forties and fifties... All
the witch-hunts against political contrary-ness in our history
have ended the same way. The American political system was strong
enough to prevail against mistaken ideologies; when the dissenters
were wrong, the country got stronger. When the dissenters were
right, the country got stronger. And everybody who ever tried
to shut the dissenters up wound up hated and reviled, their accomplishments
overshadowed by their lack of faith in Freedom of Speech." -- Keith Olbermann, on his MSNBC show "Countdown
w/ Keith Olbermann," 9/29/3 |