you ever have one of those weeks, you know, when everything seems
to break down at the same time? That's the kind of week we've
been having here... our phones went dead, the dryer stopped working,
and the kitchen sink backed up so it caused a small rainstorm
in the laundry room below. Even a flashlight bulb blew just when
we needed it. (Alison
fixed the plumbing, but the phones are still flaky and we need
to buy a new dryer.)
However, while it's been a drag dealing with all of that,
things are otherwise going really well. Alison became our 4th
full-time employee this week, ramping up from the part-time role
she's long been filling, and saying farewell her co-workers at
Wood's Flowers & Gifts. (After her last day there, Woods'
delivered a dozen of her favorites, attaché roses, to
her here at her new day job. Wasn't that nice of them! They're
sure gonna miss her, but their loss is our gain.)
Alison's already adding to our productivity... she put up
3 new products yesterday! But being here full-time now means
we needed to give her a better desk than that spot in the library
where she's had her computer until now. Although our house is
already amazingly full, Alison found a spot for a new small desk,
in the living room, behind the couch. And since we have an IKEA
right around the corner now, it didn't take long for us to choose
and install a perfectly sized new desk!
We're also frantically getting ready for the GAMA Trade Show,
next week in Vegas. (Which reminds me: this page will not be
updated next week!) Also, playtesting and production of Early
American Chrononauts continues to be both exciting and time-consuming.
It's definitely coming together nicely, but there's still a great
deal for me to accomplish before April 30th. (That's the day
when, assuming the final art is on the way to the printer, I'll
be leaving the country to spend a month living in Amsterdam.)
One final note: although it's become something of a local
landmark, we've decided to get rid of the giant gumball machine
that's been adorning our front porch for the last 7 or 8 years.
Anybody want it? Act fast, the trashmen will be hauling it away
"He's too confident to consult
a map. He's too strong to heed warnings and too steady to turn
the wheel when the road bends. He's too certain to admit error,
even after plowing through ditches and telephone poles. He's
too preoccupied with principle to understand that principle isn't
enough. Watching the stars instead of the road, he has wrecked
the budget and the war on terror. Now he's heading for the Constitution.
It's time to pull him over and take away the keys." -- William Saletan, "Confidence
Man" |
"There is an important distinction between the Democratic
presidential candidates not mentioned... The Bush Justice Department
has conducted a series of raids that have terrorized medical
marijuana patients and caregivers throughout California.
Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina has said it would be
'irresponsible' to end these raids, apparently seeing no problem
with Drug Enforcement Administration agents pointing automatic
rifles at sick and dying people. Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts
has pledged to end the raids, and at least indicated an open
mind toward changing federal law to permit medical use of marijuana
-- not as strong a stand as some of us might like, but a vast
improvement over the policies of George W. Bush, or of
President Clinton before him." -- Bruce
Mirken, Director of Communications, Marijuana Policy Project |
"Is that just a custom bag,
or are you actually Andy Looney?" -- question I was
asked by a complete stranger who noticed my Looney Games bag
in the UofMD Student Union building, 3/4/4 |