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Napoleon Dynamite %}
For those of you who
had the Vague Plague in high school--
this is your movie.
The Daily

"Once I got the hang of it, it was tons o' fun! Woohoo!"
-- a
cartoon turtle learning to play Fluxx

Adult Weekend & Visitors
from Texas |
weekend, the three of us went to the Burgundy
Center for Wildlife Studies, out in West Virginia, for a
camp event called Adult Weekend. The BCWS is a wonderful nature-oriented
summer camp which Alison went to as a kid and liked so much she
went on to become a staffer, working there every summer for almost
a decade. After grad school she had to stop, since it's hard
to take that much time off in the summer when you have a day
job, but now that Alison works for Looney
Labs full-time, we were happy to give her the time she needed
to resume working at camp. She's still there now, and won't be
back for a couple of weeks (hence the gaps in the Animeld
and Cool
Word featurettes).
Alison is working Third Session, which started on Tuesday,
but all 3 of us went out there last Friday to participate in
Adult Weekend. This is something they do once each summer, and
it's designed to give the grown-ups who are too old to go to
the regular camp sessions a chance to have that wonderful camp
experience again (even if they'd never been to this particular
camp before).
As one who went to many a Boy Scout camp while growing up,
I found the Burgundy Center camp extremely charming. For one
thing, the classes are very small: the twin dormitories only
have a combined maximum occupancy of about 32 campers. (That's
the size of just one troop's campsite at a typical Boy Scout
campground!) And the staff have many ways of making science and
nature exciting and fun to learn about without resorting to carrots
such as merit badges or lanyards full of accomplishment beads.
Alison has been raving about her experiences at this camp
for as long as we've known her, and now that we've finally experienced
this place for ourselves, we can only agree: it's a gem, hidden
in a cove, far from our noisy world. We hope to return for next
year's Adult Weekend, as this is something we'd like to make
a tradition of (but we're worried it might conflict with Gen-Con
next year).
Anyway, I took so many photos over the weekend -- 240 to be
exact -- that I've decided to postpone making full use of them
until after Alison gets home, so that she can help me with the
project. (If she gets carried away, as she is prone to, it may
turn into a complete e-book of some sort.) But here are a few
I really liked...
Before going to camp, we got to spend some time with Kristin's
sister Ruth and her kids, Dustan and Jenelle. They were here
visiting from Texas, and this was their first time visiting in
many years (in between, we attended both
of their Mitzvah's) and
they had a great time visiting our clubhouse of a home. As you
can see, Dustan becamme enamored of our snake, Benji... |

Enjoy Life, and Don't Forget to Play! |

"Around 900 US troops have been killed in
Iraq. Thousands more are casualties, many missing limbs. Around
12,000 innocent Iraqi civilians are dead. An unknown number of
Iraqi conscripts and soldiers died. The 'Coalition of the Willing'
has sustained death and casualties. Our 'Shock and Awe' blitzkrieg
has devastated the already damaged infrastructure including plumbing
and sewage, insuring that tens, if not hundreds of thousands,
more civilians will die of sickness and disease. Our use of the
radioactive and toxic depleted uranium munitions will no doubt
cause cancer and birth defects among Iraqis and US vets for generations
to come. Meanwhile, the 9/11 Commission has declared that Saddam
did not have WMD, he was not linked to Osama or al-Qaeda, he
was not behind the World Trade Center attacks and his decimated
army posed no imminent threat to the US." --
Christian Dewar, "Who
Would Jesus Torture? The Religion of George W. Bush" |
"More than any time in history, mankind
now faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness,
the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom
to choose correctly." -- Woody Allen (seen quoted in Ginohn's
email sig) |
"Terror must be maintained, or the Empire
is doomed." -- Spock with a beard (seen quoted on the Rash.Log) |