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- legerity (le-jehr'-it-ee) n.
alert, facile quickness of mind or body [from Old French, legereté
"lightness," from Vulgar Latin leviarius, from
Latin levis, from Greek elachys "small."]
Envy :)
Ben Stiller becomes
envious of Jack Black, who
gets to play himself.

"If you're anything like us, you probably can't be bothered
learning the rules to anything. The minute we get our mitts on
a new plaything we just want to start playing. Modern living
makes you impatient. And let's face it, rules are boring. Like
the saying goes: 'Any fool can make a rule'. This is particularly
true of card games. We're usually asleep by the time the explanation
is over. Suggest a game that people are unfamiliar with and the
normal response is a harrumph, followed by 'but I don't know
how to play that one!' Maybe that's why Fluxx has drawn us so
quickly and completely into its anarchic clutches. It's fast-paced,
fun and totally unpredictable. It's also a game that has to be
played to be appreciated - words can't do it justice. The simple,
quirky and, above all, random nature of Fluxx make it incredibly
playable, and it has that all-important one-more-go-factor in
spades." -- review
of Fluxx at Firebox.com
Co-Housing, Co-Homeschooling, Escape From
America, and Hamilton |
just got back from a wonderful weekend in the chilly north, and
it leaves me with a lot to say, on a wide range of topics. These
include Co-Housing,
"Smoke-Easys," Things we liked about the city of
and a movie soon being released called "Escape
from America."
The trip began with a visit to a Co-Housing
community in Ithaca, New York, called the Eco-Village. Since
I (stupidly) forgot to take any photos of the EcoVillage itself,
here's a picture I took during our visit to Ithaca proper, of
the gorgeous gorge at Cornell University.
The EcoVillage is an ecology-oriented Co-Housing community
with a current population of about 60 families. "What's
Co-Housing?" I hear you asking. (It's OK, I didn't know
either.) You might say it's the next generation's approach to
the communes of the sixties. At the EcoVillage there are two
neighborhoods, each containing 30 households unified by a single
vision and living in a tight cluster of houses up on the hilltop.
The houses, which are designed to be super efficient and environmentally
sound, are all independently-owned private homes, but at the
core of the village is a common house with many shared spaces
including a large dining room. Here many meetings and other community
events are held, including meals for the whole group which are
served several nights a week. The community shares much together,
but maintains individual households as well. This was a very
inspirational visit for us, as we seek to decide where and how
to build our future. We've often talked of doing something similar
(though on a smaller scale) but never knew the concept had a
name until now.
We then proceeded north, into Canada. We (stupidly) forget
to bring our passports, and we worried about having trouble at
the border; but the guard waved us through, without even asking
for ID.
first destination was Guelph, where we held a Looney Gaming event
at the Cafe Aquarius. We got a nice crowd of about 15 Ontario-area
rabbits, and we hung out playing Aquarius
(and many of our other games) at this very groovy vegan coffeeshop
all afternoon. Among those in attendance was a woman named Jacy
and some of her kids, and while talking with her that day we
made plans to visit her homeschooler's group back in Hamilton,
which is another of Toronto's satellite cities. We made plans
to go see her later in our visit, then went out to dinner with
our Guelph Rabbits.
The next day was the last day of the Canadian Toy and Hobby
Show in Toronto, so we went into the big city itself for that.
This event is their equivalent of New York's Toy
Fair, and this was our first time attending... as usual for
our first trip to a new trade show, we were just there to walk
the floor and check things out this time around. Perhaps next
year we will get a booth, but this year, it was worthwhile for
us just to visit the booths of Canadian distributors we haven't
signed up yet, to give them catalogs and samples of our games,
and such like. (While there, we also got to see Stephanie
Clarkson again; she was working in the FoxMind booth, where
they had several very intriguing new games on display...)
While we were in Toronto, we had dinner
with some other friends we made during our last visit to Canada,
named Shannon and Albert. They're film-makers, and they're working
on a new movie currently being called "Escape from America."
During our visit to the Hot-Box Cafe last
July, they actually interviewed us for the movie, but I haven't
mentioned it until now because I wasn't sure if our material
might not just end up on the editing room floor and I didn't
want to jinx it. Although we didn't get to see the rough cut,
Albert described various bits of us which are being included,
so it sounds like we really will be in this movie. In fact, I
can be seen in the preview! You can download it from this
website. (That's me saying excitedly, "We're
gonna move to
Canada!") The movie debuts in April... we hope to go
up to attend the premiere.
Tuesday, we went into Hamilton to meet Jacy's homeschoolers group.
Jacy has banded together with three other area families (in a
manner not unlike the Co-Housing movement) to create a multi-family
home-schooling group. They were meeting in a church basement
when we visited, and we had a great time teaching this modern
one-room school how to play several of our games. There were
11 kids total, with a range of ages, and it was useful for us
to see how the six year olds did with Fluxx
Jr. (They loved it! Watching 6-year olds play it there made
us decide we need to get this thing into print!)
It was wonderful visiting Canada again, despite the coldness...
we chose to go on this trip in January specifically to find out
what the place was like in the middle of winter, and it really
wasn't bad. It must be said, however, that we apparently happened
to visit during a warm spell... people were saying we'd brought
some warm weather with us. But even if it is generally colder
up there, and more snowy, and with longer winters, I think we
can handle it. (Besides, as global warming heats up the planet,
it may behoove us to have moved up north.)
the Supremes hand down a ruling on Raich v. Ashcroft, there's
always the chance that they'll do the right thing and strike
a fatal blow at marijuana prohibition. (And that would leave
us feeling like we could move to a variety of other places...
Ithaca, for example.) But even on my most optimistic of days
I find this unlikely, so I predict we're Canada-bound. Plus,
I really like the idea. I love it in Canada. It was a joy to
visit, even in winter. I feel inspired now to learn about Canadian
history. (Maybe someday we'll do a Canadian version of Chrononauts!
Or a Canadian Edition of Stoner Fluxx! But I can't think about
things like that right now...we've got plenty of other stuff
on the stove
right now.)
I'm even inspired to learn some basic French! (Everywhere
you go up there you see little lessons in French, in the form
of the omni-present translations, so why not make a point of
trying to actually learn the language?)
So I'm still pretty psyched about choosing Canada as the site
of the new Looney Labs World Headquarters, but my top choice
for the city we go to has changed as a result of this trip. Last
summer, I was saying our first choice was Guelph, but while we
really enjoyed visiting there again, we realized during this
visit that there's even more to like about Hamilton. (Sorry Penn
& Heather
and Scott -- but I'm sure we'll visit Guelph often, and you can
come see us in Hamilton!)
Here's a list of
Things We Liked About Hamilton:
- There's This Cliff: I'm fascinated by a geologic feature
this city is literally divided by, known as the Escarpment. It's
a huge cliff running through the middle of the town, which was
carved out by glaciers during the last great Ice Age. A few miles
to the south, a river flows over another part of this giant cliff,
forming a little thing known as Niagara Falls. Although it tripped
us up when we first arrived, I find the Escarpment fascinating,
and I think it gives the whole town great character.
Have a Smoke-Easy: Last summer we went to Ontario's first
"smoke-easy," this being a place called the Hot
Box Cafe, where people are permitted to smoke their own pot
openly (but cannot buy it or sell it or mooch it or even ask
where to get it). I was eager to see how this decrim experiment
was playing out and how it compared to the Dutch model I've long
been studying. We went to the Hot Box again on this trip, and
it was good to see that they are still thriving, and still haven't
been shut down by the cops. (I was happy to see that they've
been selling Stoner
Fluxx, and it's doing well for them, too!) Anyway, since
our last visit, another Smoke-Easy has opened in Ontario, this
one in (yes you guessed it) Hamilton! So of course, we had to
check it out too, and it's great! It's called Up In Smoke Cafe,
and even more than the Hot Box Cafe, this is a center for political
activism as well as a place to openly toke. Those who smoke there
are asked to join a political action party called the Hamilton
Compassion Society, and must sign a release when they do. It's
an excellent and well-written document, based on acceptance of
"the possibility of arrest as the possible price of pot
activism," but also argues that "it is better to get
busted out in the open with all your friends watching and the
cameras rolling and the media there, than late at night, all
alone, with no one watching." The scene was hopping while
we were there... the activists in the area have a place to gather,
and the movement there is growing.
- It's Within a Half-Day's Drive Away: I am more than
ready to experience life in another part of the world, having
lived in the DC area for the past 41 years... but there will
always be a special place in my heart for my hometown, so I'm
sure we will be traveling back here frequently. Therefore, I'd
like for our new hometown to be within a single day's travel
time of our old hometown. That puts the limit, for my driving
abilities, at about 12 hours, and Hamilton is within that range.
But most Canadian cities are beyond this threshold. In fact,
Hamilton is just about the closest Canadian city there is to
Washington DC. If you get in the car and drive straight towards
Canada, the first major city you'll get to after passing Niagara
Falls is Hamilton. It's 577 miles away from our house, and the
drive home took just over 11 hours, which included a leisurely
dinner break and various other little stops (although with no
traffic jams, and surprisingly few tolls.) We were told, over
and over again on this visit as before, that the place we really
ought to go is Vancouver... but the west coast is just too far
away for our tastes. If the airlines go out of business, it'll
take a week instead of a day to get home. Obviously that's a
worst case scenario, but even in a situation like another 9-11,
we might find that the airlines are shut down for days on end
at a time when I'd really like to get home, and that the only
way to get back quickly will be by driving.
- The Size is Just Right: We're urbanites, so we definitely
like the Toronto area, but we find Toronto itself a little intimidatingly
large. We also have to admit that Guelph is a tad smaller than
we'd prefer. Hamilton, on the other hand, feels just right. It's
5 times as big as Guelph and even though it lives even more in
Toronto's shadow, it's a true city unto itself, with plenty going
on to keep our various interests satisfied. (And what we can't
find in Hamilton can certainly be found in the nearby big city.)
Like Goldilocks sampling beds and choosing the one with that's
not too big and not too small, my feeling right now is that Hamilton
is the town whose size is just right.
- Location, Location, Location: As noted, Hamilton is
about as close to our hometown as you can get and be in Canada.
It's also about as far south as one can go and be in Canada,
which is good for minimizing the downsides of winter. Hamilton
is on the edge of a huge lake which is cool in and of itself
and also may promote a nicer climate than in some places, due
to the mysterious "lake effect" I've been hearing about
for years. Hamilton has excellent interstate access and their
own international airport. It's closer to Toronto than Guelph
(just far enough away to be it's own place but close enough for
the nearby city to be handy) and it's on the near side of the
bigger city instead of being out and beyond, as is Guelph. Plus,
there's a wonderful landmark to visit nearby for out-of-towners
to see while they're visiting us, namely, the glorious Niagara
Falls, a destination worthy of any traveler's lifetime "must-visit"
checklist. Hamilton is, quite frankly, in a perfect location
for our manifold needs and goals.
- Hamilton is in an Economic Slump and has an Identity Crisis:
While at first these might not seem like advantages, for
us, they are. Here are some headlines and highlighted quotes
from an article in an issue of the Hamilton Spectator which we
bought while we were there: "We're a city with an identity
crisis," "Lots of houses, not many jobs," and
"Hamilton's becoming a doughnut city as suburbs push the
urban boundary and many new arrivals ignore the old city."
This is all good stuff for us, because our goal is move into
an urban center where the rent is relatively cheap, since we
need space in which to build all our dreams. Therefore, we like
the idea of a town with a low cost of living, where the Chamber
of Commerce might be willing to provide extra help/incentives
to a growing business looking to move into a city in the midst
of revitalization. (Such was apparently the case for Chris Goodwin,
proprietor of Up In Smoke, which has a wonderful heart-of-town
location.) It's all very similar, it seems to me, to the way
things happened in Amsterdam. In the late 1970's, the city's
population was shrinking and at the lowest level in decades,
but along with the rise of the coffeeshop came a gradual reversal
of that trend, to the point where Amsterdam is now a densely
populated high-rent city again. Might the same thing happen in
Hamilton? If so, that's exactly where I want to be.
As I seek to gaze into the crystal ball, to predict the future
and thus be best able to take advantage of my predictions, I'm
hoping to choose the right hotspot to host my entrepreneurial
visions. [Incidentally, I hope someday to return to my dream
of writing novels, and when I do I will tell stories set in a
future world, which I now spend a lot of time just imagining...]
I see a future in which, long after pot is made legal, cities
everywhere will have a district in which Amsterdam-style coffeeshops
are clustered together, sort of like a stoner version of the
vibrant Chinatown area of Toronto, in Kensington Market, where
the Hot Box Cafe is located. In time, other establishments may
open nearby, and Kensington Market might become the area's Stonertown,
or Little Amsterdam. Then again, that might take off more in
Hamilton. Either neighborhood might well suit the gaming coffeehouse
I dream of building someday, near our new World Headquarters...
Well, anyway, that's the low-down on our most recent trip
to Canada. If it sounds like I've made up my mind and chosen
Hamilton, well, I guess I have. I'm like that. I'm an INTJ, The
J stands for Judging and what it means is I'm all about making
a decision and feeling good about that decision even if I later
have to change and make a different decision. So today I would
say that Hamilton is my top choice, but this decision is hardly
final. For me, few decisions are: I always try to reserve the
right to change my mind about everything later. So, stay tuned!

Thanks for Reading, and Thanks for Playing Our
PS: If you haven't signed up for your Holiday
Gift yet, there's still time! We still haven't sent
them out yet! (Hopefully we will next week!)
While I opposed the war in Iraq, I will readily admit that
this week's free elections there were a wonderful thing. In fact,
I find myself feeling envious about the manner in which they
cast their historic votes. I think our country should adopt the
"permanent ink on the fingertip you vote with" method
they used, which I see as having several advantages over our
country's easily corruptible technological systems:
- No way for a hacker to change the votes with a computer
- No "hanging chads" in the event of a recount
- Easier to prevent multiple visits to the voting booth
- You have this lovely purple reminder of being part of a democracy
on your hand for the next few days
- You can see who the non-voting slackers in the community
are, and chide them for not voting.
If you think I'm being paranoid, worrying about
things like global warming and bankrupted airlines, then I'd
direct you to articles I read in the most recent issues of my
newest favorite magazine, The Week, which piled up in
the mail during our travels. One article described a "Dire
Warning" issued by an international task force in Greenland,
who are predicting that "the world will heat up to an irreversible
tipping point in less that 10 years" unless greenhouse gas
levels are somehow reduced. The other was a grim profile of the
ailing airline industry, which answered the question "Do
the old airlines have a future?" with "It'll be a struggle." |
Having successfully converted from sugary soda
to diet (I'm totally used to the funny taste now) I have begun
refining my preferences. I'm developing a fondness for Diet Coke
with Lime, since it's kind of like drinking a Sprite at the same
time as a Coke. |