
draft | invisible stuff
Get Smart :)
Maxwell got smarter,
and a bit more violent, too.
He's still funny though.

Simpsons Star Wars life

Creepy Girl from Motion Portrait

"Thank you so much for your games. I originally gave
Chrononauts to my nephews and they have been addicted ever since.
I have just given them EcoFluxx for their birthdays and all other
gifts were thrown aside once they had this in their hands. Thank
you for your excellent games and keep up the good work."
--Julie A, of Springvale, Maine

Rash is currently
traveling around the world -- read his special travel blog: RtW08
Monty Python and the Pink
Treehouse, Part 2 |
check it out, instead of being 2 days late with this website
like I usually am, this time I'm 2 days early! Why? Origins
of course! It's our biggest event of the year and by Thursday
it'll already be underway. Woo-hoo! It's my favorite week of
the year, and I think this one's gonna be our best one ever!
Of course, we're frantically trying to get as much done as
possible before heading off to the show. We're actually in excellent
shape this year as far as being prepared is concerned, but there's
still a lot of little things we're trying to finish up before
the big event. For example, I'm busily making new prototypes
of my latest working version of Monty Python Fluxx, to use during
playtest sessions at Origins. Speaking of which, here's a glimpse
at one of the many cool things we've been making to unveil next
week: a promo card postcard for Monty Python Fluxx! This is a
great New Rule called 1,2,5! which adds a bit of Monty Python
fun to any Fluxx deck (and which will also appear in the actual
game later).
you compare the Monty Python Fluxx logo shown on this postcard
to the one I used on this page when we first started talking
about MPF, you'll notice it's greatly improved. The same is true
for the Pink Pyramids logo, further down on both pages. The reason
for these artwork upgrades is that both of these products have
moved from the Preliminary
Announcement stage to the Official
Announcement stage, meaning that Real Artists are now working
on this stuff instead of me.
And who are these shadowy and mysterious Real Artists of whom
I speak? Well, we aren't at the Official Announcement stage on
this, so I can only say vaguely that we've started working with
a new production partner (yes, they print in the USA) and they
have an art team who've been helping us out on our latest round
of printed items. I'm saving the details of this story for a
future update, but suffice it to say that we've very pleased
with the work they've been doing for us so far.
of Pink Treehouse, for those who were hoping to have them by
Origins, I'm sorry to disappoint you but they won't be ready
in time. This project has been slowed by more pressing matters,
part of which is the issue of packaging... we're planning a new
and different style of packaging for Pink Treehouse, which is
part of an overall new scheme we're hatching for the packaging
of most of our product line. But that's all part of the "new
production partner" story I mentioned, which I'm saving
for later.
In the meantime, to help mollify the eager Icehouse fans waiting
to see what the new color will be like, here's a photo. Aren't
they lovely?
Thanks for reading, and have a great fortnight!
(And if you're coming to Origins, I'll see you there! It's
gonna be great, I can't wait!)
I've really gotten into using these disposable paper notebooks
called PocketMods (the
site for which was featured as a Tirade's
Choice last April). You simply fold up a standard piece of
paper, unfold it enough to make a single cut, refold it a different
way, and presto, you've got a wonderfully handy little 8 page
notebook! I write my latest to-do list on the back cover and
I keep various notes on the other pages. It takes me about 3
days to fill one up, by which time it's also starting to wear
out -- so I make another one! |
"I always wanted to serve my country.
I felt it was a good opportunity for me to give back." --
a different Andrew Looney, who lost part of his foot in Baghdad
last October, after an insurgent IED exploded in the vicinity
of his vehicle (seen quoted
at the Oklahoman website) |

"In terms of global warming, the truth about air conditioning
is chilling. According to the Department of Energy, one-sixth
of American energy use goes toward cooling buildings, a particularly
large proportion given that most air conditioners operate for
only about one-quarter of the year. Another way of looking at
it: Keeping your home cool this summer will add one to three
tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere." --
Eviana Hartman, "That
Cool Blast of AC Is Not So Cool for the Planet. What Can You
Do?" |