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55 Fiction Contest Submission Cover Letter
"Dear Steve!" the author wrote, "I love your
55 Fiction concept. I call 'em Nanofiction, and I publish one
every week in my webzine, www.Wunderland.com. (My friend Number
12 does, too.) Enclosed is a printout of my archive, for your
consideration..." Shortly after reading this, Steve became
a regular reader of the WWN.
New this week:
Divine Creator
I'm trying to remember how to
fold the back wing and landing gear of Dad's airplane.
weasand (weez'und, wiz'-und)
n. throat; gullet; (also) windpipe
- The Pest :-(
- John Leguizamo
puts on quite a show, but not
much of a movie.
The Beach Boys
an american family
Although I prefer Beatles to Beach Boys, I wanted
to tune in for this made-for-TV two-parter, to learn the story
behind the music. Now I know that, as with Sgt. Pepper, marijuana
helped fuel the creation of what was (arguably) their greatest
album, Pet Sounds. And again I have to wonder why something that
seems to inspire such beauty is so vilified by our culture. The
film (which for Wonder Years fans features Kevin Arnold's mom
as Brian Wilson's mom) definitely increased my interest in their
music; but it made me even more interested in a group I'd never
heard of before: Phil Spector's Wrecking Crew.
Funky Pez Dance of Love


Snail Dust


GTS, QMS, & 39-C |
Well, it's another busy week here at the lab. Next week we'll
be going to GTS,
the GAMA (GAme Manufacturers
Association) Trade Show, which of course means we're busy this
week getting ready for it. (It also means that next week's update
will be delayed a few days. Sorry...) Having just gotten back
from Toy Fair, a lot of our prep
work is already done; but having decided to add Paper
Icehouse to the product line, we've needed to pull together
a new ad slick (among other things).
GAMA is being held in Las Vegas this year, so hopefully we'll
also be able to ride a few roller coasters... expect a full report
next week.
December, I mentioned
that Green Bean (Alison's Quaker parrot ) had attempted to gnaw
his own leg off. It's a problem we've been dealing with ever
since. The vet originally sentenced the bird to a couple of weeks
in a miniature version of those plastic "Elizabethan"
collars they put on dogs to keep them from licking their wounds;
but even though his leg has long since healed, we've never been
able to release him from the collar, because as soon as we do,
he just wounds himself again. But lately a new wound on his neck
has forced us to take the collar off, which of course just made
everything worse. In desperation, Alison turned to the internet,
where she discovered a very enlightening page.
Turns out this is actually a known problem for this type of bird,
so much so that it has a name: Quaker Mutilation Syndrome (QMS).
Unfortunately, it's not well understood, it doesn't have a cure,
and yes, it can be fatal.
Luckily, the page offered suggestions for another type of
collar, one which promised to both protect his neck and keep
his beak away from his legs. Not only that, it would also allow
him a far less awkward and more mobile lifestyle, an important
consideration given that he may be confined to the collar for
life. We quickly put one together, using a one inch segment of
3/8" Foam Pipe Insulation, and it works great! The only
problem was his immediate tendency to pick away at the foam,
but after wrapping the new collar in surgical tape, that problem
has been solved too. He can still damage himself a little bit,
but this is a much better solution than anything we've had so
far, so we're happy.
Beyond all that, I've mostly just been working obsessively
on Secret Project 39-C, and I'm
happy to say, it's really coming together. The subject matter
is still confidential, but I'll give you a couple of hints about
the project nonetheless. 39-C will be our third card game, and
if cashflow permits, it will be our big fall release. Although
I previously had some more elaborate production ideas in mind,
it's shaking out to be just a thick deck of cards (along with
some sort of user-provided score-keeping system). I think that
39-C will join with Fluxx and Aquarius in about the same way
that Aquarius is vaguely kinda sorta like Fluxx. Over the weekend
I built the first functionally complete prototype deck, and I've
been re-tooling it based on local playtesting results all week.
And although I still have a lot of polishing to do, I'm happy
to say that it works! At least so far. Anyway, that's all I have
to say about that right now.
Hail the Internet!

Over the long haul, writing a cartoon is like
doing improv. When you start, you have no idea where you're going,
you're just making up stuff as you go along. But as soon as you
do, you start to establish facts and make decisions that will
affect the storyline forever. So you learn to plant seeds and
toss in hooks that you'll figure out how to use later on. |
A Guy named King reports that the ink on the
Q-Turn nickels
isn't permanent. They won't stand up to furniture polish! |
Target is currently running TV ads promoting
a compilation of Top 40 Hits called "Positive Interference."
The ads feature a very old Barney Fife getting agitated by the
music, ending his rant by saying "and I gotta tell ya...
I like it!" But as I remember it, nothing sours music faster
for a young person than hearing an old person claim to enjoy
it. |