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Clerks II :)
Favorite saga...
Star Wars? Lord of the Rings? Hmmm.
Jay and Silent Bob!

My Old
System 7 Mac
"We bought a box of Fluxx years ago at the check-out
line in Borders and are now on our fourth deck--the cards get
torn, stained, and occasionally blow off in a stiff wind, so
we must buy a new deck at least once a year. We give Fluxx to
clients as Xmas gifts and stuff and have hooked several people
on the game." -- Kathleen of Clayton, NC
Redesigning Just Desserts,
Again |

might assume this delicious-looking slice of cake is a new
piece of art for Just
Desserts. That'd be a good guess, but this cake is actually
for Fluxx Espanol. I'm showing off to celebrate the fact that
Alison is just about finished, at last, with the 14 color Cosa
illustrations she's been doing, which include Cake (since Fluxx
Espanol will include Cake
instead of Cookies). So the Spanish version of Fluxx is inching
closer and closer to the printer!
But while this cake isn't a Just Desserts dessert, I do have
exciting Just Desserts news to report: I've redesigned the game
And I think this time we really have found the winning formula!
The newest way to play has a zing to it that takes it from playable
to "Let's Play Again!" Whoo-hoo!
Unlike last
November's redesign, you need to make some minor modifications
to the
cards in order to use Version 3 of the rules for Just Desserts.
However, it's very simple (you just need to add a number to each
Guest card with a permanent marker) and the reward is a much
more fun game to play!
Just Desserts has basically been a problem child. Whereas
some of my games (like Fluxx
and Treehouse)
have popped into my head nearly fully formed, this game has been
my most challenging to create (and that includes the months of
research that went into my Chrononauts
games). I first started mapping out the dessert universe 4 years
ago... I remember quizzing family members about their favorite
desserts (and making some preliminary cards) at the Looney
Family Reunion at Skyland in November 2002. It took a really
long time just to work out the structure of the Guests and the
tastes they were interested in. I noodled around with these concepts
for years. As of last summer, I finally had a deck I was happy
with, along with a fairly playable initial
version of the rules, so we went ahead and published
a limited run of the beta-test edition, with rough black
& white art, so we could get more reactions. (A few copies
of that edition are still available.)
Then last November, after absorbing all the data I'd been
getting from reactions to the Version
1 rules, I came up with a totally
different -- and generally better -- way of playing a game
using the same set of cards. We've been playing it that way ever
since, including during the tournament at Origins,
but at the end of the day I had to acknowledge that the play
value still wasn't quite good enough. Also, there were elements
to the original version which people missed. So I went back to
the drawing board... and the result is Version
3, a really nice new ruleset that takes the best of the first
2 versions and mixes them together with some new ideas to create
a truly delicious combination. If you've got a beta
edition, take it out and try it the new way!
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who's
helped me coax the fun factor out of this game over the years.
Obviously that starts with Kristin and Alison, and especially
includes Josh Drobina, Russell Grieshop, the Wunderland Toast
Society, the Mad Lab Rabbits and anyone else who played any version
and gave us their feedback (including a special shout-out to
Billy Brahma, who put a bug in my ear at Origins
about bringing back the stealing mechanism). Lastly, I'd like
to give an extra special thanks to Robin Vinopal. She's been
our full-time Director of Operations for a couple of months now
and she's been doing an incredible job of getting our slightly-too-casual
company running like a real business ought to run, which has
included setting up a lot of new weekly meetings. Last week she
suggested we start having official "Design & Development
Meetings" where we can focus on playtesting my new ideas,
and these new
rules for Just Desserts are a direct result of that. Moreover,
since this was Robin's first time playing any version of Just
Desserts, she had some excellent insights and once
again proved herself to be one of my most helpful playtesters.
Anyway, between these new rules and the great responses we've
been getting to our search for yummy dessert artwork, it looks
like the long wait for Just Desserts might not take too much
for reading, and have a great week! |
PS: No update next week... we'll be at GenCon! |
I feel sorry for Yogi Bear. Last
week at King's Dominion, I was struck by the fact that the
classic attraction I recall as "Yogi's Cave" had been
lamely rethemed as a generic "Treasure Cave." Why?
Everywhere around me I saw examples of booths and rides with
some sort of character or brand grafted onto the front, up to
and including the park itself, which now is officially known
by the awkward moniker of Paramount's King's Dominion. So why
was poor old Yogi kicked out of his cave? It can't be that they
lost the license... Boo Boo still has his ride right next door.
And it's not like some other newer more important character had
taken over, as has happened elsewhere in the park. No, the cave
was simply de-Yogized. The re-themeing was so clumsy as to leave
intact subtle gags that don't make much sense now, like the sign
that says "Bear Left." But then again, I guess that's
the point: instead of encouraging us to imagine that Yogi Bear
was around the left corner, the sign now tells us that the bear
has left the cave. But why? Where did Yogi go? |
I'm fondly remembering our family's favorite ice cream parlor,
long gone now: Weile's Creations. They had brightly-colored whipped
creams and amazing sundaes so big you needed a team to eat them,
with fun names like the Drip, the Empire State, the Tin Roof,
and the Brown Beauty. They'd top their desserts not just with
cherries but with small toys and such... I remember saving the
little flags that came sticking out of the top of a Washington
Monument. No Wikipedia page yet, but Joe H described
Weile's as "the greatest, most spectacular ice cream
parlor of all" (in the DC area, anyway), remembering that
they offered a sundae called the Lincoln Memorial, which cost
$30 at the time and was meant for a party of 50 people. I was
reminded of Weile's last weekend, when Dad told me a funny memory
he'd just heard from my sister Kathi... she described a time
when she was 3 or 4 years old (which means I was around 8) and
Dad used a spit-moistened hanky to clean the residue of one of
Weile's Creation's off of her face. When she complained about
it to me, I reportedly said "Well, you should learn to use
your napkin!" |
"Consumers might warm to the idea that anytime viewing
brings with it a tradeoff in the form of unavoidable commercial
viewing." -- Mike Shaw, ABC President of
Advertising Sales, seen quoted in an article on ABC's
efforts to disable the fast-forward button on DVRs |