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Playing my dij in a cafe, with about 10 other
drummers. I'm on the stage, pulling a tune and watching Gina,
who's in front of me, sitting on the edge of the stage and idly
shaking two red maracas.
howe (how) n. hollow;
- Rapa Nui :)
- Crazy, chopping down
all the trees to move stone heads...
Ooh, look! A new car!

Triumph of the Nerds
Even if
you lived through the microcomputer revolution, you'll learn
a few things from Bob Cringley's entertaining 3-part documentary
on the history of the home computer... and if you weren't around
back then (or just weren't paying attention) you'll find the
story of the early days of the Macintosh vs. Windows feud fascinating.
But since the history of computers changes as fast as computers
themselves, this show is as obsolete as a computer from 1996...
it portrays Apple as a fading star, but this was before Steve
Jobs returned, created the iMac, and revolutionized everything
yet again. (Oh, yeah, and then there's the internet...) But the
best material is timeless now, this being the history of the
early days, i.e. Part 1: "Impressing Their Friends".
It reminded me a lot of [more]
to President Bush

Life's So Rad
- "The rules are simple, fitting entirely on the back
of a single coaster. Like all good abstract strategy games, though,
the rules are deceptively short. The game's strategy is satisfyingly
deep and luck plays an acceptably minor roll in determining the
winner." -- Brad Weier, in a review
of Cosmic Coasters published in Pyramid Magazine


GTS, Vegas, and a Computer
in the Forest |
back from the GAMA Trade Show (GTS), and it was a total blast.
The GTS is an industry-only event, but unlike Toy Fair, which
is massive and broadly focused, this show is small and oriented
entirely around the adventure game industry. And while at Toy Fair we felt tiny and insignificant,
lost in the ocean of booths, at GTS we could tell that we are
rapidly becoming well known and highly regarded. It was a joy
to work the booth at this event, since we were so often praised
and complimented on our products by retailers who are delighted
by great sales. Even showing off the line to those who knew little
or nothing about our games was a joy this time around, since
our reputation is now preceding us in this community. We are
amazed at how often our corporate strategies or products came
up in discussions in the various panels and seminars. We were
amazed too at how often we were over-qualified for such seminars.
We went to a couple of sessions geared towards newer, small game
companies, only to find we're already putting their lessons into
practice. (We snuck out early, feeling like sophomores who'd
accidentally sat down in a freshman class...)
We also
deployed an extreme bit of marketing cleverness at this show,
something which attracted us a whole lot of attention, so much
so that I wouldn't be surprised if someone steals this idea next
year. You know how a lot of conventions will assign different
colored ribbons to different categories of attendees, so you
can tell someone's rank a glance? GAMA does that... we as Manufacturers
had red ribbons, which made us the natural enemies of all other
red ribbon wearers as we all stalked the light blue ribbon wearing
Retailers and the purple ribbon festooned Distributors. Being
sophomores, we know that this is how things work, and after some
clever investigative work by Kristin, we knew what ribbon style/colors
would be in use this year, and where we could get matching ones
made. And so, we made up our own ribbon: royal blue, with our
signpost logo in silver under the words "GONE LOONEY".
we added to the badges of everyone who sells our games, and it
was a joy watching our special blue ribbons spread like a virus
through the crowd of attendees over the course of the five day
event. It also provided an excellent feedback mechanism for verifying
that someone who sells our games is properly recorded in our
online roster of stores, a printed copy of which Kristin had
with her in the booth. The corrections, and in particular, the
additions, to this roster are overwhelming. (So is the stack
of orders we need to get caught up on filling...)
In other news from GTS, the Origins Awards nominations were
released, and I'm very pleased to say we're up for three! The
Icehouse set has been nominated for Best New Abstract Strategy
Game, Chrononauts got two nominations, one for Best Traditional
Card Game, and specifically for Alison in the category Best Graphic
Presentation of a Card Game. Soon everyone will have a chance
to vote, and I hope you'll agree that these games kick the competition's
was again held
in Las Vegas, and this year I managed to slip away from the convention
for a while to go see some of the sights on the strip. Actually,
all I really did was to walk briskly through half a dozen gigantic
casinos, but since each of these places is a self-contained world
of entertainment that seeks to hold your attention all night
or all week, even just walking around looking at stuff can take
up heaps of time. Some casinos are so heavily themed that I found
myself referring to them as pavilions, as if all of Las Vegas
were one big theme park or world's fair... which isn't a bad
comparison. I was particularly impressed with the indoor cities
at the New York New York and Venetian pavilions, and I finally
got to see a few of the famous attractions, like the pirate ship
battle at Treasure Island and the volcano at the Mirage. But
I left with a feeling of having just barely gotten started. At
least we managed to work in a roller coaster ride, namely, the
very exciting (and very expensive) Manhattan Express at NYNY.
After GAMA, Alison and I came directly home, but Kristin went
on to San Francisco for a few days, to attend to other business.
She was mainly going to visit Leslie; a year ago, Leslie helped
us write a business
plan, and Kristin was very keen to compare the past year's
numbers to the projections. (And things look good!) She also
wanted to tour the warehouse and shipping facilities of one of
the distribution companies to whom we're thinking about farming
out our order fulfillment work. (They look promising!) Along
the way she got to meet (and play games with) a few old and new
friends, including Leslie's mom, Leslie's husband Jeremy, and
Skyler, their tiny baby. (Skyler isn't yet home from the hospital;
he just hit 3 lbs but must stay in his high-tech preemie incubation
chamber until he gains 2 lbs more.) Of course, there were lots
of other people out there she wanted to visit, but there just
wasn't time and anyway it was a working trip for her... but hopefully
this spring all three of us can go out there, for a much more
social visit, perhaps structured around a series of scheduled
"play games with the Looneys" events...
I'm pleased to report that I'm writing this update on my new
computer setup... but if you've heard the rumor that I'm getting
one of those new Flower Power iMacs, that's not the new computer
I'm talking about. Actually, this is an old computer: a Macintosh
Classic, you know, the original little box with a tiny b&w
screen. By modern computing standards, it's like a Model T Ford;
it's only got a 20 Megabyte hard disk! But I remember when that
was really a lot, and when this computer was what Steve Jobs
called "insanely great", so it's a nostalgia kick just
to use now. Besides, primitive though it is, this machine is
exactly what I need for this job: a small writing computer. It
fits in a bookshelf!
Here's the thing: in the secret underground headquarters of
Looney Labs, I have a desk right next to Kristin's. But when
she's at her desk, making and taking phone calls, I have a hard
time concentrating on creative tasks like writing. This is one
reason I like working the night shift. But even my own computer
provides distractions... don't you stop whatever you're doing
when your email software chimes, just to see what new messages
came in? (And doesn't it suck when it's just spam? Worse yet,
spam in a language you can't read?) And of course, email messages
are always pointing me to websites where I then waste even more
To get away from the distractions and focus on my creativity,
I often retire to a little anteroom outside our bedroom upstairs,
which we call the Forest (named for a cloth wall hanging of trees
we embezzled from Dawn). Here the only noise is from one of those
mechanical surf/rain/cricket noise machines, and I can lounge
on throw pillows on the floor with my sketchbook, and draw and
ruminate and otherwise be creative. And now, I can also pull
down a keyboard and write! This old computer is still an insanely
great machine.
Have a great week!

I didn't gamble away a single cent in Vegas,
but as soon as I got home I found myself wishing I'd looked into
placing a highly specialized bet: I wonder what odds they're
giving on who'll win Survivor 2? I'm rooting for Amber. |

"It was an incredibly thrilling experience." -- Steve Jobs, "Triumph
of the Nerds", describing the satisfaction of simple
Basic or Fortran programming in the early days of the micro-computer
revolution |

"I have a friend who once told me that when
he was a little boy he lived in the north of our country, a desertic
zone. He said his father used to smoke a joint and take him and
his little brother out walking in the desert. His father, being
stoned, was in a similar condition of amusement walking in the
dunes and looking at the cactii as the kids. He remembers it
as the best quality time he ever spent with dad."
-- story accompanying one of the many emails I get in regards
to my Stoners
in the Haze piece (the vast majority of which, by the way,
are positive), in this case from someone in Chile named Javier
[I also recently played advice columnist
to a non-smoker in a rocky relationship with a daily stoner,
codenamed "Stoney" (they still broke up, but I think
the email exchanges we had helped her sort through their various
issues))] |