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I finish the very last chews of an eggplant sandwich.
I'm contemplating eating the decorative lettuce leaf and orange
slice as I watch a nearby young woman (long baggy shorts, dark
blue T-shirt, cute horn rimmed glasses, straight reddish brown
hair tied back). She's bending over and rummaging through a large
wicker basket of newspapers.
absquatulate (ab-skwaht'-yule-ate)
v.i. to leave suddenly; to decamp; also to squat

- Set Me Free (Emporte-Moi) :)
- Few films show how life
can be both sad and lovely.
They're all French, of course.

The Fifth Element
actual storyline is bogus (just another Battle Against Ultimate
Evil) but it's worth sitting through to see the vividly-realized
futuristic world of 250 years from now, in which said cornball
plotline is set. Think of it as being a cornball action film
from the Future, which you get to see now. The film has an interesting
structure, too, with each ten-minute segment having a different
tone, almost like the film was made in pieces by a series of
different directors. Plus, the music is great and the special
effects are amazing. So who needs a plot?
The Skeptic's Dictionary

- "a while ago my housemate showed me Fluxx. then i found
Aquarius. then my friend showed me Chrononauts. then i submitted
a nanofic to the competition. now i'm hooked! the girl scouts
got me addicted to Thin Mints, now you've gotten me addicted
to neato games. ack!" -- josh (Waltham,
MA), comments accompanying an order

Nerves = Pain |
big story around here continues to be Kristin's hand
injury. Just as she was beginning to recover, with her pain
much reduced and the use of her index finger regained, she went
back to the hospital and emerged in a worse state than ever.
Although her long term recovery depended on this second surgery,
it still felt like a setback, since she now has an even bigger
club for a hand and is experiencing much worse pain than she
ever has before (and that includes her migraines). When we realized
why, it was one of those revelations that seems obvious even
though it hadn't occurred to us. Of course it's going to hurt
more: The point of the surgery was to reconnect severed nerves,
and once completed, she's going to experience all the pain those
nerve circuits had previously been unable to transmit up to her
brain. So her hand hurts like the dickens, even after the big
bright pink pain pills they gave her. But it's starting to improve,
and the doctor was confident he'd successfully accomplished everything
he'd set out to do, so we're hopeful this recovery will be the
real deal. |
to say, this has been slowing us down, but we're trying to get
on with our work nonetheless. And at least now we finally have
some help! Our new intern Dave
is working out great so far; here we see him stamping and stickering
postcards with Alison. We're in the midst of mailing out just
under 3000 postcards to our mailing list, promoting our Origins
Awards nominations (and begging for votes). We've also been trying
to finish up some production requirements, including Fluxx Blanxx
(which unfortunately has fallen behind schedule) and some cool
new stuff we're making for the MLR WotC/GameKeeper Welcome
Brigade. Plus, the search for Fulfillment continues (Lauren
turned us on to a local company we're excited about now) and
we're ramping up for Origins as well as this weekend's Pop-Tart
Speaking of this weekend, there are Looney Labs gaming events
going on all over the country:
- Balticon (Baltimore,
MD): We'll be hosting our 5th Pop-Tart
Cafe at Balticon on Saturday and Sunday
- BayCon
(San Jose, CA): Eric Zuckerman's running the 3rd West Coast Icehouse
Tournament at BayCon on Sunday
- Dreamation
2001 (Meadowlands, NJ): The Double Exposure convention is running
Fluxx tournaments on Friday, Sunday, and Monday
- Marcon (Columbus, OH):
There'll be a Fluxx tournament on Friday
you can get to one of these cool events!
Have you cast your vote in the Origins
Awards yet?

Chrononauts won a Parents'
Choice award! It's a Silver Honor Winner! Woo-hoo! |
"The moral bankruptcy of the drug war was
highlighted again last week as US officials announced that the
Taliban rulers of Afghanistan would be receiving about $43 million
in anti-drug funds for forcing farmers to abandon opium crops
that had previously been tolerated. As columnist Robert Scheer
out in the Los Angeles Times, the Taliban has created one
of the world's most repressive governments. Women have been effectively
stripped of all rights in Afghanistan, and leaders have caused
other recent international uproars by destroying ancient Buddhist
statues and announcing that religious minorities will soon be
required to wear identification tags. But all this can be forgiven
by the Bush administration, because these totalitarians are allies
in the drug war." -- DrugSense Focus Alert
#210 May 23, 2001: "Taliban's
Tyranny No Problem For Anti-Drug Aid" |
- We receive Chrononauts from the card printer in a carton
designed to hold 48 decks; however, if you load them in a different
way (5x5 vs. 4x6) you can actually fit 50 in the box! I've seen
it happen once! So, it's like a contest: buy 48 copies of Chrononauts,
and you might win 2 extra decks free!