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"It looks like a cheese grater,"
says Gina, making an O shape with her fingers, "but just
the blade part."
Kory cracks another pecan and softly sings, "Cheese grater!"
pridian (prid'-ee-an) adj.
pertaining or belonging to the previous day.
- Bowling for Columbine :)
Poses this question:
Why don't more Americans
move to Canada?
Willy Wonka and the DVD Commentary Track
Listening to the grown-up Wonka kids reminisce about their
experiences with the movie was hilarious! I always love seeing
a classic again with added audio like this, but this one was
particularly enjoyable... I haven't enjoyed Willy
Wonka this much since I saw it in the theater as a kid!
Codex Seraphinianus:
Some Observations
Commom Dreams

K Chronicles


Announcing Fluxx 3.0! |
the past 3 months we've been secretly working on a major revision
of our #1 selling card game, and we've decided it's time to officially
announce the impending arrival of Fluxx Version 3.0!
Needless to say, we're really excited about this. As you might
expect, I've played a heck of a lot of games of Fluxx in the
past 5 years, and I've learned quite a lot since then about what
works well... and what doesn't. And while I still love a good
game of Fluxx, even after all these years, there are a number
of cards in the deck I've grown quite weary of. And what fun
is that? Fluxx is a game all about change, so it only follows
that it too should change.
Now then, I'm sure you have many questions, so let's take
them one at a time.
1.) What will be different? Roughly half of the cards
in the deck have changed in some way, but in many cases the revisions
are so minor that only a few people will notice them. Over 25%
of the cards have been radically changed or are completely different.
Here's a sampling of the new cards:
2.) Can you be more specific about what's changing? The
4 "Bonus" rules have been replaced with a trio of stronger
ones, called the Rich bonus, the Poor Bonus, and the No-Hand
Bonus. The 3 new rules which we made into promos for Origins
2002 (X=X+1, Double Agenda, and Reverse Order) have all been
added. Those annoying "hide a Keeper" rules are all
going away, and we're getting rid of 4 rather wimpy Actions and
putting in 7 better ones. We thinned the Keepers down a bit,
increased the number of Goals, and made sure no Keeper was useful
for only 1 thing. The 5 Keepers being dropped are the Eye, the
Pyramid, Coffee, Donuts, and Taxes, but in their place we're
adding 2 totally new ones: Sleep and Dreams. Changing
the Keeper mix required us to drop a number of Goals that no
longer made sense, but of course others were needed for the new
Keepers. A couple of Goals also got renamed. Other minor changes
included replacing the artwork for War (as I described a
few weeks ago) and for Chocolate (since we've learned that
a certain powerful Chocolate Corporation has strong attitudes
about their trademark on a little slip of paper sticking out
of a piece of candy). Final Card Random has been changed to First
Play Random (it works better), the blank card has been eliminated
(it's obsolete), and the rules insert will be larger (featuring
the cartoon shown here). The tuckbox will be the same size, but
it will look a bit different; the 6-pack display carton will
change only slightly. To sum up: it's way better than before.
3.) Will it be compatible with the old version? Yes.
The cardsize is not changing, and the backs will be identical.
Your Fluxx Blanxx
creations will still work, and you can even take cards you miss
from your 2nd edition deck and add them into version 3.0.
4.) When will it be available? Everything is now in
the hands of our card printers, Carta Mundi. Unfortunately, they
are running a few weeks behind schedule, so it's going to be
very tight... but it still looks like they will have the new
decks finished in time for us to get them into your local game
store just before Christmas. Our friends at Carta Mundi have
promised they can ship directly to our distributors on December
9th, so please keep your toes crossed for us on this. (Although
we often try to give our stores a boost by delaying website sales
on a new release for awhile, with the holidays so close we obviously
can't do that this time - we plan to begin taking pre-orders
starting on November 28th.)
5.) How much will it cost? Our accountant Mayo has
been begging us to raise our prices, and we've decided to take
his advice. The new edition will cost $12. Sorry. Think of it
this way: If you recently bought version 2.1, you got a $2 discount.

Have you played any games today?

We announced weeks ago that Fluxx would be available
in selected Border's Books,
and yet it still is not. Unfortunately, they've been stuck in
a warehouse in California all this time, waiting for some sort
of bureaucratic logjam to clear up. We're told it's been resolved,
but that it will still take a week or two for the stores to get
their decks. Sigh. |
"Please explain to me exactly what the difference
is between the Democrats and the Republicans."
-- something my mother says I asked her some twenty years ago,
as a teenager struggling to understand our complex political
system (it's a question that still puzzles me) |
"Fluxx is a cool little card
game made by Looney Labs, a small indie game maker who are just
adorable. Fluxx is good for long plane trips and long waits in
airport lobbies." -- stuffilike
@ megan.scatterbrain.org |