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'She stared anew at the structure.
"Hard to believe anybody actually could live inside there."
"It's not as bad as you think," he replied.'
- from And the Devil will Drag You Under, by Jack L. Chalker
wapper jaw (wahp'-ur-jaw) n.
a misshapen or projecting underjaw.
- Dog Park :|
Made for TV from
a series of one-liners.
Decent soundtrack, though.
The Twilight Zone
Long ago, I declared that the Zone was my all-time favorite
TV show, and on the whole, I'd still say that's true. So you'll
be happy to know that the new incarnation on UPN meets with my
approval. The shows have all felt quite authentically "zoney"
so far (except for being in color), and while there have definitely
been a few klunkers, most of the episodes I've seen have ranged
from pretty good to Really Far Out. And although he's no Rod
Serling, I even like the new host!
The Free State

Small Stories


We're Getting THIS Close! |
projects that have been years in the making are coming together
this week. First, I'm happy to report that SuperFRED is now officially
in pre-launch mode and should be open to the public in just one
week! Secondly, Fluxx 3.0 is being
printed even as I write this... the fronts were printed on Tuesday,
the backs on Wednesday, and today they printed the boxes. And
thirdly, our holiday gift for this year (which of course is a
secret) is well underway and will soon be going to the printers!
All of this is happening a good deal closer to the deadline than
we'd hoped for, but at least it's all getting done before Thanksgiving!
Those of you on the Rabbit or Debug mailing
lists already know about the SuperFRED soft-launch, and have
already gotten into the system and found lots of little things
in need of tweaking, and Liam has been madly hopping about, fixing
little problems as they are reported. But if this is the first
you've heard of it and you'd like to help us with our final week
of testing, you still can. Just contact us and we'll tell you the password you currently need to access the new site.
In an effort to get SuperFRED's databanks populated with lots
of rabbit info before we open to the general public, Kristin
has announced that on Thanksgiving Day, when the site opens to
the public, we will give 10 rabbit points to all rabbits who
have their picture and a bio about themselves up and running
in the system. (This bonus will go down to 2 points after opening
Once you have a few rabbit points in your account, you'll
be able to use them to buy exclusive Neat Stuff we offer only
in our special online store for rabbits called The Dangling Carrot.
Among the fun and wacky stuff you'll find there will be these
cool rabbit pens, which just arrived today!

Have you played any games today?

"On an increasingly global basis,
corrupt government officials are giving away power to large corporations
for their own personal gain. Human rights, the environment, public
health, the economy, and democracy are all at risk." -- Maco Collins (aka the Practical Hippie), "Beyond
Protesting: The Ascending 'Anti-Globalization' Movement" |
"The way to deprive terrorists and other
criminal gangs of sustenance is to legalize and regulate the
drugs we have tried to eliminate. Instead, we keep pouring law
enforcement dollars into efforts that won't put an end to drug
use but will assure profits to traffickers, including people
who are trying to kill us. The drug war supports terrible
things. When our leaders persist in it, they do too." -- Steve Chapman, "The
War On Drugs vs. The War On Terrorism", the Chicago
Tribune, Nov 10, 2002 |
I enjoyed seeing what Googlism.com
"knows" about me. Just now I got the following list:
- andrew looney is going to be
- andrew looney is many things
- andrew looney is a genius
- andrew looney is nearly legendary
- andrew looney is buried next to him
- andy looney is talking to me on the phone
"A friend of mine brought Fluxx
to a party we played for HOURS. I am HOOKED! Shame on you for
creating such a great game." -- Larry G.
of Shelbyville IN, via email |