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- quincunx (kwink-unks) n.
an arrangement of five things with one at each corner, and one
in the middle of a square or rectangle. [from Latin quincunx
five twelfths.]
Raising Victor Vargas :)
An uneasy film
(almost documentary)
of adolescence.
Rotating Snakes

As If!
"By-the-way, thank-you, THANK-you, THANK-YOU, for the
copies of your games. I've been by Lori's house a few times since
the con, one night we sat and played the Aquarius game for about
5 hours straight. When it finally hit 2am we decided to call
it quits. We have, in small groups, been playing everything.
Thank-you for allowing us to demo your games. (I think Aquarius
will soon catch Fluxx as a favourite pick up game.)" -- Joseph of Game Base 7

A Visit From Ali |
is Ali
Summers, our new Sales Guru! She lives in California, but
this week she's living at Wunderland.Earth, starting to dig in
with Kristin to figure out how she can help us upgrade our Sales
Department. Ali has oodles of experience in the game industry
-- in fact, years ago she worked for several of our distributors,
so she already has experience selling our games! She now works
as an independent Sales consultant, doing business under the
name Completely Fearless Marketing.
Anyway, she's just arrived, so there ain't much else to say
just now. She and Kristin have been working non stop since she
arrived - it reminds me of that
time years ago when Leslie came to live with us for a few
weeks. Here we see her getting her first introduction to SuperFRED
the night she arrived... they are quickly becoming good friends.
Well, that's about all I have to report. It's been kind of
a "catching-up and getting-ready for what's next" kind
of week. But as usual, we've got lots of cool new stuff brewing,
so don't forget to come back next week! (Hopefully I'll finally
have the Official Guide to Looney Labs Promo Cards finished by

Have a great week!