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- Rabelaisian
(rabb'-uh-lay'-zhun) adj. 1: of, relating to,
or characteristic of Rabelais, or his works. 2: marked by gross,
robust humor, extravagance of caricature, or bold naturalism.
Spirited Away :|
Kind of like some dreams:
weird scenes, sketchy dialog,
and a childish plot.
112 Gripes about
the French, circa 1945

Antihero for Hire
"I would like to take this opportunity and tell you how
much we enjoy the Fluxx game. It's the most popular gift to give
my friends & Family, I gave a way 7 already and I'm waiting
for this shipment for my angry waiting list (8). As I live in
Israel I had to translate the game to Hebrew and use stickers
for the children who don't know English yet and didn't like the
fact that they are left out. It's a big big hit here ... even
in Hebrew." -- comments accompanying an
order from Liza of Israel

Back from the Inter-Galactic
Space-Port |
we're back from Dragon*Con (or the Inter-Galactic
Space-Port, as I like to call it) and we had an absolutely
marvelous time. (We're still recovering from the trip, hence
the lateness of this update...)
As you can see from these photos, Dragon*Con is held in a
vast and visually stunning City of the Future, the streets of
which are patrolled (at least for a few minutes on Saturday morning)
by legions of storm-troopers and other fictional fighting forces.
We got a booth in the Exhibit Hall as usual, and business
was great thanks to all the great demo work our Dragon*Con rabbits
did for us. Thanks Y'All! And thanks especially to Russell
Grieshop (our new Rabbit
Coordinator) for all the fine organizing work he did. Check out
the Rabbit
Recap for lots of details and several photos!

Have a great week!
At Dragon*Con, I gave a Chrononauts
deck to actor Tom Wilson (who played Biff in the Back to the
Future movies) and got his autograph on a Sports Almanac card!
(The plot of the second film centers around Biff
giving a younger version of himself a Sports Almanac from the
Future...) |
"With the Mission Launch, the group agrees
on an official Mission Launch Time and then everyone works together
to achieve the objective. E.g. the Launch Coordinator says, 'we
have all agreed on a Mission Launch at 5:15, which is in 20 minutes.
At 5:15 we will leave for the movie. Anyone who is not out the
door at 5:15 has decided not to go.' The Mission Launch model
is extremely effective when brandished unmercifully. All 'mission
specialists' know that the launch time is serious, and therefore
they all work together to achieve a perfect launch. Group stagnation
disappears." -- John Cooper, in the GinohnNews,
August 27, 2003 |
"The EPA has just admitted that
they lied for all this time.... My friend Dan Collins, whose
office is on Broadway, only yards up from the site, said he has
not taken a good breath for two years. 'They tell me it's good
and I know it's bad,' he said. This lying with the lives of the
people of the nation is not solely the habit of Bush and his
crew, although it is more widespread and being done in so many
cases by so many of their people that it looks like a generation
of liars. This war with Iraq started with the full government
standing right up and looking you in the eye and openly lying
about why we had to invade Iraq immediately. Bush said the Iraqis
had weapons of mass destruction. Why, they were starting to make
nuclear bombs. He had a statement about this in his State of
the Union speech. When it was shown to be a lie, Bush had people
like Condoleezza Rice say, Why are you so worried about 26 words
in a speech? That the 26 words were about nuclear weapons seemed
beyond her. Out in the streets, you can scare people with only
three words: 'Stick 'em up.' I sit here in New York and I don't
believe one single solitary word of what the government says." -- Jimmy Breslin, The
Air Is Thick With Lies |