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- vigorish (vig'-er-ish) n.
1: charge taken (as by a bookie or gambling house) on bets, also
the degree of such a charge ("a vigorish of 3%). 2: interest
paid to a moneylender. [probably from Yiddish, from Russian vygrysh
"winings, profit".] also shortened to just vig.
The Incredibles %}
More believable,
funny, and exciting than
any James Bond flick.
Australia Log
"I think the idea of making experiment kits and having
people do mini and little experiments during National
Game Week is a great idea. I've been toying with the idea
of doing a demo of some sort for a while, but haven't really
been able to figure out how or when to do it. Now that there
are specific instructions and tools for running experiments,
I feel a lot more comfortable doing a demo, since I don't have
to worry about how to run it or what sorts of prizes to give.
Thanks to all you Looneys (and other assorted folks) for putting
all of this together, as well as creating some wonderful games." -- Brian
Campbell, on the Rabbits mailing list this week

Get your Experiment Kit
orders in by Monday to receive them in time for National Games
Week! (after Monday express shipping is recommended)
It was a Wonderful Birthday |
had a really nice birthday this year. On Friday I turned 41,
and I couldn't be happier about the way my life is going right
now, so I'm feeling great. From a gift standpoint, this year's
birthday was nothing compared to the amazing birthday of 1990,
when Kristin conspired with my friends to present me with over
500 individually-wrapped gifts. (Some of those gifts were literally
pennies and junk, but most were at least useful and they were
all individually gift-wrapped!) On the other hand, this year
was way better than 1996, when I woke up on my birthday in some
of the worst pain I've ever had, having somehow injured my C-7
neckbone, the back pain from which took months to heal, and I
hated turning 30, since I wasn't at all happy with where my career
was headed in November 1993, which was just before I left NASA
and joined Magnet
Interactive Studios. But my life at 41 is just what I want
it to be, and I've been having a great time celebrating it. (Sorry
said celebrations have made the site so late this week!)
I got a variety of nice gifts this year, including the cool
new tiki hawaiian
shirt you can sort of see in this photo, but my favorite thing
is the object I'm shown holding, a Tibetan Singing Bowl, given
to me by Alison &
I've been entranced with these ever since discovering how cool
they are when playing with Marlene's at her cabin last
month, and I'm really happy to have my own. It's a really
nice one too... Alison went to the House
of Musical Traditions (it's THE place to go in DC if you're
looking for unusual and exotic musical instruments and noise-makers)
and tested out all of the ten or so they had, choosing for me
the very best one.
It's really a wondrous object... you rub a stick around the
outside of the rim to bring out its bell-like tone, kind of the
way people make wine glasses hum at weddings. These bowls are
made out of some mysterious 12-metal alloy, hammered out untold
years ago in mountains on the other side of the world, and when
you hold one in your hands and feel it vibrate as it sings, it
is wondrous to imagine the journeys this bowl has taken, and
will continue to make when I'm gone.
Another really nice gift was a big Looney family gathering
in my honor. (There are times when I choose to cast off the photographer's
hat, to fully enjoy the moment without fussing over attempting
to take photos of it, and such was the case on this occasion.
But Jeff was taking pictures, so perhaps someday I'll add something
to this part of this page, where there clearly ought to be a
It was great to see Mom & Dad again, and Howard and Jeff
& Judy, but most of all it was fun seeing the kids. Since
I decided long ago (with Kristin's encouragement) to surgically
opt out of parenthood, I particularly cherish my nephews and
nieces, and especially enjoy getting to see them. I expect these
kids are the closest I'll ever come to having children of my
own, and I'm officially partial to Sharon, since I am her Godfather.
My nephew Eric was selling coupon books for his school, and remembering
how much I hated selling stuff like that when I was his age,
I was an easy sale. As for the twins, James & Sharon, they
had wonderful crayon-based creations to share with me. They're
7 years old at this time, and they're currently the only kids
actively play-testing Fluxx Jr (I gave them a prototype on Sharon's Day) and the game has inspired
them. Sharon made me a birthday card based on her suggestion
for a Keeper (called the Book), and James is inventing a complete
new card game of his own, featuring a stack of cards (slips of
paper of non-uniform size and shape with artwork done in full-color
crayon) that dealt with gods of good and evil with magic swords
and power crystals. He gave me one of the cards from his deck,
a "god of light" card, with a 1000 point strength value.
(Hey, it's a thousand points of light!) As he taught me the rules,
such as they were, he said "On your turn, you draw one and
play one, just like in Fluxx Jr." He also announced that
he'd decided to publish it! If only it were that easy...
thanks again for dinner, Dad! There have been other splendid
feasts and parties this week, including the traditional consumption
of my all-time favorite food, a chocolate
angel food cake, which I shared with 14 of my best friends,
and only got a few bites of. (Click on the photo of the cake
for a clip!)
Plus I also got a nice wad of birthday money to spend on whatever
I want, and since money continues to be tight for us as we keep
pouring everything we can into the funding of Looney
Labs, this is a special pleasure. All in all, it was a great
So, even though I'm over 40, I couldn't be happier with my
life at this time. I wish I could somehow preserve this moment,
this instant in my life, like a save point in a computer game,
so that if things go down the toilet later, I could restore from
this point and try to make things go differently next time around.
One of the elements I find fascinating about the
Kennedy assassination is the moment just before change, just
before the limo made that fateful left hand turn at the Book
Depository Building. Just then, JFK's life was a picture of perfection:
there he was, President of the United States, riding through
a street crowded with cheering fans, on a beautiful day with
his lovely wife at his side... if Life were a videogame, that
would be the perfect point for JFK to restore his saved game,
telling the driver to turn right a block early. If only it were
that easy...
Obviously, I have no "save game" crystal to preserve
the way my life is here in November of 2004... but I do have
cameras. Since our lives are about to radically change (having
recently decided to move away)
I'm doing what I can to capture this pre-linchpin time in our
lives. I've taken almost a thousand photos in and around our
house, and I've also been using a video camera (on long-term
loan from Kristin's parents... thanks again, Marv!) to make a
series of what I call video snapshots, photos that move, if you
know what I mean. They make great Neutral
Television, and in future years these little films will remind
us of this happy time in our happy home. And when I'm done documenting
the place, we'll start dismantling it. In some rooms, the process
of packing has already begun!
you planning an Experiment
for National
Games Week?
I have an extra experiment
I'm planning to run for myself during National
Game Week: that's when I intend to try out the 6 games in
the 2nd
Ice Games Competition (the voting deadline is December 3.)
But I'm not suggesting that rabbits play these games at Little
or Mini-Experiments, since these games aren't yet proven winners....
testing out new pyramid games is better done at private gaming
parties. |
"People ask if I miss it, but they don't
understand that American culture is so ubiquitous that there's
nothing to miss. I don't see myself moving back. It's not that
I hate the United States. I just always thought it would be a
shame not to live in a foreign country. Plus I like being a foreigner.
It keeps me on my toes." -- David Sedaris,
who lives in London, answering an interview question, "Will
You Ever Move Back To The U.S.?" |
"As a psychologist who studies drug abuse,
I worried about these ads from the beginning. The 'facts'
in them are exaggerated and out of context. Their single-minded
emphasis on marijuana, rather than far more addictive and lethal
substances such as cocaine and methamphetamine, makes little
sense. Now, scientific data -- from the very surveys that Congress
set up as yardsticks to measure the success of the drug control
policy office -- tell us that these ads have boomeranged." -- Mitch Earleywine, "Anti-Pot
Ads Have Backfired" |