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hidrosis (hi-drose'-iss) n.
excretion of sweat; perspiration. adj. hidrotic
[from New Latin, from Greek hidroun "to sweat,"
from hidros "sweat."]

Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
Two friends travel through
Cartoon Land in a quest for
girls, pot, and burgers.
The Turnpike

The HB Comic-Blog
This week's donation goes to:
10th Anniversary Fundraising Gala
"I'd have to second all this, Fluxx is the game I play
more than anything, its always in my pocket and it only takes
a couple of minutes to teach a new player, Zendo has to be the
best game a geek could ask for. Problem solving to the max. And
then once you've got a set of Icehouse pieces there's a huge
amount of fantastic games that you can play, my personal favourite
is Volcano which has a chess like strategy to it." -- SilentDunk at Slashdot, in a discussion of "Fun
Tabletop Games"
Icehouse Artifacts and 100
Boxes |
into high-gear on Phase 2 of the
Packing project... this week, I packed 35 more boxes, bringing
me to the 100th box. Whoo-hoo! Progress is being made. Most of
this week's boxes were filled with our extensive collection of
board and card games, numbering close to 400 different games
total. Of course, that's not even all of the games in our house,
but it does leave a huge empty space on the once-overflowing
shelves of the game room. I think the sight will be something
of a shock to our gaming group when they arrive tonight. I did
keep out a small pile of the groups most commonly played games...
As I pull stuff out of the attic, deciding what to put into
deep storage and what to just get rid of, I've found a few old
items of interest to fans of Icehouse:
First, I unearthed several of the first 100 Icehouse sets,
the ones with hand-poured (and fragile) solid plastic pieces
in a stark, black, signed & numbered box. I'm putting set
#45 up on eBay this week.
Second, I found a box filled with leftover stash pads (really
nice black vinyl ones Kristin had made to include in the Xyloid
edition of Icehouse) and another box filled with Sample
Games (nicely formatted quarter-page sized booklets which
we made at some point to help people understand how this peculiar
game of ours was played). The numbers of each worked out surprisingly
well, allowing us to build 275 Icehouse "Stash Packs."
Along with a Sample Game and 4 stash pads, these packets also
include one of those cool round black "Icehouse" stickers.
Fans of the original game will want to get one of these while
they last, because there'll never be any more!
Third and similarly, I also found a box containing the last
of the black cloth Icehouse bags we made in 1993, as packaging
for the Xyloid
edition of Icehouse. Again, get 'em while they last. because
there are only 85 left!
for Playing Our
Games! |
Rodeffer (world's #1's Proton
fan) sent us something really cool this week: a Protonic Rubik's
Cube! That's right, it's a Rubik's Cube covered with Proton panels,
thus turning the Cube into a 2-person game! Wow, way cool! I
can't wait to try it! |
Wow, my game StarRunners
came in dead last in the 3rd
Ice Games Design Contest! Well! Gee, I didn't think it was
that bad... it just goes to show you how good the other ten games
were! And I'm not sad... how could I feel anything but excitement
at all the great new games being invented for my pyramids? Anyway,
congrats to David J. Bush for Hextris! |
"How about a refreshing change of pace?
Come to the Quiet Party. No loud music, no yelling, no
cell phones and one designated area where there is no talking
AT ALL!! Maybe you'll even find love through silent dating! The
Quiet Party is a totally unique experience. Inside the
silent room we provide paper & pencils. Pass notes
around - be mischievous, have a little fun, meet some new people!
see ya there....shshshshshsh!!!!" -- The Quiet Party homepage |
