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- The Minnowtaur
(sin'-krun-iss'-it-tee) n. 1. the relation that exists
when events occur at the same time; simultaneity; synchronism.
2. coincidence of events that seem to be meaningfully related,
conceived in Jungian theory as an explanatory principle on the
level of causality; used especially for psychic events that are
not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality. [from Greek syn- "same" + khronos

Family Guy Presents Stewie Griffin: The
Untold Story :)
A lengthy title
for a lengthy episode,
but lengthy laughs, too.
Scholars for 9/11 Truth
"Sometimes the game lasts only a couple
of minutes; sometimes it takes half an hour. It's fun the whole
time. The only danger is that because games are so fast-moving
and take so little time, you'll keeps saying, 'Let's start another
one.' Not so good on school nights, as we discovered."
-- famous sci-fi author Orson
Scott Card reviewing Family Fluxx
Farewell Kory! |

years ago, this guy from California named Kory
sent us email, telling us how impressed he was with what we were
doing, in particular with Aquarius
and the Icehouse
system, and that he was so inspired by us that:
- He'd invented a new game that combined Icehouse & Aquarius,
called Pantopia
- He'd programmed a version of Aquarius in Java called Javaquarius
(which is available now here at Wunderland.com), and
- He was thinking of moving out to our fine city and becoming
a part of our little community.
And that's exactly what he did. These past six years, Kory
has been living in a little apartment in Greenbelt, right up
the street from Ginohn
and many of our other friends... but as of yesterday, that's
history. Kory's east coast adventure has ended.... he's gone
back to California.
We're really gonna miss having Kory around... he's a cool
guy and he added some excellent energy and ideas to our group.
More than that -- he invented some really great games! While
he was here, he invented one of the most popular Icehouse games,
which we actually published, and Why
Did the Chicken?, which our friend Jake
started a company in order to publish, not to mention various
interesting prototypes of games which may yet be publish somewhere
someday. My personal favorite of all Kory's games is RAMbots,
a programming game played with an Icehouse set, and I'm still
fond of Zagami,
an Icehouse game he and John came up with.
Kory also provided invaluable insight and ideas for other
games we've cooked up here during these past 6 years. He helped
us with playtesting lots of times and always had good suggestions
to try. Kory was one of the "Gnostica
Four" who spent a year tinkering rules for Zarcana
into a new game called Gnostica,
and Kory's influence was felt on Volcano,
Coasters, Chrononauts,
and Homeworlds,
among others.
Towards the end of his time here, Kory -- along with many
of us -- got really into Texas Hold'em
and many (if not most) of the 81 cash games of Hold'em I've played
since Dec '04 have been with him. And while my game has been
improving, his is even better... he's talking about maybe becoming
a professional poker player...
Why's Kory moving? It all comes down to money. He's been offered
a pretty sweet rent-free living space out there, and that just
can't compete with the rent he'd been paying on his Greenbelt
apartment. So, he's gone, and we're sure gonna miss him.
But hey, maybe someday he'll win the World Series of Poker
and he'll decide to move back here. But by then of course, we'll
have finally completed our gradual move to Hamilton...
It's interesting to note that Kory moves like I
design games, and he
designs games the way I move. I've created many of my best
games in very short order, overnight in some cases, in days or
weeks in others. On the other hand, Kory designs games very slowly,
like a slow methodical craftsman, tinkering away in his workshop
for months or years before finishing something (an analogy Kory
once used to describe himself, as I recall, describing me, by
comparison, as a "bolt-from-the-blue" style inventor).
As for moving, we announced our intention to
move over a year ago, and though I've packed 265 boxes and
taken many preparatory steps, we're still a long way from being
ready to move. Kory on the other hand decided just a few weeks
ago to move back to the west coast, and now he's already gone.
Good luck dude! Keep in touch!
there's been lots of other stuff going on. Over the weekend we
found time to meet up with my brother and his family at Mt. Vernon.
and I hadn't been to George Washington's house since we were
kids, and Kristin
had never made the pilgrimage during all her years living here,
so we decided to tag along when we heard Jeff was introducing
his kids to George's place this weekend.
We had a lovely time... it's really cool to walk the halls
of the Washingtons' house, imagining the busy "hotel-lobby"
feel the front room apparently had sometimes, with various famous
people coming to visit for a few days at a time. My favorite
spot? The Front Parlor, with tables arrayed with cards and chess
pieces. Oh, to be a time traveler, and drop in for a few hands
of something in THAT game room!
The photo shown here is of my niece and nephew petting a couple
of sheep they found on George Washington's farm. The various
animals proved to be the biggest attraction, at least for Sharon,
much to Jeff's dismay. "I've been telling people at work,"
he told me, "that what we really need, to bring the crowds
to Monticello, are some cute animals. And here's the proof!"
As if to further drive home this point, I find that the most
interesting photo I took that day was of the kids with the animals...
But there's plenty of other neat things to see down at George
Washington's place... check it out someday when you're around!
Thanks for reading, and Don't Forget to Play! |
"So my mind sort of drifts, and I start thinking about
how indefinably cool these little colored pyramids are, and about
how infinitely more colorful and artistic they are than a boring
old chess set, and how *right* the design is, of three sizes
and five of each size and everything, and I start thinking about
the mind-bogglingly huge number of imaginable games that could
be invented with these pieces, and dammit, isn't it about time
*I* invented one?" -- Kory
Heath, from an email to us, August 14, 1999 |
"2006-01-27 at 03:37pm (kristin) spoke with Bill about
assembling Treehouse.
He doesn't even want to bid on the job, there is no way we can
afford for him to do it... after factoring in good salaries and
vacation and health insurance - he charges $35 per hour for his
assembly folks time - and counting out these pyramids and putting
on these little stickers would take LOTS of time. He told me
point blank that the right business decision for me would be
to just get the product made in China. Wow."
-- internal call notes which have triggered a re-evaluation of
commitment to domestic pyramid production (we're still refusing
to go to China,
but we're now seriously considering Canada or Mexico...) |
"It's a very slim mandate, and the party that is holding
power is holding it by a thread. If you have a party system divided
into four, one party can take power with a proportion of the
vote in the 30's percent range. That doesn't mean the country
is moving right." -- Pierre Martin, a political
scientist at the University of Montreal, seen quoted in "Canada's
Shift: To the Right, Gently" |